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They are very poisonous. They have been banned in some countries already. Many dentists wont put them in at all anymore. There is about a million pages on google about how dangerous they are. And many many experiences of people who were very sick from them and made a full recovery after. Mercury is the second most toxic substance on earth. One gram will poison a whole lake of fish. The average mouth has around 4 - 5 grams of Mercury. In 10 years 40% percent of that mercury will have leaked from those fillings. Well where did it go? It went into your body. It builds up over time. If you look at a filling under a microscope you will see many pits and cavites (you can see many with the naked eye also). Where did this material go? Into your body. Upon death an autopsy will show that the amount of mercury in the body and brain is related to how many fillings a person had.
Amalgam fillings were originally banned when the frist dental associating was formed. After a few years the new ADA was formed and they didn't ban it. They wanted something that was the most affordable and easiest to fix poor peoples teeth and immigrants teeth. And ever since they have tried to say the mercury is locked into the other metals. But this is not true. It leaks out gradually.
Did you know that when the Amalgams come to the denstist office they have a skull and crossbones on the case? And they are treated like toxic waste. When they are taken out they again must be treated like toxic waste. It is ilegal to throw them on the garbage or down the drain. Dentists are not to handle them with their hands. Yet somehow once they are in in the mouth they are not toxic? How does this make sense.
What if your fillings were 50% say... arsenic or strychnine? Woud you let them put that in your mouth? And yet Mercury is substancially more dangerous and and poisonous. And yet Dentists dont tell you thats what they are. Mercury stays mercury even when mixed. It doesn't become something else. It just slows down the release.
The state of California requires this warning in all dental offices with a staff of 10 or more that use mercury amalgam fillings. "The people of the state of California have determined that the use of dental amalgam causes birth defects and other health problems."
The government of Canada directed its
dentists to stop placing mercury fillings in pregnant women in 1996. The government of
the United Kingdom followed suit in 1998, directing no amalgam for pregnant women.
The two largest amalgam manufacturers ? Kerr and Dentsply -- tell dentists in
writing, Do not place amalgam in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under
six, and anyone with kidney disease.
Since amalgam use began 6 new diseases linked to mercury have been discovered; Alzheimer's, Autism, Parkinson's, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis and Idiopathic Myocarditis. Coincidence? Perhaps.
A person with 8 fillings releases 120mcg of mercury into the mouth every day. As much as 17mcg of that gets absorbed into the body. In its vapor form the mercury is fat-soluble, and favors lungs and mucous membranes at first. Then it crosses tissue barriers, including the blood-brain barrier and also the placenta. Mercury then accumulates in the brain, the gut, and the liver.
The largest study of amalgam toxicity ever done took place at the University of Tübingen in Germany in 1995. With over 20,000 subjects, this study showed conclusively that mercury from amalgams is continually released in quantities large enough to be identified in the saliva. The designer of the study, Dr. Peter Krauss, noted that in some patients the amount of mercury in saliva could be as high as 100 times the WHO 'safe' level.
Even after having the amalgams removed it can take years for your body to remove the mercury. It's very hard for your body to remove metals like Mercury.
I had 10 amalgam fillings in my head. They were added gradually over the years. For the last two decades I've had health problems. They kept getting worse and worse. In the last two years I was getting so sick I was starting to think I had HIV or Cancer or something. After having 4 eye infections in 9 months on top of everything else I knew something had to be done now! Not to mention my heart pain and racing hearth from time to time and stomach sickness, mucsle spasms, severe muscle pain etc (fibromyalgia?). And whole bunch of other things. After doing a bunch of research on my symptoms I came to a disorder called "wilsons syndrome". I then found out that a lot of those symptoms are from a bad thyroid. I then saw a doctors comment on what causes that. An Autoimmune problem. Which is caused by Mercury in the thyroid. Your body then attachs your thryroid because of the foreign substance Mercury. All my chronic fatigue was from my body fighting itself all the time. The mercury also causes yeast to grow crazy in your stomach since your immune system is low. The rest of all my health issues were right there in the list of Mercury poisoning. Mercury poisoning is not an allergy. It's poisoning.
One time about 8 years ago I accidentally broke a thermometer. I cleaned it up in a small bathroom. I had no idea that mercury leaked gases. I only thought it was a liquid. With in days I got so sick I thought I was going to die. I was peeing brown. My organs in my side swelled up and were poking out my side. I had candida (yeast) in my mouth. I had so much fatigue and pain I couldn't get up to go to the bathroom. My body was so overloaded with the Mercury from my Amalgams that it really couldn't handle the extra Mercury breathed in by the Thermometer. You can't even buy a Mercury Thermomter in the stores anymore. Thats how much of a danger Mercury is.
Since having my Amalgams taken out last month I feel incredibly better. My brain is coming back. My brain isn't in a fog anymore. My health problems are all going away. No more stomach problems. Fatigue is all going away. I have more and more energy every day. Part of me is so mad that this was allowed for so long to go on and I was never told what was in those fillings. But another part of me is just happy and I feel as if I can start my life over and finally move on. It will still take a year or two for all the mercury to be washed from my body. But I can tell you it was the best $4000 I ever spent.
I keep reading account after account after account of people who were getting incredbly sick. After having their "sivler" fillings taken out all their health problems started to vanish.
It's not a question of if you are getting poisoned it's how much you are getting poisoned. And when you will start to see the side effects. Just like the tabacco industry billions of dollars are at stake. Did you know that 50 tons of amalgam gets put into people heads every year? (down from 80 tons). And you can bet the ones profitting are going to fight it "tooth" and nail to keep everything status quoe. Your dental insurance like Amalgam because it lasts so long and is cheaper. It saves them money. But it's out there and it's growing and I dont believe it will be long before Silver Amalgam fillings will totally be banned everywhere. Already many denstists wont use them and other counties ban them to one extent or the other. You can wait until that day comes and then do something. Or you can wait until you start getting sick. But either way waiting is only letting more Mercury build up in your system. Like people who get high led exposer, or asbestos exposure or whatever else. You may seem healthy now but that doesn't mean you will be forever or that it's safe. And Mercury is much more toxic than anything else you are going to be exposed too.
Here are just some links: