GTX 460 vs 5850 w/ rig which?

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Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2010
I mean either way you come out a winner. But the benchmarks clearly shows the AMD card is a bit ahead of the 460.

I think its a matter of preference,, either you like green or you like red. either way if you want to pay less AMD would be way to go. gl

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
Sorry, nVidia, especially the 460 is FAR outclassed by the 5850 in FF14. I mean it's probably the WORST recommendation for that game.
GTX460 is not even a contender. It is 46% slower than ATi 5850 in FF14!

Even when overclocked to 800mhz, the GTX460 1GB trails the stock GTX470 and 5850 by a whooping 23-25% in FF14.

please check your math.

I see the 5850 at 33 percent faster then a stock gtx460.
I also see the game running just fine on all the cards. It's a MMO game, you don't need 60fps.

I wouldn't spend an extra $70 for a 5850 just because of that benchmark.


Jan 12, 2005
please check your math.

I see the 5850 at 33 percent faster then a stock gtx460.
I also see the game running just fine on all the cards. It's a MMO game, you don't need 60fps.

I wouldn't spend an extra $70 for a 5850 just because of that benchmark.

It depeds on how you look at it. The 460 gets 40FPS. The 5850 gets 60FPS. That means the 460 runs at 2/3 the speed of the 5850, or 33% slower. On the other hand, the 5850 runs at 3/2 the speed of the 460 (60FPS/40FPS) or 50% faster. It really just depends on which card you are doing the math from.

Any way you cut it, the 5850 runs significantly faster than the 460 in a game the OP clearly stated was one of the main reasons for buying. We don't know what he 'needs' (actually any of the cards are really 'wants' but that's not for this discussion). For only $30 more (or only 13% more money) he gets a card that will run this game significantly faster in a FPS range that will add a true benefit.

I play Age of Conan, it is an MMORPG. I will take a card that runs at 60FPS on average any day over a card that runs at 40FPS if the prices are similar. It's not a twitch-FPS, but the extra horsepower is very much appreciated in busy areas. When I run through Tarantia (main hub in AoC) my FPS struggle with DX10 and AA, I drop in the 20's. There is no reason that I can see to shy away from the faster card if the prices are similar.


Sep 3, 2001
Another option for the OP:

Unfortunately its $290 upfront, but the $50 rebate brings it down to $240. This model also supports overvolting if you're using the latest software (drivers/Afterburner)

please check your math.

I see the 5850 at 33 percent faster then a stock gtx460.
I also see the game running just fine on all the cards. It's a MMO game, you don't need 60fps.

I wouldn't spend an extra $70 for a 5850 just because of that benchmark.

Spin control at its finest.

40fps with the 460. 50% of that is 20fps, add it on and you get 60fps which is what the 5850 provides.

Completly agree.:thumbsup: For that game 5850 is better, but don't forget the gtx460 is using release drivers still :(

Hey ,you are right, so yes SO FAR it looks like the 5850 is the best choice.

Did nVidia get mad at you and send you angry emails when you originally conceded that the 5850 was the better option? Or was your spin math just that slow? At least you got in the jab about release drivers, subliminally suggesting the gap will be closed with a miracle driver release.
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happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
Another option for the OP:

Unfortunately its $290 upfront, but the $50 rebate brings it down to $240. This model also supports overvolting if you're using the latest software (drivers/Afterburner)

Spin control at its finest.

40fps with the 460. 50% of that is 20fps, add it on and you get 60fps which is what the 5850 provides.

Did nVidia get mad at you and send you angry emails when you originally conceded that the 5850 was the better option? Or was your spin math just that slow? At least you got in the jab about release drivers, subliminally suggesting the gap will be closed with a miracle driver release.

If you would take my post for the content instead of looking for the spin/troll angle, you would see it makes sense, but like someone said it depends on how you do the math.

I have no problem recommending a ATI product, if its the right choice. I've recommended dozens of 5770's and 5850's when the price was right and there wasen't a better choice.
Now stop trolling me, again!
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Platinum Member
Jun 17, 2005
If you would take my post for the content instead of looking for the spin/troll angle, you would see it makes sense, but like someone said it depends on how you do the math.

I have no problem recommending a ATI product, if its the right choice. I've recommended dozens of 5770's and 5850's when the price was right and there wasen't a better choice.
Now stop trolling me, again!



Speaking in general, I can live with a troller,but a troller thats never wrong is the worst.:(

The gtx 460 is now $190 AR on newegg, so the 5850 at $260 is STILL the same $70 more.
So it's a mute point.

Honestly none of this has to do with my OP.:(

Back on topic, OP, read the links of my signature and see that the HD 5850 is the better buy overall compared to the GTX 460, you can buy a brand new HD 5850 for $239 after MIR, or at $269.99 which isn't that bad. But if you can find the GTX 470 at such price, its the better buy (If you are willing to withstand increased power consumption and heat dissipation).

Personal attacks and insults are not acceptable.

Moderator Idontcare
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Senior member
Feb 9, 2003
I wouldn't use FFXIV benchmark as any kind of tool on how it runs the actual game. There is a reason they are currently working on a new version of it. The FFXIV benchmark tool is giving bogus results as to how graphic cards are actually performing in the game, whther by FRAPSing the benchmark or using it's point system. I currently have an 8800GT and it scored like 1500 in high settings on it (1080p) but it runs the game pretty decent at 1920x1200. People scoring like 700-800 are running the game fine as well. Anyone using it as justification is either (a) misinformed / uninformed of the benchmark's results vs. in-game or (b) go go red team ranger.

I also personally don't use mail in rebates in comparing prices because with many companies they take MONTHS before you might get your $20 or $30 back. So in reality you're still paying pre-rebate prices.

Now back to the task at hand: Really right now there are no "competing" cards. There are offsetting cards. Nvidia has the $200 and $300 spots, ATI has the $250 and $350 spots. And their performance falls in line with that. It just depends where your spending comfort is.

If your comfort zone ends at around the $260 mark, get the best card you can within it. And that is the HD 5850 most of the time.

That is a 100% unbiased opinion (I bought a GTX 470). I'm not down with the red team / green team bull that has plagued this place lately, I'm down with having the best performing card in your comfortable price range.
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Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2008
The OP won't go wrong with either card - they're both excellent. Given his CPU he isn't likely to see much, if any, difference in gameplay. I don't think I would choose that particular HD 5850 though. I don't really care for Gigabyte's set fan speed on that HSF. Its not adjustable at all and runs at a constant 60% or so. While effective at cooling it is a bit noisier than models with a PWM fan. I'd go for the MSI Twin Frozr HD 5850 with the $50 rebate. While you will wait a couple months the final bill will be cheaper and the cooling solution is more flexible.


May 22, 2007
But the 470 and 480 arent and they are being thrashed by the 5800s. Clearly the better card for him is the 5850 and with that cooler, he cant go wrong.

EDIT: God, I sound like wrekage.

no, wreckage would take that same info and claim that santa clause will bring out a magic driver the day before release and make the gtx 460 8000% faster.

edit: from reading the updates it now looks like the price difference is closer to $50 for 50% more performance. for the OP's stated aims I would definitely go with the 5850, not least b/c msi is a quality brand and palit is, well, not. plus, that twin frozr msi card will keep your card extremely cool without the noise of the stock hsf.
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Platinum Member
Jun 17, 2005
I totally agree with you Yar, MIR sometimes are a mess. There's some games that simply run considerably faster on certain hardware because of the way it was coded, Lost Planet for example when it was released, ran much faster on the 8800GT vs the HD 3870 (While in other games the performance gap was much closer), Bioshock when was released, ran faster on the HD 3870 matching the 8800GTX (Something that only in dreams could happen).


Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2008
RussianSensation said:
Sorry, nVidia, especially the 460 is FAR outclassed by the 5850 in FF14. I mean it's probably the WORST recommendation for that game.
GTX460 is not even a contender. It is 46% slower than ATi 5850 in FF14!

Even when overclocked to 800mhz, the GTX460 1GB trails the stock GTX470 and 5850 by a whooping 23-25% in FF14.
please check your math.

I see the 5850 at 33 percent faster then a stock gtx460.
I also see the game running just fine on all the cards. It's a MMO game, you don't need 60fps.

I wouldn't spend an extra $70 for a 5850 just because of that benchmark.

If you would take my post for the content instead of looking for the spin/troll angle, you would see it makes sense, but like someone said it depends on how you do the math.

I have no problem recommending a ATI product, if its the right choice. I've recommended dozens of 5770's and 5850's when the price was right and there wasen't a better choice.
Now stop trolling me, again!

It's how you word it, not how you do the math. You can do the math however you want, but you better use it correctly. When you say "X card is faster than Y card" then you can only do the math a certain way [(X-Y)/Y]. When you say "Y card is slower than X card" you do the math a slightly differently [(X-Y)/X]. Or vice versa: If you do the math a certain way then you need to phrase it a certain way, or else it doesn't make sense. Also if don't have specific phrasing then solving those lovely word problems in high school algebra would just be a game of probability and chance.

What you said is just wrong.

HD 5850 = 60 fps
GTX 460 = 40 fps

GTX 460 is 33% slower than an HD 5850.
GTX 460 is 66% (the performance) of the HD 5850.
HD 5850 is 150% (the performance) of the GTX 460.
HD 5850 is 50% faster than a GTX 460.

You do the math. :awe:

The phrasing "as fast as" has also been used, but I don't like since it is a bit awkward. But the most appropriate equivalent would be using it as you would use "of".

You shouldn't accuse someone of bad math. Your semantics are off. Maybe your math. Maybe both.


Golden Member
Jan 17, 2000
Get the 5850 it's the better board. The 460 is a good value especially in SLI but if you have to have one board it should be the 5850. Plus at 1900x1200 I feel like the 5850 will start to widen the performance gap between the two. I've got a 5850 with Scythe Musashi on it. Not only does it scream at 900/1100 but at stock speeds with the fans down it's both cool and silent. Very happy with this board and can't wait for 6xxx to come out!


Sep 2, 2000
I was going to post a similar thread to the OPs.. but I'll just put it here. I also have a Q6600 (@3.2GHz though) and looking to upgrade from an 8800GTS (G80).

I can budget about $250 and the only reason I'm considering upgrading is due to FFXIV.. I'm in the Beta now and my 8800 just isn't cutting it even at 1280x720. I pretty much play anything else on a console.

Is the general consensus to go with the 5850? Should I wait for something better coming in the near future? Any upcoming price cuts I should hold off for?


Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2004
I was going to post a similar thread to the OPs.. but I'll just put it here. I also have a Q6600 (@3.2GHz though) and looking to upgrade from an 8800GTS (G80).

I can budget about $250 and the only reason I'm considering upgrading is due to FFXIV.. I'm in the Beta now and my 8800 just isn't cutting it even at 1280x720. I pretty much play anything else on a console.

Is the general consensus to go with the 5850? Should I wait for something better coming in the near future? Any upcoming price cuts I should hold off for?
If you can wait, AMD's 6xxx series is just around the corner, and they're supposedly releasing the midrange first ($200-250). Rumor has it that parts will come to market by the end of October. Seeing as how it's so close and that game isn't released yet, I'd wait and see how those cards perform. If you must buy now though, the 5850 seems like that card to get for FFXIV.


Sep 2, 2000
I could probably wait that long.. and prices should have dropped by then either way.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2004
Get the 5850 it's the better board. The 460 is a good value especially in SLI but if you have to have one board it should be the 5850. Plus at 1900x1200 I feel like the 5850 will start to widen the performance gap between the two. I've got a 5850 with Scythe Musashi on it. Not only does it scream at 900/1100 but at stock speeds with the fans down it's both cool and silent. Very happy with this board and can't wait for 6xxx to come out!

totally OT, but do you have additional cooling on the VRMs with that musashi? I am using AC TT Pro + 2x 120mm fans with my 5850. Was too cheap to get a separate heatsink, so left the stock heat plate on. For some reason my temps are much higher than what people are getting at the same voltage. Not like it's the bad contact, I have replaced the thermal pads with copper shims of appropriate height + dab of ceramique. I had to settle for a meager 900/1270 :( but yeah this is quiet, unlike that 470 I have in another machine. I knew that 470 was going to be louder and all, but to think people actually put up with this much noise :eek: