Originally posted by: Xavier434
I read over the original thread. I can understand this guy's frustrations, but hacking this guy's computer is not a solution of any kind. All it will do is serve as some cheap vengeful act that will do nothing to help his situation. You cannot teach responsibility to a 23 year old by hacking their computer in attempt to delete a WoW account lol.
OP how about kicking his ass out?
Or what about getting a router and either blocking the port WoW uses, disable internet access for him, use time blocks to prevent him from accessing WoW during hours you set, etc.
Granted there are ways to unblock it (resetting the router), but if WoW is such an issue why not do something about the issue at hand instead of upping the ante?
PS the issue at hand is the kid is being irresponsible, and has no respect for you or I'm guessing his mother. Hacking his game is the WRONG idea (and illegal). Do something about the REAL issue at hand, which is not WoW.