incredible hulk launch

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
Let's made from movies. Guaranteed to blow.

It's pretty much a law. Games based on movies that are released around the same time are pretty much guaranteed to fit somewhere between mediocre and garbage.

And even if its release isn't carefully tied to the release of the movie (or even TV show), it's still usually a safe bet that it won't be anything spectacular.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2000
yeah because they rush the games.

most superhero games are mediocre anyway. Something tells me giving marvel to sega = HUGE mistake.


Oct 18, 1999
Ironman demo wasnt half bad. For 20 bucks I would have gotten it. But 50 bucks? Nah.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2000
I think superhero games are just shallow and repetitive. Like a comic book. The stories are superficial and they aren't really ever much of a challenge. The movies work because of an inner struggle which is character driven and doesn't come across in an action game.

You will never see a GREAT marvel game. But the hulk will come pretty damn close due to it's 'smash and destroy' nature.

I'm still waiting for a good superman game.


Oct 24, 2000
Ultimate Destruction was not developed by the same folks that are doing this game. This is a movie based Hulk game. They do claim it will play much like UD, but I have my serious doubts (not to mention that UD wasn't even all that great... fun, but got old rather quickly)


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2000
Originally posted by: warcrow
Is anyone playing this game? If so, what version? How does it compare to Ultimate Destruction? Is it really a true free roaming game? I heard someone in another forum refer to it as "a bit like Crackdown" after the first level--true?



Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2000
the thing that makes the hulk game stand above the rest is that they already have a great design model to follow with previous versions. Something Iron Man and a lot of other games never got right.

Even the cell shaded hulk movie game was decent.


Jan 12, 2004
Originally posted by: CasioTech
Originally posted by: warcrow
Is anyone playing this game? If so, what version? How does it compare to Ultimate Destruction? Is it really a true free roaming game? I heard someone in another forum refer to it as "a bit like Crackdown" after the first level--true?

Well is it, gosh darn it! :p


Oct 26, 2006
Originally posted by: warcrow
Originally posted by: CasioTech
Originally posted by: warcrow
Is anyone playing this game? If so, what version? How does it compare to Ultimate Destruction? Is it really a true free roaming game? I heard someone in another forum refer to it as "a bit like Crackdown" after the first level--true?

Well is it, gosh darn it! :p

Sep 29, 2004
Originally posted by: CasioTech
yeah because they rush the games.

most superhero games are mediocre anyway. Something tells me giving marvel to sega = HUGE mistake.

I'd say they have a fixed budget based on what movie based games do sales wise. And based on history, you might as well assume that the budget is very low. And based on that, the game will probably suck.


Jul 9, 2000
I played about 25% through on Sunday. It is a lot like Crackdown, and in a way, better, because well, the Hulk uses everything as a weapon, including pedestrians (not just throwing them, but like a club)! Jumping through the city is very satisfying, and you find gamma and rage canisters throughout the city to level up your abilities (like Crackdown orbs). Its somewhat easy, except when you fight actual super villains, it becomes annoyingly difficult. I'm not paying attention to the story, as it seems tied to the movie and I dont want it spoiled. Its probably fun in the same way that Spiderman 3 game was. Just being Spiderman and web slinging though the city and beating people up using spider moves was a blast. Story meh . Hulk has a similar combo system to Spiderman 3, and the more canisters your get and feats (like achievements) you accomplish the more moves you get. I think thats how it goes....I'm really just running around kicking ass and stuff pops up saying this feat accomplished, you now have an upgrade, etc. Graphics look a lot like Spiderman 3. The Hulk looks great, everything else is just good enough. You can destroy buildings, and they actually seem to stay destroyed. I'm thinking by the time the game is finished the city will be a flat plane. I've done some of the missions, and , well, they are something to do. Like Spiderman 3, you can just run around and take on the random bad guy shooting up the city or progress through the story mode doing missions. So far this has lead to at least one group of villains, The Ufoes (evil fantastic four like group), giant robot, hulkbusters, and mutants. Since I know The UFoes are not in the Hulk movie, things might get interesting. Again, to compare to Spiderman 3, having the Lizard storyline in the game but not the movie.

I have the PS3 version. Got it at Circuit City for $49 and a $10 GC when PM'd to Frys. It is a fun game. Definitely a rent. Buying depends on how hard you are on games. I would think $20-49 would be the sweet spot, depending on what other villains are in the game. Waiting for it to go on clearance for under $20 like Spiderman 3 would be a steal. But as it is now, I'm happy with it at the price I paid. It fills the Crackdown itch since I no longer have a 360. Havent tried online, if there is any.

I never played Ultimate Destruction, so I can't compare.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
My son and I loved UD. Sure, replay value on a game like this is limited, but we occasionally break it out for some fun, mindless "Hulk smash!"

I will be picking this up for certain. I watched GP vids, and it is definitely UD on roids from what I've seen.

Originally posted by: CasioTech

Even the cell shaded hulk movie game was decent.
It was a really fun game, aside from the Bruce Banner levels, those were pure fail.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2000
yeah exactly, those levels sucked ass... which made the hulk levels more appreciated. I really liked the glowing cell shaded prerendered cut scenes.

It was one of the first games I can remember which demonstrated great real time physics.

I know the 360 version will score well. I wonder how the ps2/wii version will fare.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: CasioTech
I know the 360 version will score well. I wonder how the ps2/wii version will fare.

63 Metacritic Score with four reviews. High is 70 (Team Xbox). Low is 58 (1UP).
Seems the biggest short coming is that it is too much like UD. The few user ratings are much higher as well. I think this is a case of: If you already like what the last Hulk game was all about, and like the character, you will probably enjoy the game. Otherwise, it is just a 2nd rate/lack luster knock off of sorts.