Ignore list


Oct 15, 1999
How many do you have on it?
I went to clear mine (I clear it at the beginning of every year) and realized I had 23 people on ignore, all from P&N posts. I get nothing out of personal attacks be they against me or someone else. I see one and push the button, I guess I was a little hasty last year since I averaged two a month.
So what's your body count and what is it that makes you push the button? I'm curious.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
I'm sure I'm on numerous lists...funboy is the only one on mine. Doesn't know how to take no for an answer when he lowballs you on something you're selling. That will get you added to mine faster than anything.

Pretty sure that's from at least 4 or 5 years back, but IDK if he'll come off the list. He really pushed it hard. Guy being a bit goofy or not, I won't deal with folks like that in FS/FT.

In P&N I can ignore people by simply not paying attention to their postings. But people PM'ing me about FS items...if you annoy me enough in PMs, you go on the list. He's the sole one.
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No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001

29 because I think they are bots
9 for being willfully ignorant, dishonest, and proud of it
6 for being disruptive attention whores

About two thirds of them don’t post anymore.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2010
About a dozen but only one that regularly posts here anymore. A lot of them are banned or were spammers and you can't even see their profiles anymore.
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Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
Do people ever get unbanned? Is there a reason to keep them in the list once they're gone? Genuinely curious.


Oct 20, 2003
I have 2 currently *(both due to P&N-related stupidity) although I VERY seldom have bothered actually ignoring any REAL member who regularly posts over the years.


May 19, 2011
More than I can be bothered to count. I used to add anyone I thought was a chronic waste of time to the list, but because the way the ignore list works is often disruptive of simply reading a forum thread and understanding what people are arguing about, I decided to 'declare an amnesty' (can't think of a better term) and unignored lots of people. However because I had to unignore one person at a time, the task got tedious so I just picked the more frequent forum users. Now I don't have to 'show ignored content' pretty much every time I open a thread. Even when it does happen though, I can't remember the specific reason why I put someone on ignore months/years ago.

IMO this functionality needs to work differently. I would have two levels to this functionality, perhaps the first level is 'flagged user' and the second is 'completely ignore'.

'Flagged user' would tint each of the user's posts to whatever the 'tint' colour is, and in the footer of their messages would be links to provide info as to why I flagged that user. Additional posts from that user could be flagged resulting in more linked messages in the footer of each of their messages. It would also tint quotes from this user in other peoples' posts. It would help serve as a warning that interacting with this user is just going to result in wasted time (ie. the kind of person who frequents a discussion forum to say what they think and avoids engagement with anything that might challenge their opinions).

'Completely ignore' would work like ignore currently does, I'm just not sure when I'd use it.
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