Ok, confession time. I'm fat. I'm fat because I love to cook and love to eat. I'm not stupid, I know exactly how many calories are in the food I eat. Some folks may have a slightly higher metabolism, but it's still calories in vs. calories out that dictate your weight. Everyone knows this.
Over the years I've had doctors tell me I need to see a dietician or try to give me books on nutrition. Please! I'm not stupid. I know exactly what a low calorie/fat/carb/cholesterol diet looks like. I just don't have the willpower to keep myself on one. It's not that I like junk food, I like *ALL* food. Portion control is my biggest problem.
My weight has fluctuated over the years, and when it gets bad I start having back problems and other issues. When I exercise and cut back on what I eat my weight drops and those issues go away.
I don't ask to be treated any different than other people, but if you still want to judge me then go ahead. I try to take responsibility for what I do in life, including how high I pile my dinner plate. I don't smoke, I've NEVER used an illegal drug, I try to be an honest and kind person. I just happen to like food.
A lot of fat people tend to be rude, obnoxious, loud, ignorant people. Everyone hates those folks, but their weight has nothing to do with it.
I find most people who are outraged purely over my weight have demons of their own they are wrestling with, and are just looking for someone to look down on to make themselves feel better. You can call me a fat pig and hate me, but you better be a damn good person and not have any sins of your own before you do. Hypocrisy trumps overeating as sins go.