Isn't it fun watching Obama.....


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
.....throw Arlen Specter under the bus?

Really says something about his character.


Feb 18, 2004
does it surprise you?

the most consistent thing in Obama's political career seems to be a willingness to abandon anything and everything the moment it becomes inconvenient.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
it seems like just yesterday that Obama and the DNC were completely indifferent to Specter giving the democrats 60 votes in the senate.
LOL Specter has switched parties twice. He who lives by political expediency dies by political expediency. Unfortunately for Arlen Specter his one core value - Arlen Specter - is not one of President Obama's core values.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Petranus asks, "Isn't it fun watching Obama....."?

As for me its a no, I have far more fun watching the republirats antics.

At the damn end of the day, its gonna be the voters in Pennsylvania that decide the fate of Specter, and Obama will make little or no difference. This is a Pennsylvania democratic primary after all, Obama should not endorse either democratic candidate, but come fall should endorse whomever wins the democratic primary in the general election that really matters.

As for some one like Petranus, they are still stuck in an earlier time, when GWB thought he was the lone decider.

The other thing to say is based on MHO, no one past the age of 80 has any business running for national office reelection.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
Petranus asks, "Isn't it fun watching Obama....."?

As for me its a no, I have far more fun watching the republirats antics.

At the damn end of the day, its gonna be the voters in Pennsylvania that decide the fate of Specter, and Obama will make little or no difference. This is a Pennsylvania democratic primary after all, Obama should not endorse either democratic candidate, but come fall should endorse whomever wins the democratic primary in the general election that really matters.

As for some one like Petranus, they are still stuck in an earlier time, when GWB thought he was the lone decider.

The other thing to say is based on MHO, no one past the age of 80 has any business running for national office reelection.

Its Patranus

and another YouTube video of Obama says otherwise


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Its Patranus

and another YouTube video of Obama says otherwise

LOL, who would possibly trust Obama?

Specter begged the Prez to back him up, especially in the inner city Democrat base in Philadelphia. Obama chose to host the UCONN Husky womens basketball team in DC instead.

Come to think of it, I might have done the same. But, I am not a politician.

Specter looked worried, very worried walking around his campaign hall this evening. He may still pull it off, but he has a long night to think about life and stuff. :awe:
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Nov 11, 1999
Specter's time may well have passed. Repubs were in the process of purging him before he switched, and he knew it, and he knew it would be an uphill fight to win the Democratic primary, too.

Even if Obama's support has been lukewarm, he still didn't go for the knife in the back, openly support Sestak. And it's not like personal appearances by Obama have been terribly effective recently, either. For Dems, Sestak is a better choice in the long run, anyway, and probably a better choice in the short run, too...

If Specter wins the primary, he still has to win the general election, and it's not like he can run back to his former pals in the Repub party, anyway...

Repubs have definitely succeeded in their goals of spreading hate and discontent, disconnecting voters from their leadership. It remains to be seen if they can fill that gap themselves, if voters will be in the mood to buy sour grapes in November, or not...


Feb 18, 2004
step 1: complain about lack of bipartisanship
step 2: vote everyone willing to compromise out of office for compromising


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Specter is not out yet. Watch for Obama to offer him an ambassadorship to keep him from running as an independent and thus clearing the field for Sestak.


Nov 9, 2000
Is there any room left under that bus? obama has been throwing a lot of people there this last year.


Nov 22, 2008
Sometimes you can make a joke on cancer to lighten the mood, but fun, no its no fun watching cancer grow.


Jul 17, 2003
I think it's fun to hear Republicans make the 'thrown under the bus' comment. Before Obama made the candid comments about his grandmother in the lead up to the 08 election, the phrase itself almost never heard. Sense his win it seems like talk radio in particular are tripping over themselves to use it.

Kinda underlines the lameness and unoriginality of the right wing noise machine, as it's usually applied to non-issues and comes across as nothing more than glib fail.

I wonder what phrase they'd use had Obama done something like what Bush Sr. and Co. did to the Iraqi Shia after the first war with Iraq, a real case of being thrown under the bus.


Dec 29, 2002
I think it's fun to hear Republicans make the 'thrown under the bus' comment. Before Obama made the candid comments about his grandmother in the lead up to the 08 election, the phrase itself almost never heard. Sense his win it seems like talk radio in particular are tripping over themselves to use it.

Kinda underlines the lameness and unoriginality of the right wing noise machine, as it's usually applied to non-issues and comes across as nothing more than glib fail.

I wonder what phrase they'd use had Obama done something like what Bush Sr. and Co. did to the Iraqi Shia after the first war with Iraq, a real case of being thrown under the bus.


Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
step 1: complain about lack of bipartisanship
step 2: vote everyone willing to compromise out of office for compromising
Much to be said bout the Loki point, but the GOP strategy has been, after losing their congressional majority in 11/2006, to step 1. lock step oppose everything the democrats want by the overuse of the filibister. then step 2. the GOP brags that the democrats can't get anything done.

And what is somewhat odd, is that we can somewhat say the doubts about GOP governance was immediately apparent after the elections of 11/2004, so we can to a certain extent say, the obstructionist policies of the GOP got two resounding American electorate dope slaps in a row, in the elections of 11/2006, and in 11/2008.

And what will be tremendously funny will be the GOP antics if the GOP again loses ground after the election of 11/2010. Which may be very possible if the economy continues to improve and Obama and the Dems can show some solid domestic and foreign relation success between now and the election.

The GOP is totally banking on that mid-term election success, but if the early an unreliable polls turn out to be wrong, and the GOP gets that third American electorate dope slap in a row, its going to force the GOP to re-evaluate the wisdom of being only the one trick pony party of no and nyet to anything. And finally come to grips with the fact that the politics and governance of GWB&co must be thrown under the bus as a proven failure.

But right now the GOP is blocking Wall Street and finance reform, just got done blocking any science funding to invest in future technologies, the GOP continues to block regulatory
reforms they removed, and the list goes on and on.