JFK II A must see Did Bush Sr. off JFK?


Mar 29, 2004
The whole PNAC, Skull and Bones, Neocon, Nazi collabaration plot rolled into one exposed in total low budget smorgasboard.

All about the whole right wing agenda since nazis were brought over for military research and infiltrated the republican party helped by bushs grandpappy prescott to infiltrate the CIA for corporate greed and power. The whole time hounded by J edgar hoover and the FBI *in a dress*

I am not a huge JFK conspiracy buff but after watching this it has had me thinking.

Watch it here http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/film/jfkbush.wmv

It is long but very very informative, and the animations will have you in stiches.

Have fun, and BTW you will never look at the bush family or any modern republican or the cloud around JFK's assassination in the same way. ;)



Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
I remember watching this video. I must admit that this is a new addition to the wide array of theories that have been developed to explain the motives behind the JFK assasination. If I would be brief, then following possible culprits have been proposed:

1) Military Industrial Complex.
2) CIA/Black Ops.
3) CIA/Mafia
4) Bushes (Skull & Bones crowd).
5) Israelis (Public enemy # 1). :shocked:
5) Banking Cartel/ Big Oil.
6) "Federal" Reserve ( based on the infamous EO 11110 theory)
7) Anti Castro elements in the US.
8) Defense contractors...........



Mar 29, 2004
It is pretty damning evidence that hw bush had something to do with JFK being offed and the CIA back then, the stuff about the CIA ships and covert operations with gw bush owning zapata oil + nixon and friends is like, damn!

Good stuff...good fun, I wish the audio was not so bad though.



Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
What was really surprising is when the commentator tried to make a connection with Bush Jr. and death of JFK Jr. I still don't know if there is any remote connection and I believe the movie left it unanswered.



Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
BTW, I forgot to mention that right after the Oliver Stone made the JFK movie, he also made the movie called "Nixon." I believe Stone tried to uncover the connections between JFK assasination and Nixon. Interestingly enough, the Nixon movie brought in the characters of E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis just as this JFK II movie attempted to make those same connections.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: dababus
What was really surprising is when the commentator tried to make a connection with Bush Jr. and death of JFK Jr. I still don't know if there is any remote connection and I believe the movie left it unanswered.

Yeah, that is the big shocker at the end, did bush jr. kill JFK's son to gain full skull and bones membership like his daddy DAH DUM!

Buck Armstrong

Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
Yeah, I'm sure his death, and that of his brother, had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the mob rigged JFKs election for his criminal daddy, and then whacked him when he turned on them.

If you're into family ties with Nazis and the mafia, as well as forcibly lobotomizing your own kids, go read about the patriarch of the Kennedy family. There are PLENTY of legitimate reasons to criticize the Bushes, but in this case its too much of a reach; JFKs pappy was a bad bad man, and his sons (who probably weren't much better) paid the price.


Mar 29, 2004
Watch the documentry Buck, the family ties back to army intellegence and the CIA even back to WW1 is pretty meaty stuff.

I am not going to argue whos conspiracy is better but this one is pretty good ;)

Mafia, feh, these bushes got mafia lookin weak this puppy has ALL the big name republicans, nixon, bush sr., prescott, all the big cia founders and even pre-cia coming together throughout history and lays out all their connections and establishes motives leading to bush's daddy as the big one.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Buck Armstrong
Yeah, I'm sure his death, and that of his brother, had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the mob rigged JFKs election for his criminal daddy, and then whacked him when he turned on them.

If you're into family ties with Nazis and the mafia, as well as forcibly lobotomizing your own kids, go read about the patriarch of the Kennedy family. There are PLENTY of legitimate reasons to criticize the Bushes, but in this case its too much of a reach; JFKs pappy was a bad bad man, and his sons (who probably weren't much better) paid the price.

Which family are you refering to in the first line of your second paragraph.
Also, if you look at the history of nazism, you will find just about every prominent and wealthy american family associated with them whether its finance, arms, oil/raw material or any other kind of business.



Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: dababus
What was really surprising is when the commentator tried to make a connection with Bush Jr. and death of JFK Jr. I still don't know if there is any remote connection and I believe the movie left it unanswered.

Yeah, that is the big shocker at the end, did bush jr. kill JFK's son to gain full skull and bones membership like his daddy DAH DUM!

My apologies for providing a spoiler. :(

It almost seems that members of Skull and Bones have to claim some kind of a "trophy" or what the commentator calls proving yourself to the others in the circle. I wonder what did John Kerry had to do?



Mar 29, 2004
What was prescott bushes membership take? didnt they say he stole geronimo the leader of the apaches skull from his grave... nasty, nasty stuff.

Dunno, Kerry is skull and bones too huh? wtf...this sh1t is mega-creepazoid /massive tinfoil



Golden Member
Jan 27, 2001
That nutcase Alex Jones tried to imply that Howard Dean was part of the skull and bones.


Mar 29, 2004
Anyone know of a list of skull and bones members?

So, if Kennedy family is the enemy of skull and bones agenda of promoting racism murder and robbery do they hate them so because of some old irish/old world beef from masonic times or is it becasue they went for social justice and that is anti their agenda? anyone know that either?

and also, is it true rupert murdoch owner of foxnews is skull and bones? I heard he was this is why fox has such a anti-kennedy/blatent social injustice slant?


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: dababus
Interestingly enough, the Nixon movie brought in the characters of E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis just as this JFK II movie attempted to make those same connections.

Yeah, hunt and his nazi right wing buddies seem to be key to a lot of this, its amazing he admitted killing jfk and got paid off 1 mil by bush family lawyer(If I remember right) to shut up then suddenly is by nixons side in the wh. /creepy

What did nixon say? "He must keep this quiet so as to not blow up the whole bay of pigs thing" yowch


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 1999
I'm still downloading, waiting to watch this.

Here's a list of S&B, I don't know how accurate

I don't think social justice or civil rights had anything to do with his demise. Look up Executive Order 11110, wherein the power of the federal reserve was to be vastly reduced. This international banker instituted power is not to be messed with, if you do, you suffer or die. Ask Lincoln or Jackson.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
Originally posted by: morkinva
I'm still downloading, waiting to watch this.

Here's a list of S&B, I don't know how accurate

I don't think social justice or civil rights had anything to do with his demise. Look up Executive Order 11110, wherein the power of the federal reserve was to be vastly reduced. This international banker instituted power is not to be messed with, if you do, you suffer or die. Ask Lincoln or Jackson.

I hinted towards the EO 11110 in my original post. But after doing much research on the topic of EO 11110, I have come to the conclusion that it did not threaten the "Federal" Reserve's money monopoly to any great extent.

Lot of sites have promoted the notion about "United States Notes" were part of this executive order and were some how backed by silver.

But the real truth of the matter is that United States Notes which were issued by the Treasury were backed by only good faith and credit of the United States Govt. and not by any specific commodity.

Also, United States Notes had been issued since 1862 under the National Currency Act ( aka the Greenback legsilation). So the incidental appearance of more United States Notes in 60's was nothing new but the same USN's being re-issued as before.

I agree with the notion that you put forward in case of Abe Lincoln who threatened the money monopoly of the money changers by nationalizing the issuance of money and credit. Similary, the closure of the Second Bank of United States in 1836 under the presidency of Andrew Jackson was a bold move towards destroying the private enterprise money system. Both of these presidents went after the money changers of their times, although Lincoln paid the ultimate price.

I would conclude this post with a quote from one of the letters that FDR wrote to Colonel House in November of 1933. It goes like this: " The real truth of the matter is as you and I know, that the financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."



Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: dababus
Interestingly enough, the Nixon movie brought in the characters of E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis just as this JFK II movie attempted to make those same connections.

Yeah, hunt and his nazi right wing buddies seem to be key to a lot of this, its amazing he admitted killing jfk and got paid off 1 mil by bush family lawyer(If I remember right) to shut up then suddenly is by nixons side in the wh. /creepy

What did nixon say? "He must keep this quiet so as to not blow up the whole bay of pigs thing" yowch

I believe that the infamous 18.5 minute gap on one of the nixon tapes has to do with the "whole Bay of Pigs thing."


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: morkinva
I'm still downloading, waiting to watch this.

Here's a list of S&B, I don't know how accurate

I don't think social justice or civil rights had anything to do with his demise. Look up Executive Order 11110, wherein the power of the federal reserve was to be vastly reduced. This international banker instituted power is not to be messed with, if you do, you suffer or die. Ask Lincoln or Jackson.

exellent find thanks, that is bookmarked now.

sorry the audio sucks but if you know of s&b you WILL get a kick out of this movie (you may want to skip the first part which deals a lot with forensics and get to the bush part)

Or you may be into the JFK thing too, dunno.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: irwincur
And the left wonders why NO ONE takes them seriously these days...

This thread is not asking for seriousness it is just looking at old musty links to familys and such and kicking around theorys,
Oh yeah, a lot of people ARE interested in these links check it out:
Google search: Results 1 - 10 of about 3,340,000 for skull and bones.

please go back to your regularly scheduled program, nothing to see here irwincur.
(unless you want to watch the movie and chime in your knowledge of these things)


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 1999
I don't see why you need to apologize with statements like it's tinfoil related. I stand proudly in my belief that there was a conspiracy here.

As for the greenbacks, this is a fiat based currency. From what I remember in the documentary The Money Masters, it's not fiat currency that is a problem. It's the fractional reserve system that makes so much money for these folks. The debt-based money system enables them a lot of power with the interest they charge and is the source of inflation (or deflation as they so desire).


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
Steep, I would recommend this book called " America' Secret Establishment" by Anthony C. Sutton. Its a detailed account of the Skull & Bones society.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: dababus
Steep, I would recommend this book called " America' Secret Establishment" by Anthony C. Sutton. Its a detailed account of the Skull & Bones society.

I am headed to the east village tommorrow in Manhattan, I am sure they have it at my fav bookstore, cool thanks.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: morkinva
I don't see why you need to apologize with statements like it's tinfoil related. I stand proudly in my belief that there was a conspiracy here.

Noted, I took it out, people can make their own judgements.