So that no one thinks there’s any merit to another volcanic diarrheal spew from Zaap here’s what happens after a women gives birth at a hospital.
The short of it is
- Breastfeeding is use it or lose it
- Standard medicalized birth interferes at the very start of nursing
- Formula companies will give out “free” formula samples and coupons to new mothers who if they use them lose the ability to nurse
The long of it:
My wife breastfed each of our kids for a year+. There’s actually a somewhat complicated relationship between the baby and the mother when it comes to breastfeeding. Latching on and sucking stimulates milk production, but not immediately. There’s a latency. After the baby drains a breast and keeps sucking it will stimulate the breast to make more milk next time.
Conversely, lack of stimulation will reduce future milk production. Reduce it enough and it’s not coming back. Most women who lose milk production are not going to get it back.
Ideally right after birth the baby should be placed on the mother and given a chance to nurse. Many babies and moms struggle with latching on. It can take several tries and several hours/days to get it right. That’s difficult for an exhausted mom and hungry baby to go through in the best of circumstances.
What happens in a lot of hospitals is not the best of circumstances and instead of allowing mom and baby to nurse right away the doctors and/or nurse will take the baby and
- Vigorously clean them off
- Do an Apgar test
- Give a vitamin K injection to prevent a rare but fatal bleeding disorder
- In my state, by law, the baby must have antibiotics put in its eyes to prevent blindness from the gonorrhea your wife doesn’t have.
After all that they may let the mom and now very agitated baby try and nurse. If that doesn’t work many times sugar water or formula is offered to the baby. Great to get the baby fed but now that stimulation isn’t happening so milk production doesn’t start.
Finally a lot of new moms are given several days worth of “free” formula and coupons when they leave the hospital. If they have been struggling with nursing and decide to supplement with the free formula most women will quickly lose the ability to nurse. Now they can buy formula for the next 6 months to a year.
Now don’t get me wrong. Formula is a great thing for babies and moms who need it, but it lacks many of the chemicals, hormones and immune system components that breast milk has.