Is there a Republican you would *like* to run for president in 2016?

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Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
I think Christie fits the model of what most conservatives on here say they want. He's fiscally conservative and he doesn't spend too much time listening to the crazies. I think his greatest sin to them is that he has consorted with The Great Satan and occasionally worked with Obama on things. Normally this would be a positive, but in today's Republican Party it might be the kiss of death.

If Republicans want to have a chance to win in 2016 they should nominate Christie. My gut tells me that he will be drummed out for being too liberal, however.
The fact that liberals can tolerate him is a kiss of death. I like his fiscal policies but thats about it, his stance on gun control alone is enough ruin him for me.

I disagree with the notion that repubs need to nominate a moderate (RINO). It hasnt worked out for them the past two presidential election cycles, so lets go for broke with a real conservative and see what happens. Besides nearly anything we get, even if it's Hillary, will be a step up from what we have now.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
The fact that liberals can tolerate him is a kiss of death. I like his fiscal policies but thats about it, his stance on gun control alone is enough ruin him for me.

I disagree with the notion that repubs need to nominate a moderate (RINO). It hasnt worked out for them the past two presidential election cycles, so lets go for broke with a real conservative and see what happens. Besides nearly anything we get, even if it's Hillary, will be a step up from what we have now.

they didn't really elect moderates, though.

they basically went for classic "moderates" at the top of the ticket, then put up Turd Sandwich and Giant Douche as their running mates--both of them literally a few wise and beautiful woman hairs away from becoming president. This type of thing scares people.

That is what killed them (well, Romney was just terrible).

McCain is a guy that once garnered tons of respect from both sides. As soon as that shallow brain pan of a running mate started appearing next to him on the podium, and the old man started to pander to the growing fringe wackos at their base, he suddenly became persona non grata to anyone but the far right.

Of course--it also did not help that he was running within the party of the then-sitting least popular president ever.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The fact that liberals can tolerate him is a kiss of death. I like his fiscal policies but thats about it, his stance on gun control alone is enough ruin him for me.

I disagree with the notion that repubs need to nominate a moderate (RINO). It hasnt worked out for them the past two presidential election cycles, so lets go for broke with a real conservative and see what happens. Besides nearly anything we get, even if it's Hillary, will be a step up from what we have now.

Watch everyone change their tune around January, 2017, at which point Hillary will become the radical crazy liberal boogeyman. (woman?)

There is nothing that I would love more than for Republicans to nominate what they consider to be a "real conservative". You will lose so horribly it will be almost painful to watch. Furthermore, the downticket effects from it will likely help the left capture more congressional seats, making things even better.

So please, don't nominate Christie. Nominate the hardest right crazy person you can possibly find. I beg you. I dare you. (whichever one you find more compelling)


Apr 10, 2000
The fact that liberals can tolerate him is a kiss of death. I like his fiscal policies but thats about it, his stance on gun control alone is enough ruin him for me.

I disagree with the notion that repubs need to nominate a moderate (RINO). It hasnt worked out for them the past two presidential election cycles, so lets go for broke with a real conservative and see what happens. Besides nearly anything we get, even if it's Hillary, will be a step up from what we have now.

Neither McCain or Romney were moderates. They were whatever they believed the people they were talking to wanted them to be. Hell, I remember watching interviews with Romney in which he took both sides of multiple issues within the same interview. You need someone who isn't far right, as the crazy becomes visible. Rick Perry, far right, idiot. Michelle Bachman, far right, insane. Rick Santorum, far right, too long of a list of problems to list. John Huntsman, center right to maybe just right of center, best candidate available in primaries, barely a blip on the radar. Romney, whatever he thought you wanted him to be, elitist, out of touch, but better than the far right loons that were available, got the nomination.


Golden Member
Oct 30, 2007
Watch everyone change their tune around January, 2017, at which point Hillary will become the radical crazy liberal boogeyman. (woman?)

There is nothing that I would love more than for Republicans to nominate what they consider to be a "real conservative". You will lose so horribly it will be almost painful to watch. Furthermore, the downticket effects from it will likely help the left capture more congressional seats, making things even better.

So please, don't nominate Christie. Nominate the hardest right crazy person you can possibly find. I beg you. I dare you. (whichever one you find more compelling)

Bachmann/Santorum '16

Nov 8, 2012
Neither McCain or Romney were moderates. They were whatever they believed the people they were talking to wanted them to be. Hell, I remember watching interviews with Romney in which he took both sides of multiple issues within the same interview. You need someone who isn't far right, as the crazy becomes visible. Rick Perry, far right, idiot. Michelle Bachman, far right, insane. Rick Santorum, far right, too long of a list of problems to list. John Huntsman, center right to maybe just right of center, best candidate available in primaries, barely a blip on the radar. Romney, whatever he thought you wanted him to be, elitist, out of touch, but better than the far right loons that were available, got the nomination.


Both happened to be the candidates who were shooting for the presidency. When you are the official candidate, you are just as hypocritical as the liberal side. Do we need to get into how many liberals said they weren't for Gay Marriage and then did a 180?

Who passed that bill DOMA that we just repealed? Derp derp....


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
Watch everyone change their tune around January, 2017, at which point Hillary will become the radical crazy liberal boogeyman. (woman?)

There is nothing that I would love more than for Republicans to nominate what they consider to be a "real conservative". You will lose so horribly it will be almost painful to watch. Furthermore, the downticket effects from it will likely help the left capture more congressional seats, making things even better.

So please, don't nominate Christie. Nominate the hardest right crazy person you can possibly find. I beg you. I dare you. (whichever one you find more compelling)

True the Hildabeast is a liberal loon, just saying she would have done a far better job than the current loon. Just out of curiosity, would you really argue with that?

Ill do all I can to nominate a decent candidate (a rightwing nutjob in your vernacular) but there's only so much one man can do. ;)


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
they didn't really elect moderates, though.

they basically went for classic "moderates" at the top of the ticket, then put up Turd Sandwich and Giant Douche as their running mates--both of them literally a few wise and beautiful woman hairs away from becoming president. This type of thing scares people.

That is what killed them (well, Romney was just terrible).

McCain is a guy that once garnered tons of respect from both sides. As soon as that shallow brain pan of a running mate started appearing next to him on the podium, and the old man started to pander to the growing fringe wackos at their base, he suddenly became persona non grata to anyone but the far right.

Of course--it also did not help that he was running within the party of the then-sitting least popular president ever.
Not moderates!!!! WTF are you smoking??? I am the far right, and it made me absolutely sick to have to pull the lever for Juan McCain. I only did it because of the alternative.

Wasnt a Romney fan either, but once again what choice did I have in the end.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
True the Hildabeast is a liberal loon, just saying she would have done a far better job than the current loon. Just out of curiosity, would you really argue with that?

Absolutely. Overall Obama has been quite effective in implementing policies that I like. (civil liberties being a notable and large exception). At least in the economic and regulatory sphere I give him two thumbs up.

Ill do all I can to nominate a decent candidate (a rightwing nutjob in your vernacular) but there's only so much one man can do. ;)

Like I said, I encourage you to do so. You're guaranteeing your loss, but that's what I want anyway. My thanks in advance for all your help in the 2016 election.


Oct 10, 2006
Jon Huntsman springs to mind.

But the more relevant question is are there any Republicans I'd conceivably vote for over the Democrats who would conceivably run? Answer: Very much so, depending on the dem.

I'll tell you right now it would take a Bachman, Palin, Santorum or similar kook for me to even consider voting for Hillary.


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011

Both happened to be the candidates who were shooting for the presidency. When you are the official candidate, you are just as hypocritical as the liberal side. Do we need to get into how many liberals said they weren't for Gay Marriage and then did a 180?

Who passed that bill DOMA that we just repealed? Derp derp....
Dont forget how they all suddenly speak with the same accent as their audience. LOL
Nov 8, 2012
Absolutely. Overall Obama has been quite effective in implementing policies that I like. (civil liberties being a notable and large exception). At least in the economic and regulatory sphere I give him two thumbs up.

Like I said, I encourage you to do so. You're guaranteeing your loss, but that's what I want anyway. My thanks in advance for all your help in the 2016 election.

You're praising his actions, yet condemning the gap between lower and upper class that has grown in the last 6 years alone?


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
Absolutely. Overall Obama has been quite effective in implementing policies that I like. (civil liberties being a notable and large exception). At least in the economic and regulatory sphere I give him two thumbs up.

Like I said, I encourage you to do so. You're guaranteeing your loss, but that's what I want anyway. My thanks in advance for all your help in the 2016 election.
So you enjoy seeing our nation flushed down the toilet, I guess it helps to know what Im dealing with here.

Just what part of the economy is flourishing? And what regulations have been put out to encourage this wonderous economic boom?
Apr 27, 2012
Rand Paul would be the ideal choice. He has the right ideas that are needed to fix this country and we have seen that he is willing to go against the status quo within the gop. He also understands the issues and doesn't just use rhetoric and the same old talking points.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Rand Paul would be the ideal choice. He has the right ideas that are needed to fix this country and we have seen that he is willing to go against the status quo within the gop. He also understands the issues and doesn't just use rhetoric and the same old talking points.

your opinions are always the perfect metric of the absolute wrong way to think, and the absolute worst ideas anywhere.

This is how we all know that Rand Paul is terrible.


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
your opinions are always the perfect metric of the absolute wrong way to think, and the absolute worst ideas anywhere.

This is how we all know that Rand Paul is terrible.
Ever stop to think we feel the same about your ilk, and this is how we know when we are on the right track?

Ted Cruz and Rand Paul it is! Ill let them decide who is at the top of the ticket. :biggrin:


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Ever stop to think we feel the same about your ilk, and this is how we know when we are on the right track?

Ted Cruz and Rand Paul it is! Ill let them decide who is at the top of the ticket. :biggrin:

the problem is that Incorruptible supports terrorists and radical jihadists. I wouldn't trust anything he says, and neither should you.
Apr 27, 2012
I could stand with Rand.

Agree. When the whole drone issue was going on it was Rand Paul who took a stand and he went against many in his own party especially since he was still new. He could have paid a political price for what he did but he knew it was the right thing to and he put the people over politics.

Could you imagine obama or hillary doing the same thing? NO.


Golden Member
Oct 30, 2007
Ever stop to think we feel the same about your ilk, and this is how we know when we are on the right track?

mmm, and how'd that work out for you during the last Presidential election?

Let's go to Karl Rove at the Fox News desk to find out...take it Karl...:hmm:


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
So you enjoy seeing our nation flushed down the toilet, I guess it helps to know what Im dealing with here.

Just what part of the economy is flourishing? And what regulations have been put out to encourage this wonderous economic boom?

Of course you think our country is being flushed down the toilet, you've stated that you're part of the fringe right. What is the point of discussing it with you? US economic performance has been superior to most developed nations in most areas since the crisis, despite having one of the larger downturns. This is particularly notable considering the constant predictions of disaster from the right.

If we have things my way this is just a warm up, by the way. Especially if we can continue through Obama's administration and then get eight years of Hillary, that holds a lot of promise.