Health care needed reforming for a while now. It was in a death spiral. Costs were far outpacing inflation, businesses dropping coverage, and numbers of uninsured growing.
GOP did nothing, Clinton wanted to do something, but couldn't get it done. Obama got
the ball rolling on reforming it. Kudos to him.
Fixing big problems is messy, and easiest thing to do is try to score political points during the transition period.
If that's the party GOP wants to be, do nothing except bash others for doing something, more power to them. Democrats will work through the problems and shape the future while the GOP will leave nothing but a legacy of whining about ultimately successful programs.
Bill Frist, not a lefty, but the last GOP Senate Majority leader, says that
70% of Obamacare is pretty good, 30% needs to be fixed.
That 30% he doesn't like are primarily things like ratios between what sickest and healthiest pay. Frist thinks those should be at 5:1 instead of 3:1. Also, he thinks the plans are too comprehensive, and more things should be out of pocket. These are fine tuning knobs, not structural problems.