Of all the so called liberal hypocritical bullshit,
that money staying in the economy pays the fair share of taxes you liberals cry about, that higher payed American worker doesn't need to ride the welfare train like many at Walmart do,
the robust middle class now has time to enjoy things like the fine arts, take their kids on vacation, enroll their kids in extra curricular activities that was once the domain of the rich while not worrying when the next paycheck is coming from to put food on the table while listening to how bad you liberals are by Rush Limbaugh.
those jobs that you look down on weren't shipped to those countries just for lower wages or because they made faster widgets that you minimum wage make believe liberal types espouse,
they also avoid many if not all the Environmental, Labor, and Safety laws you phony liberals continually push for,
(Here go ahead compete with these widget makers I dare you,
The corporate owned Democrats want the type of unions that exist in China and other countries, where the union officialdom is completely incorporated into the government apparatus, having no independent voice and thus little ability to improve the lives of working people.
You phony liberals ,along with your buddies the union bosses, continually stab unions in the back from Clinton to Obama with your free trade agreements or illegal immigration while telling them they must vote democrat because the only other choice is those evil republicans.
At least with those evil conservative pro business republicans you know you are getting fucked, they don't try to pass it of as love like you phony corporate bought and paid for liberal democrats.