Is nobody the least bit bothered by John McCain's hypocrisy?


May 28, 2007
Is nobody bothered that John McCain claims to be Episcopalian while disregarding the faith and it's very foundations?

He claims to be Episcopalian, yet he favors the death penalty, which is explicitly AGAINST the church Canon Laws and beliefs. Text. What other Laws and beliefs is he against that they claim to be for?

If he is so hypocritical about his own belief system, then what am I to believe he'll do with other beliefs and laws, such as our constitution, freedom, democracy and responsibility?

Am I to trust that he'll change his ways and follow the laws set before him, or assume that he'll pick and choose what suits HIM, rather than his community at large that he represents?

If he had never claimed to be Episcopalian, then this might be moot, but it's by his OWN words, and I have to take them for what they are since he's made zero effort to retract or change his words.

Just something that's knawing [sic] at me. I'm interested to hear others who may have thoughts on this issue.



Jul 7, 2003
Originally posted by: Blackjack200
Originally posted by: Farang
Wikipedia states:

Southern Baptist congregant
(Brought up Episcopalian)[2]

I think you're right, several sources listed him as Episcopailian, lucky for me it's a moot point:

I'm surprised to hear that coming from the Baptists just because of my stereotypes of their voting bloc. Are any evangelical churches supportive of capital punishment?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Farang
Originally posted by: Blackjack200
Originally posted by: Farang
Wikipedia states:

Southern Baptist congregant
(Brought up Episcopalian)[2]

I think you're right, several sources listed him as Episcopailian, lucky for me it's a moot point:

I'm surprised to hear that coming from the Baptists just because of my stereotypes of their voting bloc. Are any evangelical churches supportive of capital punishment?

Yes. Lots and lots of them.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: PC Surgeon
I don't care about his religious beliefs, and neither should you.

Would you vote for a Muslim or an athiest as much as for a Christian?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Alot of "Pro-Lifers" are Pro death penalty.

hypocrisy at its finest.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: Farang
Originally posted by: Blackjack200
Originally posted by: Farang
Wikipedia states:

Southern Baptist congregant
(Brought up Episcopalian)[2]

I think you're right, several sources listed him as Episcopailian, lucky for me it's a moot point:

I'm surprised to hear that coming from the Baptists just because of my stereotypes of their voting bloc. Are any evangelical churches supportive of capital punishment?

Yes. Lots and lots of them.

Virtually all of them as far as I know - and strongly so. The Catholic Church is opposed to capital punishment (as am I), but has many members who disagree, such as John Kerry.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003
Funny stuff BlackJack!

But your facts are wrong. Southern Baptists support the Death penalty for the most part. Their faith does not preclude supporting Capital Punishment.

Even Roman Catholics will support the Death penalty in extreme cases. There is a Litmus test that goes with it though. Episcopals are just Roman Catholics with comfortable shoes, so my guess is that they likely support it as well.

Keep trying to make yourself look retarded and you just might succeed. OR you could try to have an intelligent discussion about something instead. Just might learn something about yourself in the process.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: OrByte
Alot of "Pro-Lifers" are Pro death penalty.

hypocrisy at its finest.

A lot of "Pro-Choicers" are anti death penalty.

Hypocrisy at its finest.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Blackjack200

Topic Title: Is nobody the least bit bothered by John McCain's hypocrisy?

I don't give a damn about McCain's religious beliefs as long as he doesn't impose them on anyone else, but his hypocrisy covers a lot more ground than that over a long period of time.

McCain was AGAINST:
  • Off shore drilling, for 26 YEARS. Now, he's for it.
  • Torture (especially when he was the subject). Now, he's for it.
  • Warrantless Wiretapping . Now, he's for it.
  • Tax Cuts, then for tax cuts, then
  • tax cuts and now is for raising FICA taxes.
  • Privitizing Social Security. Now, he's for it.
  • Storing Nuclear Waste at Yucca Mountain. Now, he's for it.
  • Engaging in diplomacy with Hamas. Now, he's for it.
  • Diplomacy in Syria. Now, he's for it.
  • Going after Al Qaeda in Pakistan. Now, he's for it.
  • Talking to Iran and now he?s for it. Now, he's for it.
  • Talking to North Korea. Now, he's for it.
  • Inflating your tires and getting a tune up. Now, he's for it.
  • A timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. Now, he's for it.
McCain was FOR:
  • Protecting Abortion Rights. Now, he's against it.
  • Liberman-Warner to curb Global Warming. Now, he's against it.
  • Disclosure of campaign donations. Now, he's against it.
  • Gay marriage. Now, he's against it.
  • Affirmative Action. Now, he's against it.
  • The troops until he voted repeatedly against their body armor, helmets, vest inserts, R&R at home after a one year deployment and Senator Webb?s GI Bill.
The only thing about which he's been consistant is in selling out his own announced "values" anytime he thinks flip flopping will get him more votes. :thumbsdown:


Aug 17, 2002
Originally posted by: OrByte
Alot of "Pro-Lifers" are Pro death penalty.

hypocrisy at its finest.

I thought the same thing that the people that want to save the life of the guilty will not protect the life of the innocent.


Platinum Member
Mar 21, 2007
Originally posted by: OrByte
Alot of "Pro-Lifers" are Pro death penalty.

hypocrisy at its finest.

This is usually stated by someone who is ignorant to the issue and why people are pro-life and for the death penalty. It is not hypocrisy.


Golden Member
Apr 18, 2008
Originally posted by: Blackjack200
Is nobody bothered that John McCain claims to be Episcopalian while disregarding the faith and it's very foundations?

Originally posted by: MadRat
May as well call him Anglican.

I don't even know what either of those are but

Originally posted by: PC Surgeon
I don't care about his religious beliefs, and neither should you.

pretty much sums it up for me.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
I wonder how many church goers actually follow all the guidelines of their church.

If the church is all sacrosantic, they why do so many leave to form their own little cults.

One finds a church, just like a community, that one feels comfortable in. Nothing ever states that the church group is the driving force in your life, nor should it be.
If you chose to allow the church rules to control your life, then you have become a puppet for them.


Golden Member
Apr 18, 2008
Originally posted by: ZeroIQ
Originally posted by: OrByte
Alot of "Pro-Lifers" are Pro death penalty.

hypocrisy at its finest.

This is usually stated by someone who is ignorant to the issue and why people are pro-life and for the death penalty. It is not hypocrisy.

How can you be for life AND the death penalty? If I am ignorant, please educate me.

but it seems that if you're for ALL life, then how can you be FOR ending life?


Senior member
Aug 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Blackjack200

Topic Title: Is nobody the least bit bothered by John McCain's hypocrisy?

I don't give a damn about McCain's religious beliefs as long as he doesn't impose them on anyone else, but his hypocrisy covers a lot more ground than that over a long period of time.

McCain was AGAINST:
  • Off shore drilling, for 26 YEARS. Now, he's for it.
  • Torture (especially when he was the subject). Now, he's for it.
  • Warrantless Wiretapping . Now, he's for it.
  • Tax Cuts, then for tax cuts, then
  • tax cuts and now is for raising FICA taxes.
  • Privitizing Social Security. Now, he's for it.
  • Storing Nuclear Waste at Yucca Mountain. Now, he's for it.
  • Engaging in diplomacy with Hamas. Now, he's for it.
  • Diplomacy in Syria. Now, he's for it.
  • Going after Al Qaeda in Pakistan. Now, he's for it.
  • Talking to Iran and now he?s for it. Now, he's for it.
  • Talking to North Korea. Now, he's for it.
  • Inflating your tires and getting a tune up. Now, he's for it.
  • A timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. Now, he's for it.
McCain was FOR:
  • Protecting Abortion Rights. Now, he's against it.
  • Liberman-Warner to curb Global Warming. Now, he's against it.
  • Disclosure of campaign donations. Now, he's against it.
  • Gay marriage. Now, he's against it.
  • Affirmative Action. Now, he's against it.
  • The troops until he voted repeatedly against their body armor, helmets, vest inserts, R&R at home after a one year deployment and Senator Webb?s GI Bill.
The only thing about which he's been consistant is in selling out his own announced "values" anytime he thinks flip flopping will get him more votes. :thumbsdown:

I was expecting more detail like this given the topic. The death penalty is such a finite point to belabor.

First he's for being friends with and taking contributions from Keating. Then, he's against it with campaign finance reform to make himself look spotless when criticized for having exercised "poor judgment" by the Senate Ethics Committee.

First he's for trips taken at Keating's expense. Then, when the Lincoln Savings and Loan problems started, he decided he better pay for the trips.

wiki - Keating five scandal
McCain and Keating had become personal friends following their initial contacts in 1981.[8] Between 1982 and 1987, McCain had received $112,000 in political contributions from Keating and his associates.[14] In addition, McCain's wife Cindy McCain and her father Jim Hensley had invested $359,100 in a Keating shopping center in April 1986, a year before McCain met with the regulators. McCain, his family, and their baby-sitter had made nine trips at Keating's expense, sometimes aboard Keating's jet. Three of the trips were made during vacations to Keating's opulent Bahamas retreat at Cat Cay. McCain did not pay Keating (in the amount of $13,433) for some of the trips until years after they were taken, when he learned that Keating was in trouble over Lincoln.[6][15]


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
McSame could be a dead corpse and still win. Obama is a liberal and wants change. We'll nave none of that. A don catcher from nowhere is better.