lol @ dvds
lol @ 480p
About time. We've been mad at you for a long time.
Not all movies are worthy of buying again in HD, but it would have been better if they were at least widescreen :\
This is where I personally see a grey area in downloading movies, if I own the movie, I have bought and paid for it, why should I need to buy it AGAIN, just to have a 720p or 1080p copy of it?
Why bother doing this at all? Nostalgia?
the laws are quite clear even if they're not fair
Not all movies are worthy of buying again in HD, but it would have been better if they were at least widescreen :\
OP probably shoots cell-phone videos vertically too.
flip the disc over, widesrceen is on the other side
I am also mad at my past self... for even buying DVDs. I'm now trying to get rid of 20 DVDs for like 1/5 of what I paid for them on Craigslist.
That being said, my Star Wars collectors edition letterboxed VHS for $120 was totally worth it.
Pre-Lucas ruin!
I have a friend from Pakistan who had DVDs of Star Wars that were bootlegs based off the Laserdisk. At the time I thought they were dumb but now I tell him to lock them in his safe.
For these reasons I have systematically replaced every single movie I had in DVD with Blu Ray or HD DVD versions (cause I rip em all anyway) over the years. Now all I have left are movies or (more likely) TV shows where the DVD copy is the only release it ever had. In those cases I just thank the heavens I at least got a DVD copy (like my favorite series as a kid "The Tick") so I am not dependant on someone like Netflix licensing the content.