This guy was a licensed (Cracker-Jax?) hypnotist, and gave an hour talk on it. Showed us a video of him "hypnotizing" someone and then "hypnotized" us at the end of his talk.
He was selling himself really hard, telling you how much he would help you. Seemed no different to me than guided meditation, and when I asked him to distinguish the two all he said was, "Meditiation can be hypnotic".
Seemed pretty much like faith healing to me. Anyone going for help is self-motivated anyways. Needless to say I was unimpressed.
He was selling himself really hard, telling you how much he would help you. Seemed no different to me than guided meditation, and when I asked him to distinguish the two all he said was, "Meditiation can be hypnotic".
Seemed pretty much like faith healing to me. Anyone going for help is self-motivated anyways. Needless to say I was unimpressed.