Hottest food youve ever consumed?

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No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
We grew habnero peppers one year and we all tried one. Holy shit, don't do it.

Years ago a buddy of mine brought habaneros into work for me. I ate one going out to the jobsite. The first couple of nibbles were small, but the heat didn't kick in right away, so I crunched the whole thing down. That's when the heat started... I got a Slurpee on the way to the job, but of course that did nothing, and after I got there I just sat in the truck with my head on the steering wheel. I had to go to the shitter, and I had it coming out both ends. This is in the middle of July, so the port a pot was hot as hell :^( I thought I was gonna have to go home, but things mellowed after about an hour, and I could do some work.

I've never had food out that was too hot, and I've only had food out once that I considered hot enough. That was a buffalo wrap from a local pub with their nuclear wing sauce on it. It comes with dire warnings from the wait staff, and recommendations to get something else. I love it, and it's the perfect amount of heat.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
the green hot idea what its called. 3 or 4 drops were enough to get my tummy mad.

El Yucatan from Mexico? If so, I love that stuff. I was reluctant to use it at first because it has artificial color. That's usually a sign of inferior sauce. That stuff rocks. Kind of thick, and a very dry flavor. At the local Mexican joint, I like dipping a tortilla in the white sauce, then putting a healthy dollop of El Yucatan on the chip. It's a nice mix of cool and hot.


Golden Member
Oct 20, 2004
I've had some of The Source all by itself. Apparently it's rated at 7.1 million scoville units. That stuff is devastating. You have to be 21 to buy it, and it's covered in warnings that you only need a drop in a huge batch of chili, etc. One of the guys I worked with thought we were being over dramatic with it, and took a couple drops straight instead of just one. He was over a garbage can for the next two hours and it looks like his face was melting. Eyes watering, nose running, etc. He went to the bathroom twice to throw up. Everyone else found it amusing, though.


Dec 27, 2001
El Yucatan from Mexico? If so, I love that stuff. I was reluctant to use it at first because it has artificial color. That's usually a sign of inferior sauce. That stuff rocks. Kind of thick, and a very dry flavor. At the local Mexican joint, I like dipping a tortilla in the white sauce, then putting a healthy dollop of El Yucatan on the chip. It's a nice mix of cool and hot.

That's the stuff! Now I want chilie damn it.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
Don't know how hot the scoville rating is on a little sauce I whipped up for some wings was but it packed a punch. Ingredients are as follows:

2 Habanero Peppers
4 Serrano Peppers
2 Jalapeno Peppers
2 Ancho Chile Peppers
2 teaspoons of pure chile pepper extract

Mixed in with some other ingredients. Tasted great but it packed a punch.
Oct 25, 2006
Sorry this forum is for humans only. Not poor husks of once human biomass made elementarily of pain and burning. D:

Well, I was in massive amounts of pain afterwards. Very curious sensation to have every single pain receptor in my face sending off "MY FACE IS ON FIRE" signals to my brains. My eyes were pretty bloodshot and my face was incredibly red from the blood that was trying to get out of my body to cool off. And the bathroom felt like I was shitting out a broomstick covered in thorns.

Water made it worse. Milk didn't help.


Apr 29, 2001
I'm not sure about coming in, but coming out I had some "Holy Shit" wings at a local bar and really had problems going to the bathroom later on.

I've been OC sprayed twice, one time with 2,000,000 SHU spray that was a mist into my eyes/nose/mouth. That was pretty fucking terrible too.


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2008
I'm not a fan of spicy food, which is why I prefer Chinese food to Indian.

The hottest food I've had is a hot Thai soup. I can't remember the name of it but it was like drinking liquid fire. Even my friend, who likes Vindaloos, etc. was sweating eating this stuff.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
some sauce that came from New Orleans, and had a skull and crossbones on the bottle...

this was some type of novelty sauce, not even meant to be actually consumed by humans... two drops on a slice of pizza and i was literally crying...took half a gallon of milk to put out that flame... and the lingering just normal spiciness lasted for probably half an hour after...


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2004
"911" chicken wings from Cluck-u-chicken. I believe they use capsicum crystals (capsaicin) - they attack pain receptors. I ran out of soda and started eating my napkins to dab my tongue - I had snot driveling out of my nose.

I've done this my first year of college, NEVER AGAIN. After about 4 or 5 wings I called it quits and drank water for the rest of the night, and then eventually had to induce vomit to stop the pain in my stomach.


Sep 2, 2000
I had some beef jerky that must have been marinated in habenero extract or powder or something.. Shit was the spiciest thing I've had and I can handle spicy pretty well.


Senior member
Jun 10, 2009
A long time ago at one of my old work places we used to have holiday meals that were partly company furnished and partly potluck. One of the Mexican ladies brought a tray of enchiladas that looked very good. I tried them first of everything on my plate. Unfortunately, they were hot enough to make my taste buds go numb for about three days. I might as well have been eating sawdust until it wore off. I've eaten a lot of hot things since then, but nothing has even come close to those enchiladas. I'm convinced she didn't have to cook them, she just put in enough spice so they'd cook themselves on the way to work.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2004
Habanero peppers. Once I made "Juevos del Diablo" which was scrambled eggs with habaneros. DIdn't go down to well with my cousin and a roomate. I loved the stuff.
Cooked habaneros are tolerable, but right off the plant OMG no..... Never again.

Then I tried Scotch Bonnets, which are ostensibly the same, but a little more difficult to identify. They tend to be less wrinkly and colorful, but maybe they really are the same. Just as hot - if not hotter.

My mom got me some of this one year. One tiny dot on a pinky finger - and that was it. Stomachache, throwing up man that was a bad night. Satan's blood. And its not even the hottest stuff on earth at 800,000 scovilles


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2006
I'm currently dating someone who is smarter than me (at least in terms of numbers, which is the only thing that matters on ATOT). She's cute and funny too, so I'm happy. :)

Edit: Holy crap, VB realy gave me the the wonrg theard. And Im kinda druink.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2005
I'm currently dating someone who is smarter than me (at least in terms of numbers, which is the only thing that matters on ATOT). She's cute and funny too, so I'm happy. :)

Edit: Holy crap, VB realy gave me the the wonrg theard. And Im kinda druink.

Cool story bro. Did you eat her? Is she hot?