I'm officially in control of my dreams.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2007
For the past few years I've actively tried lucid dreaming. I've tried to take control of what goes on in my dreams. It's not been easy. Realizing that you are dreaming is actually very difficult, and when you do realize that you are dreaming, the vast majority of the time you'll wake up immediately due to the shock of being able to control your dreams. A few times I've been successful at controlling my dreams for a few seconds, but last night I finally was able to control my dream for a significant amount of time.

I was dreaming I was standing outside, on the streets of a city which I do not immediately recognize. All of a sudden I see a person walking up the street. I recognized that person as my friend Daniel. But something about Daniel was different. I don't know what it was, but I realized that this must be a dream. I immediately thought "Ok, I'm going to slowly analyze this situation and try to conclude whether this is a dream or not." After a few seconds of deep thinking about the situation, I realized that I was dreaming. After that realization, I took full control of every single aspect of the dream.

The dream lasted for quite a while. I am not going into the details of what I did during my dream, but I will say that I learned a few things about taking control of your dreams that will allow me to perfect the technique in the future. Some of the things learned from the experience are:

- I was extremely tired last night. I've never been as sleepy as last night. This might be one of the reasons why I achieved lucid dreaming.

- During the dream, I realized I was in a dream by thinking, not by taking a quick test of my surroundings.

- Once you're in control, you can do anything, but you need to focus on what you want. You can make anything and anyone appear in your dream.

- The dream was so vivid, I remember it in more detail than normal dreams.

I know there is a vast amount of literature covering lucid dreaming, but I've always thought that dreams are very unique for every person, and that the best way to induce lucid dreaming is by trial and error. I also recently saw Inception, which might be one of the reasons why I achieved a long, detailed lucid dream last night.

...Now, if I could only learn to take control of my sleep paralysis experiences.
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Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2007
If I've made one and only one serious thread in this forum, this is it.


Senior member
Aug 27, 2007
I'm working on the same thing. Have been for about a year now. I haven't been able to get past the point of waking because I am shocked that I know I'm dreaming. One time I did know I was dreaming and I flew (arms flapping and everything) for a short while before waking.

Cool stuff.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2004
Stuff like this interests me, but I have zero point of reference for comparison. It's like you were describing the sense of smell to me if I didn't have it. I remember maybe one dream once a month, for about 3 minutes after I wake up. Otherwise, I have no idea if I dream or not.


Oct 24, 2005
For the past few years I've actively tried lucid dreaming. I've tried to take control of what goes on in my dreams. It's not been easy. Realizing that you are dreaming is actually very difficult, and when you do realize that you are dreaming, the vast majority of the time you'll wake up immediately due to the shock of being able to control your dreams. A few times I've been successful at controlling my dreams for a few seconds, but last night I finally was able to control my dream for a significant amount of time.

I was dreaming I was standing outside, on the streets of a city which I do not immediately recognize. All of a sudden I see a person walking up the street. I recognized that person as my friend Daniel. But something about Daniel was different. I don't know what it was, but I realized that this must be a dream. I immediately thought "Ok, I'm going to slowly analyze this situation and try to conclude whether this is a dream or not." After a few seconds of deep thinking about the situation, I realized that I was dreaming. After that realization, I took full control of every single aspect of the dream.

The dream lasted for quite a while. I am not going into the details of what I did during my dream, but I will say that I learned a few things about taking control of your dreams that will allow me to perfect the technique in the future. Some of the things learned from the experience are:

- I was extremely tired last night. I've never been as sleepy as last night. This might be one of the reasons why I achieved lucid dreaming.

- During the dream, I realized I was in a dream by thinking, not by taking a quick test of my surroundings.

- Once you're in control, you can do anything, but you need to focus on what you want. You can make anything and anyone appear in your dream.

- The dream was so vivid, I remember it in more detail than normal dreams.

I know there is a vast amount of literature covering lucid dreaming, but I've always thought that dreams are very unique for every person, and that the best way to induce lucid dreaming is by trial and error. I also recently saw Inception, which might be one of the reasons why I achieved a long, detailed lucid dream last night.

...Now, if I could only learn to take control of my sleep paralysis experiences.



Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2007
Stuff like this interests me, but I have zero point of reference for comparison. It's like you were describing the sense of smell to me if I didn't have it. I remember maybe one dream once a month, for about 3 minutes after I wake up. Otherwise, I have no idea if I dream or not.

Wow... if you don't remember your dreams, it's going to be very difficult to be aware that you are dreaming.


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2005
I was dreaming I was standing outside, on the streets of a city which I do not immediately recognize. All of a sudden I see a person walking up the street. I recognized that person as my friend Daniel.

So you dreamed of 2 things:
- What it might be like to leave your parents basement
- That you actually had a friend

Maybe now you'll be able to do those things in real life. Then again, probably not, so keep dreaming.


Aug 4, 2007
I never dream. hit the sack and I blackout in 5 minutes. deep, deep sleep. I wish I could dream again :(


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2007
So you dreamed of 2 things:
- What it might be like to leave your parents basement
- That you actually had a friend

Maybe now you'll be able to do those things in real life. Then again, probably not, so keep dreaming.

Congrats on reaching 1000 posts. If only it was a good post.

so you admit to your past and future trolling

I never said that.


Apr 19, 2001
I thought I was controlling a dream once, but it turned out I really was naked in the bushes outside Jessica Alba's house. The police were not amused.


Aug 8, 2001
I can lucid dream, but I don't trust myself to wake up so I don't do it anymore.

Getting stuck in a dream world is horrible.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2006
How many levels deep did you go?

Kidding. But seriously, I've achieved it once, for about a half second. I too tried flying, and as soon as I was off the ground it scared the shit out of me and I woke up. But I generally have the most vivid, visceral dreams on a regular basis, which sometimes are entertaining enough.


Mar 22, 2008
I remember having a slight lucid dream.

Remember I was dreaming in first person and it was Crysis actually...I just remember this cause I was in the jungle, had my decked-out AK47 then BAM...I was like, "This is Crysis..."...then I was in total control...it only lasted maybe a minute in dream or so...but I remember I tried jumping on a building and it didnt work...then I was like, this is a motherfucking dream! Next thing I know I leaped 3 stories in the air...felt the speed, the power, the wind as I went into the air...then I woke up...sucked...I was looking forward to it...

Since then its never happened again...shame :(


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
people actually practice this? i realize i'm dreaming all the time. not by testing, just by realizing it. usually the dreams are stuff that's incredible anyway (like escaping from an alien concentration camp, had that one a few times. maybe my dreams are fucked up) i've only had one dream that i can remember that was something usual and pedestrian. that was about as close as i've come to a paranormal experience. i dreamed about something and that something happened as soon as i woke up, maybe i was sleep walking but i've never had a history of it.