Is my Q9550 a good one?


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
I've got an E0 stepping Q9550. Only have it OC'd now to 3.4 GHz (8.5x400, 4-4-4-12), but it's under-volted to 1.120v in CPU-Z (1.15v in bios), 14.5 hours Prime Blend stable at that speed.

I haven't tried pushing it anymore, but was just curious if that sounds like it's a good one from that info alone.

This is running on a Gigabyte UD3P motherboard.

LLC is on, VTT is at 1.1 (lower than normal right?), not sure what else to list.

Edit: Just to add, I tried running it at 1.1v in bios (I think like 1.06X in CPU-Z) @ 3.4 GHz, boots into windows fine, but Prime Blend crashes a little ways in, maybe within 5-10 minutes. When I say crashes, I mean Prime doesn't fail, but it's a windows error that Prime has to be shut down, etc. This is with VTT still at 1.1. In case that sheds any further light onto my prospects. However, it did pass 5x runs of IntelBurnTest.


Golden Member
Sep 14, 2007
Get it to do 100 passes of IntelBurn and get back to us. Then you can call it stable.


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2006
I was wishing for an EO but I only got a C1 for my Q9550, haven`t had time to try and OC it yet, only hoping for 3.6Ghz, where as yours is known to get to 4Ghz by some people


Golden Member
Oct 13, 2008
Originally posted by: KingstonU
I was wishing for an EO but I only got a C1 for my Q9550, haven`t had time to try and OC it yet, only hoping for 3.6Ghz, where as yours is known to get to 4Ghz by some people

It's a little strange though, I have a c1 stepping as well, with high VID (9450@1,25v) and I can push it to 3,52Mhz. Now the multiplier is only 8 for me and you have a 200Mhz head start. I think you should do better than 3,6Mhz and I think most of the mb allow higher FSB than 425. And yes I also heard good things of E0.

To the OP, what max temps were reported during prime? I can only imagine with a 1,15 vcore. At 1,38v for me I can roast a chicken in my case :)


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
My max temps during prime were under 50c, like 46c maybe? With ambient approaching 80F. Idle (with all speedstep disabled, etc.) is around 24-28 depending on ambient.

I'm thinking IntelBurnTest isn't necessarily as good as Prime Blend at determining overall system stability. I've read a number of people saying the same thing.

Are there any other forums that are more dedicated to OC'ng this Q9550 chip perhaps with my UD3P board? I've seen stuff on Xtremesystems and Tweaktown.

Thanks for the replies btw!


Golden Member
Nov 13, 2007
Originally posted by: OCNewbie
I've got an E0 stepping Q9550. Only have it OC'd now to 3.4 GHz (8.5x400, 4-4-4-12), but it's under-volted to 1.120v in CPU-Z (1.15v in bios), 14.5 hours Prime Blend stable at that speed.

I haven't tried pushing it anymore, but was just curious if that sounds like it's a good one from that info alone.

This is running on a Gigabyte UD3P motherboard.

LLC is on, VTT is at 1.1 (lower than normal right?), not sure what else to list.

Edit: Just to add, I tried running it at 1.1v in bios (I think like 1.06X in CPU-Z) @ 3.4 GHz, boots into windows fine, but Prime Blend crashes a little ways in, maybe within 5-10 minutes. When I say crashes, I mean Prime doesn't fail, but it's a windows error that Prime has to be shut down, etc. This is with VTT still at 1.1. In case that sheds any further light onto my prospects. However, it did pass 5x runs of IntelBurnTest.

Your going scuba diving in the kiddy pool right now dude, up that voltage and clock rate and cut the foreplay already.

I'll be getting my 9550 and UD3R shipped sometime hopefully b4 christmas, and I'll let you know how things turn out. I'm hoping as well as my gtx280, I got it up to ~729/1450/1300 thus far and still working on going higher cus no artifacts yet. Thing is a beast.


Jul 12, 2000
Just to clear up a few FUD items in this thread:

1. 1.25 is NOT a high VID

2. You dont need to do 100 passes through the Intel Burn Test to be stable

Nice chip OP, keep pushing, and let us know how it goes.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: james1701
Get it to do 100 passes of IntelBurn and get back to us. Then you can call it stable.

Originally posted by: Ocguy31
Just to clear up a few FUD items in this thread:

1. 1.25 is NOT a high VID

2. You dont need to do 100 passes through the Intel Burn Test to be stable

Nice chip OP, keep pushing, and let us know how it goes.

Figured I'd stress the CPU last night while I was in bed, just cuz... =P Did 216 IBT's without error =) Max temps in RealTemp with TJ Max of 95 were 52,52,51,51. That's with an older Thermaltake Big Typhoon cooler with AS5. Currently Idling at 26/27 (one sensor stuck at 35c, and another stuck at 30c).

This is on WinXP 32-bit, so I guess that's not ideal for testing with IBT, or so I've read.


Golden Member
Aug 13, 2007
I also recently started to OC my Q9550 E0 using the Asus Rampage Formula board. Everything running at stock voltages (1.25 VID) and hit 3.4 GHz no problem. Honestly, this is the easiest overclock that I've ever done!


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
I have the same chip and motherboard, currently at 3.8 Ghz rock stable. can do 4.0 but not fully stable. (perhaps it will be later on) I found all the information I needed to overclock my system via this thread Good luck bro.


Jun 29, 2005
I'm at 3.6 with my 9550 E0 and i plan on leaving it that way.. It's nice and stable after running Prime95 with no errors.. I actually hit 4.0 but 2 of the 4 cores kept giving me errors so after about an hour of trying to find the right voltage i said the heck with it and kept it at 3.6


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
If you decide to push it some more read the thread I posted. Ignore all the dual core overclock posts.. the quad overclocking is a tad different. I am pretty sure you could do better with your E0. I am pretty sure I could stabilize mine at 4.0 but the rig is for my kid, the most demanding thing she currently does is play maple story.

BTW: Very nice rig you have, I have the same monitor and I am loving it.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
On Q9550 @ 3.83 (honestly 1GHz overclock is good enough for me). BIOS = 1.3v, actual via CPU-Z 1.256, during load 1.218. Passed 400 passes of IBT and 12 hours of Prime95.

Good enough for me :)


Jun 29, 2005
Thanks Rich, the Hannspree is a sweet looking monitor i'm glad you like it... I will read your thread because i do have plans on pushing it to 4.0.. I'm not sure why i thought i had a E0 Rich, i actually have a C1 according to CPU-Z, i didn't realize there were 2 different revisions, i know now.. Nice overclock zerogear, those are good voltages as well...


Jun 29, 2005
I just hit 3.83(451x8.5) stable for about 2 hours now with Prime9, my voltages are at 1.313 according to cpuz, i'm going to try to lower the voltages slowly and find something stabe in the 1.2 range..


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
I am about in the same boat.. what I had to do in my case was up CPU termination up a notch to be stable. CPU VCore is at 1.2. the more I play around I find I can reduce overall voltage more. I know this chip is more than capable of 4.0 Ghz but its not needed as it is my kids system. I am currently at 8x475 FSB. I am no overclocking expert but from what I have read its a better shot than the 8.5 multi, plus you get a nice memory increase.

If you like I can post all of my BIOS settings, Just not tonight because I am intoxicated and I gotta get up early for work. Next couple of days is Christmas time so I probably cant get around to it for a few days.


Platinum Member
Jan 4, 2005
Good heavens, hope your kid doesn't take you for granted. You're spoiling him with that quad!


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
E0 is like

E0000000000000WWW she overclocks like MAD.


Yes E0 Yorkies are about the best you can get..

Average overclock for them is anywhere from 3.6 -> 4.2 depending on your variant and cooling...


Jun 29, 2005
Yeah, i'm stable at 3.83 and i'm going to keep it that way.. You can post your bios settings whenever you can Rich, no rush.. I wish i were intoxicated righ now!!lol Anyways, have a merry christmas!!!


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: james1701
Get it to do 100 passes of IntelBurn and get back to us. Then you can call it stable.

Bullshit on that....This is not any defacto stabilizer. And when you say us...speak for yourself....His 14.5 hours is good enough for me...

14.5hrs of prime95 is stable in pretty much all activities....

If I was going to be doing any DC type programs I would have let it run 24....


Golden Member
Jun 17, 2002
i did some passes with both prime and intelliburn. prime would raise my temps to ~60c and intelliburn on max would raise them to 72c. Now that might not be a benchmark but a 10c difference is enough to make me use intelliburn.

as an aside my e0 does 3.4ghz no problem. I could get 3.8 but I want to keep my voltage at 1.20 as intelliburn temps top out at 62C.