How can I get a government job?


Apr 27, 2011
Ok I live in Maryland and I currently work in DC at Walter Reed Medical Center which is under the Army. I'm not a government worker, I'm a subcontractor for the government. WRAMC is closing down in about 5 months, which means I will lose my job with the subcontracting company that I am with now. I have a bachelors degree, a secret clearance and I have experience in construction management and quality assurance. I have applied to hundreds of jobs on and, I have been denied so many times. Maybe its my resume, does anyone know how I could get my foot in the door?:'(


Dec 4, 2004
You are being denied because you have already been tagged and slotted for a job. Men will visit you at your door and ask you to come with them. Make sure you are wearing clean underwear.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2010
If your resume is a single page, you're wrong. The Army's resume system filters resumes by key word search. Be as verbose as possible or your resume won't make the first pass through the system.

I assume you have a resume loaded into the Resumix system (which is or shortly will be replaced).


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Move to Grand Rapids, MI.

I'm sure that rudeguy would like to see more government employees show up. (According to him, they're just handing out government jobs over there)



Dec 27, 2001
Move to Grand Rapids, MI.

I'm sure that rudeguy would like to see more government employees show up. (According to him, they're just handing out government jobs over there)


I never said anything close to that.

Grand Rapids has always had a very small government (most of it part time) and we are looking at combining a few local governments into one to trim even more fat.


Apr 27, 2011
If your resume is a single page, you're wrong. The Army's resume system filters resumes by key word search. Be as verbose as possible or your resume won't make the first pass through the system.

I assume you have a resume loaded into the Resumix system (which is or shortly will be replaced).

Hmmm maybe I can send you my resume and you can take a look at it.


Jan 11, 2006
Ok I live in Maryland and I currently work in DC at Walter Reed Medical Center which is under the Army. I'm not a government worker, I'm a subcontractor for the government. WRAMC is closing down in about 5 months, which means I will lose my job with the subcontracting company that I am with now. I have a bachelors degree, a secret clearance and I have experience in construction management and quality assurance. I have applied to hundreds of jobs on and, I have been denied so many times. Maybe its my resume, does anyone know how I could get my foot in the door?




Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2004
You say you're being denied, do they indicate why? Have you considered private sector? Maryland, Va and DC is a great place to have clearance.


Senior member
Mar 2, 2004
Ok I live in Maryland and I currently work in DC at Walter Reed Medical Center which is under the Army. I'm not a government worker, I'm a subcontractor for the government. WRAMC is closing down in about 5 months, which means I will lose my job with the subcontracting company that I am with now. I have a bachelors degree, a secret clearance and I have experience in construction management and quality assurance. I have applied to hundreds of jobs on and, I have been denied so many times. Maybe its my resume, does anyone know how I could get my foot in the door?:'(

The WaPo lists security clearance career fairs every once in a while for people who already have gone through the clearance procedure. You'd be able to personally hand off your resume.

What is your college major?

I applied to my current fed job two different ways. I signed up for in person interview and applied online. Got the job because of the interview. 6 months later got a rejection letter based on my online application.


Apr 27, 2011
You say you're being denied, do they indicate why? Have you considered private sector? Maryland, Va and DC is a great place to have clearance.

I have already work private sector, when I got out of college I worked for a private construction management firm, but since the economy is so bad, no one is paying for new construction.


Jun 22, 2001
I have a bachelors in Construction Management Technology

What kind of job are you looking for with that degree? Something in construction I'm guessing? There should be lots of green projects going on that you can find, especially in this area (lowest unemployment in the country).


Apr 27, 2011
What kind of job are you looking for with that degree? Something in construction I'm guessing? There should be lots of green projects going on that you can find, especially in this area (lowest unemployment in the country).

Yea, I have applied to several jobs on but I havent gotten any reply back. Dont get me wrong, I'm being patient, but I just want to keep going in my career. I have already felt the wrath of unemployment and I'm not trying to have that happen again.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2002
If your resume is a single page, you're wrong. The Army's resume system filters resumes by key word search. Be as verbose as possible or your resume won't make the first pass through the system.

I assume you have a resume loaded into the Resumix system (which is or shortly will be replaced).

That's it, in a nutshell. The government doesn't care what your experience is, they care what you SAY your experience is.

If you KNOW you can do the job you're applying for, then change your resume for it. Every job opening will have a listing of responsibilities. Rearrange them a bit (don't just copy and paste, please!), but make certain that the "key words and tricky phrases" that are in the job listing are also in your resume.

I know that the Air Force runs their job applications through Randolph AFB (in Texas), and the people working the civilian personnel positions there really have ZERO clue what the different jobs (that people are applying for) do, on a day to day basis. All they have is the position description, that was written (hopefully) by someone who knows what that position/job does. Since you're dealing with the zombies at civilian personnel, though, they're only going to pass you on to the next level if your resume has all the right words and phrases in it, and scores high on their qualification scale.

Once you get on the short list of qualified applicants, the hiring command has a little (but not much) leeway on who they can hire. If the supervisor there is really sharp, and willing to go toe to toe with the civilian personnel zombies, they can refuse all of the resumes, saying that none of those people really know what they're talking about......but that's usually the exception, not the rule. Also, remember that you're fighting against veterans preference applicants (every veteran gets a 10 point preference nowadays), as well as handicapped veterans (who pretty much have head of the line on any job they're qualified for), and anyone who might be on the "stopper list" (priority placement, where they were forced out of their job, for base closure or reduction in force, and the government is trying to get them into a position they're qualified for, that's closer to their old pay's a method for the government to not lose so much of their talent during BRAC closures and RIF's).

Is the system screwed up? Most definitely. IMHO, when they went to resume only applications, they had no idea what they were doing, and should have stuck with the old application, which dealt with facts ONLY (but required more work on the part of civilian personnel folks, who actually had to READ and UNDERSTAND what people were writing.....oh my GOD!!!). Donald Rumsfeld tried to fix the system, but faced the wrath of the various government unions, and once he was gone, the government gave up the ideas he started, and went back to their old ways. But if you can get your foot in the door, you won't be sorry.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I never said anything close to that.

Grand Rapids has always had a very small government (most of it part time) and we are looking at combining a few local governments into one to trim even more fat.

I thought the government was building too many roads up in there?
