SunnyD: I'm with you, man. Totally right there with you.
My wife, normally an intelligent, rational woman, also thinks I have a money tree growing out of my ass and that I finger-fish money out of my cornhole on a daily basis. She knows what I make, what I pay out but somehow just can't do the fucking math. :roll:
The REALLY interesting thing is what her spendy hang-up is; VACATIONS...just like your wife.
She'll clip coupons, buy generic brand everything at the store, etc. But out of the blue, on a Thursday, she'll just spout "Jenny (her sister) and (insert friends of family here) are going to (insert weekend trip that will cost $600+ dollars) this weekend!!! It will be fun. We should go!!!" Huh...whaaat?
And exactly where do I pull $600 from? Credit cards need to be PAID BACK....HELLLL-FUCKINGEELLLLL-OOOOOOO!????? Anyone home in there? Light goes in the left ear and out the right ear.
We've had "that conversation" about 100X. Doesn't matter. It's like going away for the weekend is the social equivalent of a big dick (big vagina?) for her. It's a social status thing. I could care less. We have a nice apartment (1,900 SF...not a misprint), satellite TV, internet, big screen, dishwasher, AC, booze and all that good shit. I WANT TO STAY HOME AND ENJOY WHAT I PAY FOR GODAMMIT!!! But her? Oh, no. Got to go AWAY. Stay in some hotel...oh it's OH SO GLAMOROUS!!!!!!!! Whatever.
Marriage is servitude. Period.