if someone can explain to me why I hate these two people I met in college.. it would be grateful.

skim milk

Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2003
I met these two dudes in college when I was a freshman last fall at a student organization. We all didn't know each other and we were freshmans so we tried to hang out with each other since we didn't know anybody else.
As the semester progressed, I started becoming more distant from them. I stopped hanging out with them BECAUSE it gave me more mental stress whenever I do stuff with them and the rest of that particular student organization people. I dunno why.
I just hate the way they think they are so cool and try to have some mental competitions with me or something,,, judging me, etc... i dunno it was a bunch of psychological things imposed on me, can't explain it ... that's why i decided i don't enjoy myself when i hang out with them,,, only more unhappy. It wasn't just these two but we hung out in a big group that i didn't even really know... so it made things worse. ANYWAYs,,,,, I said and did things I regret which I want to take back when I was around them.... (maybe I cared what they thought about me back then which started this whole nonsense, I wasn't mentally ready for college, it was definitely something I wasn't expecting)
what happened was, I tried to make up for my past regrets.... but i ended up digging myself a deeper hole. I wasn't helping fix the problems I was having, only digging a deeper hole.

this is something I can't explain with words, you had to experience the psychological and mental aspect of it so sorry if it doesn't make sense

now I look back it was a learning experience and I am MUCH happier without them in my life. I realize now that from the beginning, they are incompatible with my personalities....i should've went the "natural" route to make friends I can associate with.. instead of focing myself to fit in where I don't belong. HOWEVER, the problem is, we all still go to the same university. I try hard not to think about them or the past regrets but whenever I see them and their face or just anything associated with them, I get ANGRY like as if my chest gets filled. So much anger, enough to make me beat their ass and I can't explain why. I would like to relieve this problem but not by means of becoming any type of friends with them. What can I do?
What is the root of this problem and how can I move on completely?
It's been almost a year and this problem still exists. I really wish I didn't meet ANYONE in college, I would be much happier right now.
Should I just ignore them when I see them?? We both still act friendly towards each other but i know underneathe it all, they don't like me and i don't like them. MAybe it's the fakeness of it all pissing me off from the beginning.


Oct 1, 2001
is your school that small that you have to see them a lot? who cares... lots of fake people in college... let it go... you're putting yourself under a lot of stress.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2000
See a shrink? Looking for advice in AT for this type of stuff might be the best solution. A shrink would be able to find the bottom of this and help you get over it.


Nov 9, 2000
Is there only 5 people at that college? Next time you see them just flip them off and go on with your day.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
don't worry about it, thinking about it probably only makes it worse, you must have something better to think about.


Mar 12, 2000
Some people just rub others the wrong way. There have been times when I've known from the moment that I've met someone that I would despise them (and I consider myself a very friendly person who is easy to get along with). :p

Such people are best avoided. Just say your "hi" and "bye" whenever you see them and leave it at that. Just because you met a couple of jerks doesn't mean that everyone on your campus is like that, so go out and meet some new people!