Originally posted by: exdeath
Originally posted by: akshatp
Originally posted by: rh71
Originally posted by: luv2liv
i promise im not the only one!
look at this
bmw setup
but as you can see.. he did the whole thing practically from scratch!
That's nuts... crazy MITers and their parents with money.
I love how he completely modded a leased car.
This guy is INSANE!!!! I cant beleive the car started after he took it apart and put it back together with car parts from a different vehicle!!!
Parents money is the key, enabling him to buy any part, including an entire engine or multi thousand dollar BMW break out box, on a whim in order to piece something together that works.
Knowledge and skill alone only goes so far. There are 10s of 1000s of people who have the mental capacity to do stuff like that, but lack the cash to pursue it. The one who gets all the fame and recognition is merely the one who has the $10,000 scope or whatever to actually do it with, or access to an expensive ivy league school lab with millions of dollars of equipment.
You think that MIT kid that cracked the XBox bought that top of the line
logic analyzer and bus protocol logger and FPGA out of his lunch money?
It's therefore of no consequence that the amazing stories you hear about come from kids with rich parents going to expensive schools like MIT that have all that stuff handed to them on a silver platter. I'm sure there are a lot of people here on AT who would love to do stuff like that but can't afford it or are too busy working to pay their rent.
PS: wiring harness for a car is not hard to work with, esp. when you have the schematics and ECU pinout. It's just annoying and time consuming. Props however for his patience to sort out undocumented connectors.
Not trying to downplay anything this person did, it's hard work either way. Just be sure you're giving props to the talent not the money. There are many bright people out there, but you only hear about the works of the ones with access to infinite money.