Gtx 260 216 - gtx 470


Senior member
Dec 30, 2007
As stated in hot deals, I can get the PNY for $149 + tax.
Pretty sure that this would be a huge upgrade. Current rig in signature, however don't base your judgement on that. I'm upgrading within the next two weeks to either one of these builds

Phenom II X4 830
AsRock Extreme 3 Gen 3 970
8 gigs patriot


i5 2500k
MSI Z68A-G45
8 gigs patriot.

I know the 2500k is enough to power the 470, is the 830 @ 3.8-4.0ghz? Gaming on 1440x900 and the way I see it the card will last me a very long time at that price. This gtx-260 has lasted me about 3 years already and it's only sluggish in BF3 & Metro/Stalker


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
It'll be enough assuming you can get it to clock that high. I ran a core 2 quad at 3.77Ghz with a GTX 470 and it was more than enough for Stalker.


Apr 15, 2001
maybe they improved them but if its one of the earlier gtx470 cards then certainly be prepared for lots of noise, higher power consumption and high temps. I actually chose to keep my gtx260 after using the gtx470 because its cons just out weighed the pros for me.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2004
As stated in hot deals, I can get the PNY for $149 + tax.
Pretty sure that this would be a huge upgrade. Current rig in signature, however don't base your judgement on that. I'm upgrading within the next two weeks to either one of these builds

Phenom II X4 830
AsRock Extreme 3 Gen 3 970
8 gigs patriot


i5 2500k
MSI Z68A-G45
8 gigs patriot.

I know the 2500k is enough to power the 470, is the 830 @ 3.8-4.0ghz? Gaming on 1440x900 and the way I see it the card will last me a very long time at that price. This gtx-260 has lasted me about 3 years already and it's only sluggish in BF3 & Metro/Stalker

Are you asking whether to buy the i5 2500k or the X4 830? If that's the question, go with the i5 if money is no issue.

If you're asking whether the 470 is a good upgrade from your GTX 260, then hell yes it is! However, keep in mind that it consumes lots of power and gets really hot.


Senior member
Dec 30, 2007
maybe they improved them but if its one of the earlier gtx470 cards then certainly be prepared for lots of noise, higher power consumption and high temps. I actually chose to keep my gtx260 after using the gtx470 because its cons just out weighed the pros for me.

I have no way of telling if it's an old issue or not. I don't think cooling would be much of a problem for me though. I tend to replace factory coolers if I don't like how they perform and my oldschool Thermaltake case is enormous with over 8 fans and good airflow. I'm currently getting about 34° C on full load with my 3.5ghz core2duo. Although I have a Titan Fenrir on it.

I'm more concerned with a performance boost. I'm not asking about processors here as far as the other poster goes. I know that Intel has a better product but for my needs the Phenom is also a very viable option and cheap. If I could increase my current performance by about 50-75% and have dx11 support then I'd like to pick this up. If not, well theres the OEM 5870 for the same price but it's an online deal.


Senior member
Aug 5, 2002
That's a good deal. I feel lucky selling my used 470's for $185 each.


Apr 15, 2001
at 1400x900 and no cpu limitations, a gtx470 is about 50-60% faster using the same settings as the gtx260. it will not be 50-70% faster running any DX11 features. honestly I would probably just get a gtx560 since its only 15-20 bucks more, performs about the same, is quieter, runs cooler, and uses way less power.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
at 1400x900 and no cpu limitations, a gtx470 is about 50-60% faster using the same settings as the gtx260. it will not be 50-70% faster running any DX11 features. honestly I would probably just get a gtx560 since its only 15-20 bucks more, performs about the same, is quieter, runs cooler, and uses way less power.

I second the 560 non-TI recommendation for a budget card. Get a dual fan version.

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
A gtx560 non ti cost more than 150$ and is slower than a gtx470 1.25gb.
The op said he has a good airflow case and is concerned about performance first.

The gtx470 is more on par with a gtx560ti and 6870, which are both faster than a gtx560 non ti.

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Apr 15, 2001
A gtx560 non ti cost more than 150$ and is slower than a gtx470 1.25gb.
The op said he has a good airflow case and is concerned about performance first.

The gtx470 is more on par with a gtx560ti and 6870, which are both faster than a gtx560 non ti.
I think we all know that the gtx560ti is equal to or better than a gtx470.

the non ti gtx560 is only 15-20 bucks more than the gtx470 like I said. at just 1440x900, he will never notice the 10-12&#37; difference especially if he gets the AMD cpu. and again the non ti gtx560 has many other things going for it. the non ti gtx560 can easily oc past gtx470 levels too while still using less power and making way less heat and noise.

EDIT: you can see here that a modestly overclocked non ti gtx560 can match or beat the gtx470 while still using a whopping 50 watts less.
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happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
I think we all know that the gtx560ti is equal to or better than a gtx470.

the non ti gtx560 is only 15-20 bucks more than the gtx470 like I said. at just 1440x900, he will never notice the 10-12% difference especially if he gets the AMD cpu. and again the non ti gtx560 has many other things going for it. the non ti gtx560 can easily oc past gtx470 levels too while still using less power and making way less heat and noise.

EDIT: you can see here that a modestly overclocked non ti gtx560 can match or beat the gtx470 while still using a whopping 50 watts less.

You have a obvious bias against the gtx470, since the one you owned sucked.:thumbsdown:

The op said he was concerned about performance, PERFORMANCE!
A gtx560 non ti is slower and cost more.


Senior member
Dec 30, 2007
Power is definitely an issue. I have a 620w antec gaming psu. don't remember the exact model, but it came in one of those fancy black and yellow boxes with lightning bolts on it. Replaced my corsair 450w which burnt out. I have been interested in the 560 or the 6950 but they've always seemed just a bit too much. Newegg isn't cheap for me because I get nailed with tax so most of their deals are a bit sour. If Microcenter ends up having a deal it's actually a bit better because at least in my state, they're located in a "business district" which means only 3.5&#37; sales tax instead of the full 7%.


Apr 15, 2001
You have a obvious bias against the gtx470, since the one you owned sucked.:thumbsdown:

The op said he was concerned about performance, PERFORMANCE!
A gtx560 non ti is slower and cost more.
and AGAIN he will get nearly the same performance at 1440x900 while having many other pros. and AGAIN he can easily oc the gtx560 to or even past gtx470 levels while still retaining all of those pros. for 15-20 bucks more, I think the gtx560 is the better card when all factors are considered.
May 13, 2009
and AGAIN he will get nearly the same performance at 1440x900 while having many other pros. and AGAIN he can easily oc the gtx560 to or even past gtx470 levels while still retaining all of those pros. for 15-20 bucks more, I think the gtx560 is the better card when all factors are considered.

If they were the same price I'd agree but the $15-20 less he pays for the 470 equals out the higher power consumption argument. So the only argument left is the performance and there is no question which card performs better. 470 wins


Apr 15, 2001
If they were the same price I'd agree but the $15-20 less he pays for the 470 equals out the higher power consumption argument. So the only argument left is the performance and there is no question which card performs better. 470 wins
I was not looking at the power consumption as being a purely cost issue. I just think its silly to use 50 more watts for the same level of performance and the gtx470 is also hotter and louder. sorry but I will spend 15-20 bucks more for the same level of performance but way less power consumption, heat and noise.
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Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2008
Its marginally faster than an HD 6870 at stock clocks (like a couple percent) and uses a lot more power. I've seen HD 6870s regularly for the same $150.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2004
A gtx560 non ti cost more than 150$ and is slower than a gtx470 1.25gb.
The op said he has a good airflow case and is concerned about performance first.

The gtx470 is more on par with a gtx560ti and 6870, which are both faster than a gtx560 non ti.


That benchmark doesn't show the 560 non-Ti, which is much faster than the 460 if that's what you comparing with. Just saying.


Senior member
Oct 23, 2008
A gtx560 non ti cost more than 150$ and is slower than a gtx470 1.25gb.
The op said he has a good airflow case and is concerned about performance first.

The gtx470 is more on par with a gtx560ti and 6870, which are both faster than a gtx560 non ti.


The 560 Ti is MUCH better than a 470 stock for stock


Jun 21, 2005
, no its not, its sometimes faster, sometimes slower, more like a tie.

The guru has spoken. Everybody else be quiet now. :p

To the OP, try to get the 2500k for sure. About the vid card, are you going to upgrade the monitor any time soon? Just FYI, a nice monitor is one of the best upgrades you can make. I paid $700 for my 241VW back in 2007 and it is one of the only PC purchases I don't regret. These days you can get high quality 24/23" monitors for much less than what I paid for mine.
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Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
At such a low resolution, might as well take a $140 HD6870.

You need to step up to a GTX570/HD6970 or an overclocked HD6950 to really get a lot more performance from a GTX470/HD6870 level. HD6870 has very good power consumption and trades blows with the GTX470.

If you want a LOT more performance in BF3 and Metro 2033, it's probably best to go with 2 cards. Even a single GTX580 might have problems maxing out BF3 with 4x MSAA and Metro 2033 with everything on (depth of field and tessellation are killer in that game). I feel like maybe going with an HD6870 now and getting a 2nd one in 5 months for $80-90 may be a good option. Alternatively, see if a deal on a GTX560Ti / HD6950 crops up in the next 1-2 weeks (Cyber Monday?)
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