If cannabis becomes legal in California whats the odds that other states will follow?

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No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Every pothead would move to California and their financial problem would be even worse.
All the pot heads will come to California and buy it here since its cheap and smoke it here since its legal, thus increasing our tax revenues.


Platinum Member
Aug 12, 2007
its practically legal in CA anyways. anyone can get a med card there is what I heard.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Colorado will follow the next year, easily. Oregon as well? Maybe WA.

MA within 5 years....maybe. I don't know where else. expect a nice mason-dixon-like dividing line over legal/illegal if it ever gains major traction.

...but even that isn't perfect. You'll maybe see FL and a few states in the "typical" south: NC, KY, TN, could be persuaded (very, very strong multi-million$ pot industry currently thriving--VA would be difficult b/c of RJ Reynolds) within 10 years, maybe.

Other "northern" states are way too conservative, way too concerned with distracting, non-functional social issues--abortion, science...to ever move forward (the Dakotas, Idaho, Utah).

and Texas is stupid. They'll never see the light. in anything....but they're still more advanced than Kansas. :)


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
It won't be legalized in other states until the Supreme Court doesn't have conservative puppets.


well, other states will do it without SCOTUS. It won't stick, though, without SCOTUS.

I'm willing to think that if and when it passes, somewhere, there will be an expected grace period. shit, just let CA take one for the team and be the willing testing ground. Give them 2 or 3 years of this great experiment. Then we start chatting again...

I'm still thinking this has a strong chance of being defeated in CA, though. :(


Apr 10, 2006
it's going to be lulzy when the fed cuts funding to cali after it passes.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
it's going to be lulzy when the fed cuts funding to cali after it passes.

This is one of the big things that people are concerned about. The feds have a long track record of withholding monies from states who don't comply with federal "mandates," although, I suspect this will end up in the USSC before they start withholding funds.

I suspect that IF the USSC doesn't overturn the Kahleeforneeya law, and IF the feds don't stop federal funds, and IF Kahleeforneeya shows a large increase in tax revenues from marijuana, some of the "blue states" may also try to cash in on legal marijuana.


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2000
There's a few things to consider in regards to the Feds:

1. If weed is legalized there is nothing the Feds can do short of executing people who want access to. Think about it, the Feds can't stop people now from using it and it's illegal.

2. The cost to put together an initiative to go after weed smokers once it's made legal in Cali would likely be prohibitive. In light of the current economy, politicians would have a field day blasting the Feds for wasting tax payer money on arresting people for engaging in a legal activity.

3. Times have changed drastically since when marijuana was declared an illegal substance. It's become less and less popular to demonize a substance that has been in use for centuries, especially when most americans don't see it as the evil that the Feds do. It's quite likely that even the decision makers in the Feds would rather devote their time to other problems, but they probably tow the anti-weed line because of historical posterity more than any concern about public health.

Old Hippie

Diamond Member
Oct 8, 2005
IMO, even if it doesn't pass this time, it's only a matter of time. Hopefully facts and truth will win out, as they should, in the long run.

Of course, people have probably been saying that since the 70s.... :(:(

I know I have.

But I honestly thought I'd never live to see it....and at 58 I haven't yet.

I was estatic when Ohio decriminalized small amounts.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2006
There's a few things to consider in regards to the Feds:

1. If weed is legalized there is nothing the Feds can do short of executing people who want access to. Think about it, the Feds can't stop people now from using it and it's illegal.

2. The cost to put together an initiative to go after weed smokers once it's made legal in Cali would likely be prohibitive. In light of the current economy, politicians would have a field day blasting the Feds for wasting tax payer money on arresting people for engaging in a legal activity.

3. Times have changed drastically since when marijuana was declared an illegal substance. It's become less and less popular to demonize a substance that has been in use for centuries, especially when most americans don't see it as the evil that the Feds do. It's quite likely that even the decision makers in the Feds would rather devote their time to other problems, but they probably tow the anti-weed line because of historical posterity more than any concern about public health.

There is a difference between the black market distribution in place today, and selling it out in the open once it's legalized. Anyone who chooses to do that, if the Fed decides to clamp down on "legal" marijuana, would be easily shut down by raids by federal agencies like DEA, or FBI.


Jul 2, 2005
There is a difference between the black market distribution in place today, and selling it out in the open once it's legalized. Anyone who chooses to do that, if the Fed decides to clamp down on "legal" marijuana, would be easily shut down by raids by federal agencies like DEA, or FBI.

Maybe, but do you think they'll go after everyone who grows 1 or 2 plants in the backyard?


Nov 9, 2000
MJ is the number one cash crop in Tennessee... the state is losing out on a lot of tax revenue. I am for it simply for the savings of State government money spent housing prisoners and flying $400 hour helicopters looking for plants.

Plus I have just doubled up my taco bell stock holdings.


Nov 9, 2000
it's going to be lulzy when the fed cuts funding to cali after it passes.

Hawaii was the last hold out when every other state went to a drinking age of 21. Even though it is an Island they still have interstates and funding was threatened.. then bam. Now you have to be 21 to drink in Hawaii.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
What is going to be amusing is the reaction of the folks who so loudly stated that Prop 8 was THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE and should therefore stand. I somehow doubt they'll be quite as insistent this time around despite it being THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.


Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2003
Pot will be legalized one day. Once all the old farts die out and the new generation takes over. Almost everyone I know 25 and under thinks pot should be legal.

I bet you would have said the same thing in the 1960's..."almost everyone I know 25 and under thinks pot should be legal". It's not a matter of a new generation taking over...it's a matter of reform being a long and difficult process (if it can even succeed at all).


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I bet you would have said the same thing in the 1960's..."almost everyone I know 25 and under thinks pot should be legal". It's not a matter of a new generation taking over...it's a matter of reform being a long and difficult process (if it can even succeed at all).

It doesn't have to be. Alcohol prohibition lasted 13 years...

Marijuana prohibition has lasted 73 years...



Mar 10, 2004
Where in the bill does it say you can smoke it anywhere? Smoking is smoking. No smoking = no smoking of anything in public

That's basically what I'm asking. Where will you be allowed to smoke pot? People are rabid about tobacco smoke, to the point of making rules about smoking in your own home or apartment because other residents can smell it, and the smell lingers in other people's homes as well. There have been lawsuits.

If we live in adjacent houses, and my pothead neighbors like to smoke their now legal pot all weekend, will it stink up my house too? Will I fail a drug test because I live next to them. Do my clthes drying on the line now smell like pot? What are my rights regarding second hand pot smoke?

You can smell tobacco smoke a long way off, and it lingers long on a smoker and his clothes and house, etc.

Apartments will be even worse for the transfer of the odor.

These are all things that have come up in lawsuits about tobacco smoke. MJ smoke having the added bennies of possibly making other folks high and causing them to fail a drug test. :biggrin:

Then you might have kids living right next to the potheads which could add whole new dimensions to the argument.

If it's "medically necessary" does that mean the neighbors just have to lump it?

Me, I actually like the smell of good tobacco smoke as long as you aren't puffing it directly in my face. MJ smoke not so much. :D

Then again, maybe we'll all be a little high and we won't care anymore. :biggrin:


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2006
Maybe, but do you think they'll go after everyone who grows 1 or 2 plants in the backyard?
No, but most people won't take a personal risk like that. If the fed decides to crack down all they have to do is make examples of people. Once they start making arrests people will get rid of their personal crop.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I suspect the feds will go after the big grow operations first...if their corporate masters will allow them to do so...then, they'll go after the resellers, and even the street corner "pot stores" before they go after "Dick and Jane" who grow 1-2 plants for personal consumption.


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2000
That's basically what I'm asking. Where will you be allowed to smoke pot? People are rabid about tobacco smoke, to the point of making rules about smoking in your own home or apartment because other residents can smell it, and the smell lingers in other people's homes as well. There have been lawsuits.

If we live in adjacent houses, and my pothead neighbors like to smoke their now legal pot all weekend, will it stink up my house too? Will I fail a drug test because I live next to them. Do my clthes drying on the line now smell like pot? What are my rights regarding second hand pot smoke?

You can smell tobacco smoke a long way off, and it lingers long on a smoker and his clothes and house, etc.

Apartments will be even worse for the transfer of the odor.

These are all things that have come up in lawsuits about tobacco smoke. MJ smoke having the added bennies of possibly making other folks high and causing them to fail a drug test. :biggrin:

Then you might have kids living right next to the potheads which could add whole new dimensions to the argument.

If it's "medically necessary" does that mean the neighbors just have to lump it?

Me, I actually like the smell of good tobacco smoke as long as you aren't puffing it directly in my face. MJ smoke not so much. :D

Then again, maybe we'll all be a little high and we won't care anymore. :biggrin:

cigarette smokers can go through packs a day which of course is going to leave a lot more evidence of smoke and odors. whereas with weed, even with a guy who smokes all day its not the same amount of smoke that a cigarette smoker will generate. most of the people I know who smoke weed anyway prefer one hitters. when I worked at the board of trade here in chicago I would see guys smoking those one hitters right on the trading floor and you'd never know it from the smoke.

you seem like the type who just wants to make issues out of nothing. trust me legalizing weed won't make life any different for you than what it already is.