likely to see "arcade" edition ps3?


Senior member
Feb 5, 2005
Really tempted to buy a 360 arcade right now for $150, I am not a big console gamer but for that price I would be getting my money's worth.

Overall I think the PS3 is more suitable for my gaming style, but will never plunk down $300 for any console, I just won't make good use of it.

$150 or maybe even $200 "arcade" ps3 would be awsome are we likely to see one anytime in the forseeable future?


Sep 5, 2004
I've heard rumors that when the new 360 Arcade drops they're going to cut the price on the cheaper PS3 Slim, but it's only rumor at the moment.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Maybe in 1-2 years after another die shrink on the CPU / GPU, blu-ray reader prices drop more, and flash RAM prices drop some more (for a cheap slow solid state drive).


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2001
I doubt you'd see an arcade version of the ps3 mostly due to the fact that MS has a huge markup on the HDD whereas you can swap a ps3 HDD with a standard drive. The only other things they could drop would be wifi and maybe hdmi. I think more likely would be a price drop on the 120GB PS3 but I'd imagine it won't be $150.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2007
Some games for PS3 require at least partial installation so I don't think it will be happening.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
They will never release a PS3 without either a hard drive or a Blu Ray drive. Never. Way too many games will not work for either to happen.

There have been "rumors" of its price coming down every day since it has been released; in other words don't count on it happening soon as you make your decision. If the price is too high then you have your answer. The PS2 is still $100, so a $150 PS3 is probably 5-7 years away.
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Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Yeah, the HD is for far more than simple installation. Games like Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 look fantastic and have almost no in-game load times in part because they efficiently stream data from the Blu Ray disc in-synch with the hard drive. No installation is needed.
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Dec 4, 2004
The PS3 costs more because you get more. If you don't already have a blu-ray player, then you will get your money's worth buying the PS3.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Yeah, but if he isn't into Blu-Ray then that might not be worth it to him.

One other thing I should point out to the OP is that you have to factor in the $50 every year you pay Microsoft for the privilege to play games online. If that's not a deterrent and upfront costs are most important to you then by all means get an X360 Arcade.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
the newer arcade design is already released. the ps3 slim isn't going to see a price cut at least until possibly when their wii like "move" launches.

TGS is in september right in line with the move launch.

But sony reported just barely turned a profit on the ps3. slashing prices isn't exactly something they like to do.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
It's fair to agree that everyone agrees there won't be PS3 price cuts or an "arcade" version anytime soon.

With that in mind, I suggest taking a step back and looking at why you want one.

What makes you want to buy a 360? A PS3? Whim purchase? Specific games? Or do you just "want a console?"

Points to consider -

Doubles as a Blueray player. Free online gameplay. Can share downloaded games, or at least "split" the cost. Better graphics on games available on both platforms. (e.g. FFX13) Blueray discs don't really ever scratch from what I'm told, so if you buy used games, they're almost always in good condition.

More expensive games (in general, for crossplatform games. However, the games do have a much higher resell value than compared to 360 games). Poor netcode for online play. I'm told there are less SSF players on PS3 than xbox, but I don't have a PS3. Either way, there may be differences in the community of players as well as the skill level and number of players in specific games that are available on both platforms.

Xbox +
All downloadable games have demos!!!! I love this aspect and didn't know about it until after I bought my xbox! :D Controllers and joysticks can be used easily with windows. Can be used to stream media like movies/music to your TV. Games are cheaper in general.

disclaimer: I have an xbox and do not have a PS3.

Really tempted to buy a 360 arcade right now for $150, I am not a big console gamer but for that price I would be getting my money's worth.

Overall I think the PS3 is more suitable for my gaming style, but will never plunk down $300 for any console, I just won't make good use of it.

$150 or maybe even $200 "arcade" ps3 would be awsome are we likely to see one anytime in the forseeable future?


Senior member
Feb 5, 2005
Thanks for all the input, I guess I would just like to experience console gaming, and $150 is great for someone who won't invest to much time or money into it.

Basically I don't want to play any third or first person shooters and games already on the PC.

Here are some games I want to play:
Darksiders (coming to PC)
Dead Rising 3 (coming to PC?)
Shadow Complex
God of War
Ridge Racer
Mad Nation Racers
Ninja Gaiden
Any action rpgs, or top down/side scrolling shooters.

I don't care about blu-ray since we do HD media streaming, I may consider using live but I can live without it.

What do you guys think?
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Dec 4, 2004
Project Gotham Racing is stupid, and I think God of War is PS3 only? Someone else pointed out a good point too, PS3 is free online so that will save you money in the long run. Although you do have the option of doing PSN+ which sometimes means from games.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
If you want Netflix streaming that's free on PS3 but requires Live Gold on 360. (Both also require that you pay for Netflix itself.)


Apr 8, 2001
the key as discussed is while the upfront for some things may be cheaper with M$, they will surely catch up in the end and exceed the ps3 with there higher accessory and related cost.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Thanks for all the input, I guess I would just like to experience console gaming, and $150 is great for someone who won't invest to much time or money into it.

Basically I don't want to play any third or first person shooters and games already on the PC.

Here are some games I want to play:
Darksiders (coming to PC)
Dead Rising 3 (coming to PC?)
Shadow Complex
God of War
Ridge Racer
Mad Nation Racers
Project Gotham Racing
Ninja Gaiden
Any action rpgs, or top down/side scrolling shooters.

I don't care about blu-ray since we do HD media streaming, I may consider using live but I can live without it.

What do you guys think?

A couple of things since you provide more info. Blu-Ray is widely accepted as being superior to HD streaming for movies. Not only is the video 1080P instead of the frequently streamed 720P, it is often video stored with FAR less compression than streams, so better quality is there.

Even more noticeable however is the uncompressed HD audio that you can not get with streams. Any decent movie with action audio or quality music is significantly better uncompressed than anything offered with streaming. You need to be connected via HDMI for this however. Lastly, it's a longshot to mention this but 3D Blu ray movies are coming via a free patch to the PS3 this year. I doubt you have the required 3D set for it (I don't either), but I'll mention it if that was something you would look into down the road.

Back to the games. If you say you are solid on your PC for certain titles, then you really need to get the PS3 as your console. I recommended the X360 above, but didn't know you game'd on your PC.

There are a lot more titles shared in common on the 360 and PC than with the PS3 and PC. Plus the PS3 has almost 150 console exclusive titles already released (Blu-ray and PSN), with more on the way. You would likely have the best mix of options with the PS3/PC combo.

Also, besides the $50 a year XBL Gold subscription you'll need inn order to play those online titles you listed, you look as if you'll need a hard drive if you dload X360 games online (Deathspank (it's on PS3 too), Shadow Complex, etc.). That'll cost a grip since you can't buy off the shelf hard drives for the Arcade X360 like you can for the PS3. Either that or you just bite the bullet and get the expensive X360 with a hard drive built in, which is what you wanted to avoid to begin with.

You can see the obvious - the Arcade 360's price looks cheap, but it's because they've gutted out hardware and online options many gamers end up buying separately. Ultimately the costs are close to the same for both fully featured consoles, except one doesn't play Blu ray movies and the other doesn't come with a mic or $5 HDMI cable.
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Senior member
Feb 5, 2005
So I can't play Shadow Complex or Deathspank on an arcade 360?, that a big negative. Is there any alternative to using HD's? SD cards, usb drives?

Ultimately both consoles have games that I want to play, except that the 360 is only $150. HOWEVER the lack of any external storage and inability to download games is putting me off a little on the 360. But i'm going to continue adding to my list of games, and see which one ultimately comes out on top.

Don't care about Live, I have my PC for that. Don't care about Blu-Ray, I have my O!play HD media player for that.
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Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2006
And this is how MS gets people everytime. WHy does the OP think his investment in necessary 360 hardware will end with $150? It won't. Remember, you WILL want an HDD later, perhaps even wifi, etc...


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
You can play shadow complex and deathspank perfectly fine on the arcade model.

with the older white arcade model you either get a hard drive or get a flash drive(up to 16gb) and use it exclusive for the 360. I believe usb hard drives and sd cards with a usb readers work but don't quote me on that. if they do you're still limited to 16gb per item. and can have up to 32gb.

with the newer black arcade model. you don't need anything. It has 4gb of flash already. It has built in wifi also so you don't have to worry about that.