Jesus's middle name is Hume! Caution: Some NSFW images within!

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Oct 12, 2009
On the other hand he wasn't splattered all over the runway like a bug on a windshield either! Also I bet replacing the skid(s) plus any other repairs will be just a tad cheaper then a whole new aircraft!

That accident report really reads like a fail and maybe based on "best-case" it was ... BUT ... my bet is if any passengers had been onboard they would strongly disagree with that assessment!



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Jun 4, 2004

Anakin you are not the father!
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Ooo I had an alligator snapping turtle as a kiddo. Found as a hatchling in a culvert, kept for a good 6mo until he became too much to handle. During that time, he ate dozens of minnows, a dozen or two goldfish, and snapped a wooden mixing spoon in half. He was maybe 4" shell length, 8" fully outstretched nose to tail tip. That was around the time we set him free.

Tried to take him to the Dallas Aquarium to see if they wanted him, they showed us this big bastard they have:
View attachment 44354

Make no mistake, he could and would eat that little shit.

I "had one" for about 10 minutes. Dad and I were driving down a dirt road in some marsh land, and we came across a ~2 foot alligator snapper crossing the road. We got out and dad grabbed it by the tail and tossed it into the back of the pickup truck. I thought, kick-ass pet. We drove back to the main road, and watching the back, the bastard kept crawling up the back of the tailgate to jump out of the truck bed. Dad would press the brakes and watch it get tossed back into the bed. After about 5 of those stops, and I guess dad getting to the point of thinking "it's not worth holding onto this thing as long as it probably takes the dumb kid to realize what a horrible idea this is," he stopped the car and we let it go back on its way.