Hold on to your money , Fermi prices to be slashed again. Fudzilla.

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Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2010
Wow man 600 bones I wouldnt mind a GTX495 .. possible ATI 5970 pownzer in single card competition.

Im not spending more then a CPU couple times more for a GPU. 200 is my limit, lets see

But I dont need a card yet everything runs great ...


Aug 10, 2009
How about a Asus gtx 460 Top 1gb at a factory 800 core overclock for 210$ shipped.
Now thats a nice price drop!


nVidia needs more than 1 marketable card. I'm starting to wonder if the gtx-460 is too little too late? Or, does it just need to be $200 for the 1Gb model to actually get people's attention? The GF100 is a turd and needs to be EOL'd and replaced ASAP. It's killing nVidia's reputation as a designer of top line cards.

This whole thread screams, "Stop buying ATI! Please! nVidia's going to be cutting prices even more! Just wait and stop buying those ATI cards!"


Feb 26, 2001
All cuts considered these price's are lame .... you still don't need more than 100 to 150 bucks to push 100+ FPS in a majority of titles available today. Sadly, you can count on Ati/nVidia selling you current generation value based hardware at price points higher than that of a previous generation's top line item that also happen to DESTROY current value tech performance.

The GPU market is a joke. Who the hell do ATi/nVidia think they are telling me my video cards should cost twice as much as a gaming console with a hard drive and internet???

As usual we have another line of overpriced hardware from two companies both offering almost identical performance, it's bullsh*t. You don't have a competitor like AMD vs Intel, you have two companies both offering almost identical performance and charging people out the ass for it.

Fuck them both I say, I'll pay for their hardware when I know I'm not doing them any good.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
nVidia needs more than 1 marketable card. I'm starting to wonder if the gtx-460 is too little too late? Or, does it just need to be $200 for the 1Gb model to actually get people's attention? The GF100 is a turd and needs to be EOL'd and replaced ASAP. It's killing nVidia's reputation as a designer of top line cards.

This whole thread screams, "Stop buying ATI! Please! nVidia's going to be cutting prices even more! Just wait and stop buying those ATI cards!"

Nvidia has several marketable cards, especially with the price drops. GTX460 is far from too little, but if it could have come out earlier that would have been better. At 200 and 230 for 768 and 1GB respectively, you know they've gotten attention as intended. I believe these price cuts are to clear 470 inventory quicker so EOL may be soon. As far as GF100 being a turd, tell that to my framerates.

Your interpretation of what this thread "screams" about is quite amusing. Because the thread title clearly indicates Fermi. No mention of ATI.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2008
One has to wonder how ATi is distributing their share of the wafer pie. If SI taped out and was production ready, when exactly will they be ramping production? How will that relate to HD 5xxx wafer starts?

HD 5xxx prices that seem to be very high compared to competition (everything above 5830 needs to come down) might indicate supply constraint as ATi ramps up production for the new gen.

Or, they're just happy with sales where they are. No point in having a fire sale until the new gen comes out and they need to clear out the inventory.

I'm a bit baffled by this too and I do agree that SI might be an explanation.

We all know GTX 480 is quite a piece of crap in terms of power consumption but a GTX 470 is around last gen GTX 275-285 and it is a bit faster than a 5850 - still in some places the GTX 470 is either cheaper or same price.

And now there is the GTX 460, that is slower but has much less of a penalty in power consumption and quite cheaper.

Not responding to the GF100 drops is one thing, as most likely NVIDIA just want to phase that product out. Not responding to the GTX 460 with a price drop on the 5850 is another thing - the GTX 460 seems to performs close enough to that will probably eat 5850 market share (especially considering the incentive of $70+ in savings).

Patrick Wolf

Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2005
The GPU market is a joke. Who the hell do ATi/nVidia think they are telling me my video cards should cost twice as much as a gaming console with a hard drive and internet???

They aren't telling you anything. If you want to run your games at 1280x720 on medium settings with no AA then you don't need a $300+ card.

You're comparing apples to oranges. You can do way more with a PC than any console, naturally it's going to cost you.


Feb 2, 2009
BD231 said:
All cuts considered these price's are lame .... you still don't need more than 100 to 150 bucks to push 100+ FPS in a majority of titles available today.

Yes if you play at 1280x1024 and down

BD231 said:
Sadly, you can count on Ati/nVidia selling you current generation value based hardware at price points higher than that of a previous generation's top line item that also happen to DESTROY current value tech performance.

GTX460 1GB is faster than GTX285 and at the same time its Cheaper, so what are you talking about ???

BD231 said:
The GPU market is a joke. Who the hell do ATi/nVidia think they are telling me my video cards should cost twice as much as a gaming console with a hard drive and internet???

Top of the line Consoles have outdated VGAs 4-5 years old that they can only produce 30FPS at 720p resolution. Actually if you thing about it, Consoles are overpriced for what they offer.

BD231 said:
As usual we have another line of overpriced hardware from two companies both offering almost identical performance, it's bullsh*t. You don't have a competitor like AMD vs Intel, you have two companies both offering almost identical performance and charging people out the ass for it.

Fuck them both I say, I'll pay for their hardware when I know I'm not doing them any good.

Actually, nobody is forcing you to buy there products, so stop crying like a baby and comment on the subject of this thread.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2009
You sure about that? I thought it was to make room for the new?

Anyway it's unhealthy to have a stock in need of a price cut with the 40nm shortage. AMD doesn't seem to have the same problem (ie: having to cut prices to keep from stocking up).


Jan 12, 2005

No they don't. That's why they have to cut prices.

Nvidia said that they wanted to overtake Cypress and Hemlock sales numbers by the end of summer. My guess is that these price cuts are indicative that Fermi isn't selling as well as they had hoped. AMD, while unfortunate for those still in the market for a DX11 card, has yet to significantly drop prices.


Golden Member
Jan 1, 2001
I wonder if AMD is just planning to cruise on their current stock of chips while they wait to drop S.I. and so aren't going to lower prices?


Platinum Member
Nov 4, 2009
I wonder if AMD is just planning to cruise on their current stock of chips while they wait to drop S.I. and so aren't going to lower prices?
That's probably not too far off. I have not heard of any price drops aside from the 5830 (not even sure that's official, and did they even roll back the price hike they did after the Cypress launch last year?), and it has been close to a year already since the 5870/5850 launched. If they are still selling everything they are making, then they certainly won't be doing any price drops, especially not this close to SI.


Feb 26, 2001
They aren't telling you anything. If you want to run your games at 1280x720 on medium settings with no AA then you don't need a $300+ card.

You're comparing apples to oranges. You can do way more with a PC than any console, naturally it's going to cost you.

You don't need a $300/400+ dollar card to enjoy a game, 1900x1xxx + resolution's are you serious?? Why?? What's the point?? So it fits your screen perfectly? Like it won't look the same at a lower res with AA on?

Short of having a massive monitor these cards are a waste and many of the games you see on PC are available on a console as well. What are you really missing out on dumping that extra $2/300??

Not enough IMO, they're still a waste all price cuts considered.

Thanks for the retail price check AtenRa, you know I'd go retail if I was buying a part that was no longer in production; that makes perfect sense.


Senior member
Aug 5, 2002
You get gaming quality that's what...more immersion. Would you watch a movie with the lights and stereo on? That's what you get with consoles. It constantly tells you it's not real whereas with a high-end PC you must have a totem with you at all times.


Feb 2, 2009
You don't need a $300/400+ dollar card to enjoy a game, 1900x1xxx + resolution's are you serious?? Why?? What's the point?? So it fits your screen perfectly? Like it won't look the same at a lower res with AA on?

I’m not wasting my time commenting on you anymore.