Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
Originally posted by: Gurck
Yeah, it seems like the only two arguments console fans have is that you need a $400 card to play new pc titles, which of course is utter BS; I haven't met a game yet my 4600 couldn't handle in what I consider acceptable resolution/settings/framerate (much higher than consoles, I'll tell you that). - and game availability. This I'll agree with; it's really the only conceivable reason to buy one of these things, and it's unfortunate that so many game makers, for whatever rea$on$ *cough*, choose not to make their titles available on the PC :disgust:
Oh boo hoo, is poor PC boy bitchy about the console games not available on PC? There are so many games available on PC that arent available for consoles *co$$$$$ugh* :roll:
Aw, teenie-tantrum, how cute!
And it sure is upsetting, it's like having a car and being told that to drive on certain roads you have to buy a second, slower, crappier car.