So, the libertarian crowd, who is always protesting about "states rights" and "keeping the govt out of the free-market" is upset at socialist Kenyan anti-colonial Obama who killed a project that was hated by the people who's state this was being rammed down the throats of, and has to date wasted billions of taxxpayer's dollars in order to bail out a private industry who cannot shoulder the cost of their technology on their own.
Got it.
This is only 100 miles outside of Vegas. 100 miles outside of NYC was remote 100 years ago. NV does not use nukes, don't want more of other people's toxic shit going through their state. This is coming from a region that has had more nuclear weapons exploded in it than possibly anywhere else in the world, and still has elevated cancer rates as a consequence.
I think they have every right to tell the rest of the US to F off and deal with their mess themselves.
Then again, Obama is a dick and is ever wrong, even when he does things that are completely consistent with my proclaimed ideology.
Oh "Kenyan, free-market, anti-colonial, libertarian, states rights, wasted taxpayer dollars." Nice buzz-words, I bet you worked hard on coming up with that diarrhea of a post.
How about you don't talk out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about. Let's see the USA government has wasted ZERO tax dollars because the industry has been paying for the repository, guess you don't know shit. The NWPA established that all costs for a repository are shouldered by the industry. Additionally the NWPA is the law that Jaczko is in violation of.
Additionally, my problem with Obama, who I unfortunately voted for, has nothing to do with the paranoid delusions you list out in your first sentence. Obama is not guided by firm morals or any deep love for of our country. He has been bought and paid for by the financial industry, and his illegal actions in domineering the NRC are paid for by Harry Reid's support of him. His DOE withdrawal of the application for Yucca was illegal per NWPA and again only for his main man Reid. He is a despicable mannequin, unfortunately the same as every other politician in DC. Before Jaczko I had no real reason to regret Obama over McCain, but after reading the report on his illegal actions I am quite disgusted and it's clear McCain would have been a better choice, even if he is also fatally flawed.