EvilYoda Lifer Apr 1, 2001 21,198 9 81 Feb 14, 2002 #28 whoa.......that's pretty damn sweet. What if they screwed up. ^_^
M mee987 Senior member Jan 23, 2002 773 0 0 Feb 14, 2002 #29 whoa... load time on that page on dialup is insane!
S Sepen Diamond Member Oct 9, 1999 3,189 0 71 Feb 14, 2002 #30 That is something that would be in a James Bond flick? That was cool!
S superfluousmonkeys Banned Feb 14, 2002 175 0 0 Feb 14, 2002 #31 This isn't real folks, This is footage from the making of "A perfect storm" with george looney.