Halo 3 preorders reach over 4 million ...


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001

Halo 3 Preorders Reach Over Four-Million in North America

While Spider-Man 3 is breaking records at the box office, Halo 3 is apparently breaking records of its own?before it is even out.

According to Gamestop officials, over four million preorders have been made for Halo 3 on Xbox 360. Xbox Evolved has verified this information at five different Greater Cincinnati Gamestop locations, including Gamestop stores, EB Games stores, and Funcoland stores, all under the same umbrella. This information was verified at all locations, however company a document showing this information was not revealed.

In the coming months, if this information is verified this would be the most preordered videogame of all time. Many of Gamestop?s employees believe that a large portion of the preorders are being made by consumers that don?t even own a Xbox 360, that are just waiting for the price of the system to go down.

In comparison, Grand Theft Auto IV?s combined PS3 and 360 preorders at the chain of stores comes in a very distant second. Microsoft reported three weeks before the release of Halo 2 in 2004 that the combined retail outlet preorders for the title was 1.5 million, which at the time was a record in itself. Gears of War, the best-selling title on Xbox 360 has worldwide barely cracked the four million mark. If this is all true, it is very likely that Halo 3 will outsell even Halo and Halo 2 combined. We will have more as it develops.

That is pretty damn impressive, especially considering how Halo 2 only had 1.5million preorders total.

I'll now sit back and wait for the "Halo sucks" comments, thx!


Jan 23, 2001
Halo sucks, you're welcome.

I wonder how much that crazy hype machine of a teaser helped the pre-orders.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Aikouka
I'll end up buying it even though I don't like Halo.
Me too. Well, I liked Halo much more than Halo 2, which just felt wrong in multiplayer and had a yawn-inspiring single player mode.

Nevertheless, it's going to be the game to play when it comes out.
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: skace
Halo sucks, you're welcome.

I wonder how much that crazy hype machine of a teaser helped the pre-orders.
Another Halo game, another idiot citing hype has helped it. When you people going to understand that Halo is a great game, and it sells itself? Just because you hate it with a passion doesn't mean everyone else does. Continue with your "I hate anything that's popular" attitude and go to a Microsoft or MySpace thread.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2001
Considering Halo is such a completely mediocre and uninspiring game, you have to give the PR department mad credit, they are almost as good as blizzard.
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Dacalo
Someone enlightening me why Halo is so "teh awesom3!"
It just a great combination of speed, control, and weapons. Halo is one of those games where everything just works.

EDIT: It's my pure opinion that everyone who bashes the Halo series online has either never played a Halo game, only played it for a short period and based their opinion on the series by 15 minutes of gameplay, or are Sony fanboys.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 1999
4 mil sound a little high for pre-orders, that's about 40% of the 360 owners pre-ordering already.


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: blurredvision
Originally posted by: Dacalo
Someone enlightening me why Halo is so "teh awesom3!"
It just a great combination of speed, control, and weapons. Halo is one of those games where everything just works.

EDIT: It's my pure opinion that everyone who bashes the Halo series online has either never played a Halo game, only played it for a short period and based their opinion on the series by 15 minutes of gameplay, or are Sony fanboys.

Don't forget to add 'or are PC FPS purists'. I find no fault in that even if I disagree with them bashing a game even if they have never played.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Wish it was coming out on PC; I would buy it for sure.



Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: yowolabi

I don't know. I just buy interesting games that come out for the XBOX 360 even if I won't play them. I own about 14 games or so ( shown in this picture: http://www.aikouka.com/DSC00021.JPG ) and I've played maybe 5? I've beat 0.

Oh I just looked at the picture, I own 16 now I think... because that picture doesn't include Dance Dance Revolution Universe or Guitar Hero 2. I've also been thinking about picking up Bullet Witch, but I want to wait until it drops down to $30 since I've heard the programming was kind of poor.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: blurredvision
Originally posted by: Dacalo
Someone enlightening me why Halo is so "teh awesom3!"
It just a great combination of speed, control, and weapons. Halo is one of those games where everything just works.

EDIT: It's my pure opinion that everyone who bashes the Halo series online has either never played a Halo game, only played it for a short period and based their opinion on the series by 15 minutes of gameplay, or are Sony fanboys.

Don't forget to add 'or are PC FPS purists'. I find no fault in that even if I disagree with them bashing a game even if they have never played.

+ "controlling FPS with a controller is too hard for me to learn and when I try other kids own me with a controller so I'll not even give it a try to get better and will just bash it and stick with my mouse/keyboard"


Nov 30, 2005
I don't buy it, there are only what maybe 5 or 6 million 360 owners in NA and yat almost every one of them preorders halo 3, and on top of that at the same game store chain...BS.


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005
Halo sucks, it's a second rate FPS. Even if it were possible to have a decent console fps, Halo wouldn't even be close. But i'm not just a flamer, I'll tell you why it's popular anyways. The multiplayer platform is AMAZING.

And BTW, I play Halo 2 quite a bit with my friends. It sucks, even if the multiplayer is setup great.


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: purbeast0
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: blurredvision
Originally posted by: Dacalo
Someone enlightening me why Halo is so "teh awesom3!"
It just a great combination of speed, control, and weapons. Halo is one of those games where everything just works.

EDIT: It's my pure opinion that everyone who bashes the Halo series online has either never played a Halo game, only played it for a short period and based their opinion on the series by 15 minutes of gameplay, or are Sony fanboys.

Don't forget to add 'or are PC FPS purists'. I find no fault in that even if I disagree with them bashing a game even if they have never played.

+ "controlling FPS with a controller is too hard for me to learn and when I try other kids own me with a controller so I'll not even give it a try to get better and will just bash it and stick with my mouse/keyboard"

Hah yah. If someone wants to say that controlling fps games with a controller is so much more difficult than a keyboard/mouse then wouldn't that mean that those who kick your ass with a controller would be doubly efficient at ass kicking with a mouse/keyboard? :p


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: purbeast0
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: blurredvision
Originally posted by: Dacalo
Someone enlightening me why Halo is so "teh awesom3!"
It just a great combination of speed, control, and weapons. Halo is one of those games where everything just works.

EDIT: It's my pure opinion that everyone who bashes the Halo series online has either never played a Halo game, only played it for a short period and based their opinion on the series by 15 minutes of gameplay, or are Sony fanboys.

Don't forget to add 'or are PC FPS purists'. I find no fault in that even if I disagree with them bashing a game even if they have never played.

+ "controlling FPS with a controller is too hard for me to learn and when I try other kids own me with a controller so I'll not even give it a try to get better and will just bash it and stick with my mouse/keyboard"

Hah yah. If someone wants to say that controlling fps games with a controller is so much more difficult than a keyboard/mouse then wouldn't that mean that those who kick your ass with a controller would be doubly efficient at ass kicking with a mouse/keyboard? :p

i know ppl who try playing PC after consoles, they can't. But it seems PC can play with a controller, thye just find it hard. PC FPS FTW!


Dec 17, 2001
I tried Halo 1 on the PC and thought it sucked, then got Halo 2 for my 360 and thought it was very good, so I'm looking fwd to part 3


Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: blurredvision
Originally posted by: Dacalo
Someone enlightening me why Halo is so "teh awesom3!"
It just a great combination of speed, control, and weapons. Halo is one of those games where everything just works.

EDIT: It's my pure opinion that everyone who bashes the Halo series online has either never played a Halo game, only played it for a short period and based their opinion on the series by 15 minutes of gameplay, or are Sony fanboys.

speed? speeeeeed??!?!? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

my guy in CS doesn't even need his knife out to run faster than master chief.

seriously, speed = quake, UT. halo is NOT fast. whenever i need to retreat (yes i play with friends on occasion), it takes 10 minutes and i die because i can't run fast enough :|


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Kev
I tried Halo 1 on the PC and thought it sucked, then got Halo 2 for my 360 and thought it was very good, so I'm looking fwd to part 3

Halo was built for the console. That is why it's so good on the console. That's why it's the best FPS on a console. 99% of the other FPS out there are ports from a PC game and were built for the PC.

But Halo is different. That's why Halo is so successful on the console. I think that Halo sucks on the PC but is awesome on Xbox. I haven't tried halo 2 on the PC but I'm sure I would feel the same way as I did before.

Also as that other guy mentioned, w/out the online setup for Halo 2 multiplayer being the best on a console by FAR, halo wouldn't be as successful as it is. The halo 2 online setup should be the template which every other developer uses, but sadly, no one else has done anything remotely close to it.


Jan 29, 2005
I'll never understand the Halo craze, no FPS on a console should be this sought after. I just don't know how people could get use to aiming with a controller like that, I had an easier time aiming with the DS stylus in Metroid Prime Hunters, and trust me that gets to be a huge PITA after a while. And yes, I've played Halo 1 & 2 (more 1 than 2). And no, I'm not some kind of PC FPS 'purist', I just can't see how people put up with the accuracy compensation in games that require you to aim with a freaking joystick.


Nov 30, 2005
i hated how you couldn't setup a public nonranked game in halo 2, all my friends have lives(jobs, family etc) so it's next to impossible to get all of us online together...lame.