Just an observation . . .

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May 15, 2015
How the worm turns. Trump thought the election was a done deal but SURPRISE! You know like a dick-in-box surprise but it's from some syphilitic morgue cadaver.

Just to put a number on this, in July, Harris raised more than double what Trump did - 310M vs 140M. My sense of time sucks but I don't think she was even a candidate until what, like mid-July. OK, she has that 'new candidate smell,' but even so.

And Orange Jesus is pissed.

Not only that, even the swing state polls aren't looking good. Damn am I glad I don't live in one of those states. But MSNBC is picking up the slack for Kamala, running commercials (on MSNBC of course - free air time) that start out looking to all the world like campaign ads until you get to the end.

Trump will need to hire someone to shoot him again to have any chance. The pundits keep saying, 'well, it's too early to call this.' Yeah, like it was for Hillary. Only this time there's no DoJ chief to gum up the works. Well that, and people generally, are just tired AF of his bullshit. How can anyone still take anything he says seriously. SMH


May 15, 2015
Now Donnie is claiming that his campaign has been hacked. That's impossible to verify of course, unless he does something stupid like file a complain with the FBI. They really don't like being forced to spin their wheels, so don't hold your breath.

Remember this claim. He knows he's already lost so start listening for all of the other excuses he plans to trot out when he actually does.


May 15, 2015
It looks like the hack on Trump is the real deal. Hey, forgive me for not believing a prodigious liar of copious volume.

Supposedly the Ds also had been a target and Feebies are now involved.

I suppose from Donnie's point of view, it doesn't really matter were it staged. I mean how TF does he know it was Iran? Did they sign it 'love, the ayatollah.'

The worst that happens is he dies in prison and they bury him on the grounds - which of course would probably violate local or state laws except maybe in Nevada or Louisiana.


May 15, 2015
Personally, I like the moniker Orange Jesus, but what's most popular now is 'the political version of Fat Elvis.'


May 15, 2015
This was just mentioned in passing but apparently, the Ds bought up so much air time early on that the Rs are left with only the leftovers.

I'm sure that the swing states will still be inundated to the point of nausea but if you notice a lot more D ads than R, now you know why.

Of course money is always an issue while the Rs, in theory (dark money PACs and such) might have more monkey to spend, that doesn't help much when the resource you want is already limited.


Oct 11, 2005
This was just mentioned in passing but apparently, the Ds bought up so much air time early on that the Rs are left with only the leftovers.

I'm sure that the swing states will still be inundated to the point of nausea but if you notice a lot more D ads than R, now you know why.

Of course money is always an issue while the Rs, in theory (dark money PACs and such) might have more monkey to spend, that doesn't help much when the resource you want is already limited.

Well, a lot of GQP donations went straight to a set of Trump's lawyers in what feels like 37 different cases. The only evidence it ever existed is Alina Habba's new tits.


May 15, 2015
An interesting observation about Trump is whatever seemingly odd things he's accusing others of, it's only because he's also doing them.

Take his accusing Biden of taking drugs. I mean seriously, can you see Uncle Joe doing a rail? It would probably kill him.

But when your brain is only sparking on 2 of 8 cylinders, the results should be pretty comical. Personally, I never thought that Trump would debate Harris but it's obvious even to him that he doesn't really have a choice. He's probably convinced himself that she won't eat him alive - slowly and painfully over 90 minutes.

So I see 2 scenarios. Either he has some bullshit excuse at the last minute for not going at all. The other is that he walks out after 20 or 30 minutes of beatdown.


May 15, 2015
Donnie is just pissing everybody off. Oblique reference to Trump "stumping" at Arlington Cemetery.

I didn't know this but it seems that there's a federal law that prohibits any sort of partisan political activity at Arlington. You would think that even your average idiot wouldn't need to be told that but . . . enter stage left - draft dodging donnie.
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May 15, 2015
Also in the news, Trump is backpedaling hard on his commitment to debate Harris. I think he's starting to realize that finding some excuse to NOT do it doesn't look nearly as bad for him as showing up and having Harris carve out a few new holes for him.

The thing that just pisses him off to no end is the fact that Harris is guaranteed to be there. So if he doesn't go, that's 90 minutes of free air time for her. Not that she actually needs it at this point. It's the principle, you see? No hablar ingles Donnie?


May 15, 2015
DJT (Trump's media stock, if you've been living under a rock) fell below 18 bucks today for the first time since it started trading.

If you're not familiar, the company which includes Truth Social has never actually made a profit. They've earned some cash but the losses far exceed earnings.

As of right now, if he could cash in his millions of shares, they would be worth about 2B. BUT . . . everyone knows that his lockup expires September 25th, so expect that 18 bucks to be a distant and pleasant memory by then. Even if it's selling at 1/10th of the current price, that is still going to be around 200M for Trump.

That sounds like a lot but Harris has raised well over 500M since entering the race. I have no idea how much Biden-Harris had when Joe bowed out but I'm sure it's at least a few hundred million.


May 15, 2015
Despite attestations to the contrary, Trump isn't a complete idiot. Sure, he makes up words that he thinks are real and isn't really what you'd want to call 'coherent' most of the time. But never doubt that he is laser focused on what's important - keeping his fat ass out of jail.

So, giving him the benefit of the doubt, what are his plans B, C and D?

Plan A - winning the election - is still his best move but that's slipping away day by day. Meanwhile, Harris-Walz has only capitalized on their position. So one can assume that he's looking at his backup plans.

Personally, I'd be looking seriously at Plan Z - non-extradition countries. Some are quite nice and might even welcome him.

But I expect DJT to rage against the machine between now and then. Although, as the band's moniker suggests, that's pretty much pointless. It's not as if his guilt in any of the specific instances is in doubt. So justice will definitely be as delayed as he can make it but its eventual likelihood isn't in doubt.


Jan 12, 2005
DJT (Trump's media stock, if you've been living under a rock) fell below 18 bucks today for the first time since it started trading.

If you're not familiar, the company which includes Truth Social has never actually made a profit. They've earned some cash but the losses far exceed earnings.

As of right now, if he could cash in his millions of shares, they would be worth about 2B. BUT . . . everyone knows that his lockup expires September 25th, so expect that 18 bucks to be a distant and pleasant memory by then. Even if it's selling at 1/10th of the current price, that is still going to be around 200M for Trump.

That sounds like a lot but Harris has raised well over 500M since entering the race. I have no idea how much Biden-Harris had when Joe bowed out but I'm sure it's at least a few hundred million.
There is no way that Trump will be using his money to pay any campaign fees! That $200m will be going directly into whatever offshore account he's hiding the rest of his cash in!


Jan 12, 2005
Personally, I'd be looking seriously at Plan Z - non-extradition countries. Some are quite nice and might even welcome him.
Tin foil hat time. Depending on which country he picks that's a good way to get the CIA offing your arse! A blabber mouth former president in a country hostile to the USs interests would be a political nightmare!


May 15, 2015
That's a good point. But I would mention, that even as president, I'm guessing that even his intelligence folks didn't give him all of the info they probably would have were he somewhat normal. Personally, I wouldn't honor him with the label "weird." I guess in "middle America" that considered an insult but really, it's an insult to those of us who eat, live and breathe weird.

Speaking of, I did search on "dark anime" and all I got was shit from the 80's and 90's. SD looks like shit on HD.

edit - also, he's so burnt that I really doubt that he even remembers much of consequence. Although, as you say, it's like dealing with an "idiot savant," you can never really know what's going to stick.
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May 15, 2015
Shit. Orange Jesus lies even more easily than he breathes. He could be on a f'ing ventilator (fingers crossed) and he'd still manage to croak out some bullshit.

Example - he quoted Biden as saying that hitting Iran's oil facilities were being discussed (true). He then, w/o missing a single f'ing beat adds that he also said 'as long as we don't hit the nukes' (absolute total bullshit).

Even f'ing Bloomberg had to fact check him, which is pretty comical. Personally, I'd like to check him with a bulldozer, but that's just me.

Going to take a shower so I'll be nice clean for when I'm added to the SS watchlist.


May 15, 2015
Trump is right about one thing. It's a rigged election.

He's just too stupid to realize that he's the one who rigged it. SMH


May 15, 2015
I think it's surprising that all of the news outlets are trying to pretend that this is a close race. It's OK to keep saying your prayers for Donnie/OJ/the oblate spheroid former prez. But remember that time tooth fairy (slut) stiffed you? It's going to be like that.


Senior member
Jul 24, 2005
I think it's surprising that all of the news outlets are trying to pretend that this is a close race. It's OK to keep saying your prayers for Donnie/OJ/the oblate spheroid former prez. But remember that time tooth fairy (slut) stiffed you? It's going to be like that.
2016 wasn't supposed to be close either and we see how that turned out. Hoping for a Harris landslide, but I've lost faith in the voters with how close the polls say this one is going to be.


May 15, 2015
I finally heard a logical explanation for why the polls are bullshit. If you've ever taken a course in stats, you know that the predictive value sampling depends on the sample being random.

It seems that after the 2016 fiasco, pollsters updated their sampling methodology such that it favored Trump voters. That wasn't the objective of course, just that such folks happened to be in one or more cohorts that correlated with being a Trump voters.

That will become obvious after this election


May 15, 2015
I was so depressed with Trump getting a second term that it's take a while for me to face the reality.

The really (and darkly) comical thing about it is that people voted for him to "fix" inflation. He has to know this. So what's his first move? To start a trade war with back and forth tariffs that do nothing but raise prices.

Of course, all of that money, likely hundreds of billions of dollars, will go directly to the govt. Trump himself has exulted that 'we're gonna be filthy rich.'

True enough you festering douche bag. Except that's not why you were elected. - it was the precise opposite.

Of course that makes no difference at all to the walking meat pie. I'm not a psychologist but if this isn't the behavior of a true sociopath, then what is?

I could of course go on for pages but just look at the chaos created by suspending foreign aid like USAID. People in Cambodia won't get malaria vaccines. People in Sudan will likely starve. And that just the two that I can remember.

So, he will indirectly be murdering people. I mean, if you know a person needs some drug to survive, say insulin, and you deny the person, what other word would you use?

Now we can get into a convoluted moral argument about whether or not the US OWES it to the rest of the world to help improve the human condition globally, but if we have the ability, isn't it just like watching someone drown when you could throw them a life jacket?

And don't be naive enough to think that you're not going to feel the pain too. Higher prices hurt everyone but the people rich enough to not give a shit. Fortunately, I'm one of those, at least when it comes to the basics of everyday life. But I didn't grow up that way and I see the moral value in trying to help others.
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May 15, 2015
I can't believe that Trump is actually going to shut down USAID. And what does Musk think it does to call it evil. It's the diametric opposite.

George Orwell predicted this sort of bullshit in 1984 when he coined "doublespeak." If everyone, from everywhere tells you the sky is green, what can you do but question your own sanity.

I've programmed myself to completely disregard virtually anything Trump . . . and now Musk says. Even when they provide some accurate info it's couched in a panoply of lies. It's not even worth the energy used to generate the sound waves.
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