Originally posted by: crantang
I don't remember trying any other experiments on my brother. There was this one time at a department store where I put a extra plus-size granny panty on his head and sent him down an escalator. I got in BIG trouble for that one. FYI Palek, he didn't throw up after that one.
I am starting to wish I had had a little brother...

All the fun I didn't have... MY older brother conducted experiments on ME, although they were mostly to test how much beating I would take before I started crying.

Then the following test would prove how big a sucker I was, because after a beating he would start apologizing right away and beg me not to tell our parents. And most of the time I didn't, because, as my brother new full well, I WAS a sucker.
I do love my brother, but we sure fought a lot as kids... I mean, he sure beat me a lot.
Well, that's enough family history from me!