Greta is chosen as Time's Person of the Year

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Nov 4, 2004
So fuck it all, throw our hands up and burn the rest of the planet down because FYGM?

If you actually believe the above, you are in agreement with Greta that we're in the middle of a crisis! You just don't care enough to do something about it! Well fuck it, be a lazy coward, and sit in the corner (quietly please), while adults like Greta try to do something to fix the situation.

Please hold, the messenger is currently being attacked


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Do you think that will change the minds of people who don't believe the science? Our doom is all but assured at this point, the only option is to end carbon emissions today. That isn't going to happen because it would be nearly as disastrous as global warming. The best we can hope for is that the post apocalyptic world will start off a little smarter than we did.

We have the required technologies to decarbonize most, if not all, of our energy usage. Deciding to use them is really the only problem at this point. Sequestering the existing excess carbon is a bit harder but also very possible.

I think people assume your political leaning because you exhibit the same fatalism that many on the right embrace as an excuse for their behavior.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I have to say I’m impressed by how quickly conservative arguments went from ‘the science isn’t settled and we don’t want to act rashly therefore we should do nothing’ to ‘we waited so long to act that our doom is assured, therefore we should do nothing’.

I have to say I’m pretty cynical about conservatives when it comes to climate change but even I didn’t see the ‘doing what we wanted has resulted in global climate catastrophe, so now let’s do what we want some more.’


Oct 18, 2005
I have to say I’m impressed by how quickly conservative arguments went from ‘the science isn’t settled and we don’t want to act rashly therefore we should do nothing’ to ‘we waited so long to act that our doom is assured, therefore we should do nothing’.

I have to say I’m pretty cynical about conservatives when it comes to climate change but even I didn’t see the ‘doing what we wanted has resulted in global climate catastrophe, so now let’s do what we want some more.’

I think its completely in character for them. Its basically a continuation of FYGM, they will be dead before it really gets bad so why worry about it. Its someone else's problem to deal with after they are dead.
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Oct 15, 1999
I have to say I’m impressed by how quickly conservative arguments went from ‘the science isn’t settled and we don’t want to act rashly therefore we should do nothing’ to ‘we waited so long to act that our doom is assured, therefore we should do nothing’.

I have to say I’m pretty cynical about conservatives when it comes to climate change but even I didn’t see the ‘doing what we wanted has resulted in global climate catastrophe, so now let’s do what we want some more.’
I find it interesting that no matter which side of an argument a conservative takes, you'll claim it's wrong. Tribalism and agenda always wins the day.
There are a dozen of you here that appear to have all the answers. You pontificate to each other, always pointing out the flaws of the stupid masses, yet take no action. This right here is the extent of your concern. Your entire contribution to the solution is telling others how stupid they are, and complaining that no one is doing anything. Do something. You want to be recognized as a leader, lead. Jawbone is cheap, chatter doesn't accomplish anything . Put that tremendous hulking intelect to work and do something.
We both know that none of those things will happen. We both know that the extent of anyone's involvement in the solution is going to be measured in dollars, not personal sacrifice. We'll give up plastic bags and buy a subsidised electric luxury car, maybe even install solar power on our roofs (as long as it's government subsidised, nets us a small profit, and doesn't negatively affect our properties value), but come the end of the day, no one is going to give up a major piece of their lifestyle or assets to help until it's a crisis that's staring them right in the face. Then the very first action is going be to shout "SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING!".


Dec 15, 2015
I find it interesting that no matter which side of an argument a conservative takes, you'll claim it's wrong. Tribalism and agenda always wins the day.
There are a dozen of you here that appear to have all the answers. You pontificate to each other, always pointing out the flaws of the stupid masses, yet take no action. This right here is the extent of your concern. Your entire contribution to the solution is telling others how stupid they are, and complaining that no one is doing anything. Do something. You want to be recognized as a leader, lead. Jawbone is cheap, chatter doesn't accomplish anything . Put that tremendous hulking intelect to work and do something.
We both know that none of those things will happen. We both know that the extent of anyone's involvement in the solution is going to be measured in dollars, not personal sacrifice. We'll give up plastic bags and buy a subsidised electric luxury car, maybe even install solar power on our roofs (as long as it's government subsidised, nets us a small profit, and doesn't negatively affect our properties value), but come the end of the day, no one is going to give up a major piece of their lifestyle or assets to help until it's a crisis that's staring them right in the face. Then the very first action is going be to shout "SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING!".
You are projecting. Not only can your first mini-paragraph be quite literally applied to any of our conservative posters, but the latter half of your tirade is objectively false, as some people like myself are trying to do things other than yelling at clouds. It's probably not enough (as this problem is bigger than individuals) but your attitude that nothing other than money matters is exactly how we got to where we were. You're being part of the problem right now.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I find it interesting that no matter which side of an argument a conservative takes, you'll claim it's wrong. Tribalism and agenda always wins the day.

You're projecting your own partisanship and tribalism onto me. If conservatives want to take the side of action on climate change I will happily embrace them as entirely right. They don't though, which makes them wrong. This is 100% based on the merits (or lack thereof) of their arguments.

What I find funny/sad is that conservative arguments on climate change have consistently evolved over the last 20 years but their conclusion has always remained exactly the same - do nothing. At first it was that it wasn't happening so do nothing, then it was that it wasn't mankind's fault so do nothing, then it was that solutions are too expensive so do nothing, now it's we've waited too long so catastrophe is inevitable so do nothing. So, in effect, your argument is 'listening to us has doomed us all, therefore keep listening to us'. lol.

There are a dozen of you here that appear to have all the answers. You pontificate to each other, always pointing out the flaws of the stupid masses, yet take no action. This right here is the extent of your concern. Your entire contribution to the solution is telling others how stupid they are, and complaining that no one is doing anything. Do something. You want to be recognized as a leader, lead. Jawbone is cheap, chatter doesn't accomplish anything . Put that tremendous hulking intelect to work and do something.
We both know that none of those things will happen. We both know that the extent of anyone's involvement in the solution is going to be measured in dollars, not personal sacrifice. We'll give up plastic bags and buy a subsidised electric luxury car, maybe even install solar power on our roofs (as long as it's government subsidised, nets us a small profit, and doesn't negatively affect our properties value), but come the end of the day, no one is going to give up a major piece of their lifestyle or assets to help until it's a crisis that's staring them right in the face. Then the very first action is going be to shout "SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING!".

This is some more projection. The only way we can make a meaningful difference in this is through national action, which requires action by elected officials. I consistently vote for, support, and donate to politicians who want to take action to mitigate climate chance, including that which will personally cost me money.

The right is a concern because they are still trying to convince people not to take action even in the face of a global emergency. What would be really nice is if you guys took responsibility for being wrong all those years and then helped clean up your own house and marginalized the anti-climate action kooks. Instead, you elect them president.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
I find it interesting that no matter which side of an argument a conservative takes, you'll claim it's wrong. Tribalism and agenda always wins the day.

You make it sound as though conservatives are so varied in their views of climate change. That's a joke and you know it as well as I do. Project more and keep ignoring scientific consensus.

There are a dozen of you here that appear to have all the answers. You pontificate to each other, always pointing out the flaws of the stupid masses, yet take no action. This right here is the extent of your concern. Your entire contribution to the solution is telling others how stupid they are, and complaining that no one is doing anything. Do something. You want to be recognized as a leader, lead. Jawbone is cheap, chatter doesn't accomplish anything . Put that tremendous hulking intelect to work and do something.

Yes, because we discuss these matters on the forums here, that is proof that none of us take any action outside of our computer chairs. Obvious assumptions and more projection.

We both know that none of those things will happen. We both know that the extent of anyone's involvement in the solution is going to be measured in dollars, not personal sacrifice. We'll give up plastic bags and buy a subsidised electric luxury car, maybe even install solar power on our roofs (as long as it's government subsidised, nets us a small profit, and doesn't negatively affect our properties value), but come the end of the day, no one is going to give up a major piece of their lifestyle or assets to help until it's a crisis that's staring them right in the face.

Spoken like a true conservative who thinks everyone shares their own shitty views. :rolleyes:

Are you aware that there is a Projectionist's Union? You might want to look into joining.
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Feb 6, 2002
I don't suppose you could try to step out of the typical conservative mindset at some point to entertain the notion that it's better to try and improve the situation than do nothing.

Nah. They have their climate boogeyman. Better to yell at Greta

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Feb 6, 2002
I find it interesting that no matter which side of an argument a conservative takes, you'll claim it's wrong. Tribalism and agenda always wins the day.

Not true. At one time we ALL agreed Russia was our enemy. Then.....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


May 19, 2011
no one is going to give up a major piece of their lifestyle or assets to help until it's a crisis that's staring them right in the face.

Speak for yourself.

Then the very first action is going be to shout "SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING!".

Except you've moved straight on to "let's not bother doing anything". Own your hypocrisy. Don't complain that others aren't reacting quickly enough when you advocate doing nothing.


Oct 18, 2005
Speak for yourself.

Except you've moved straight on to "let's not bother doing anything". Own your hypocrisy. Don't complain that others aren't reacting quickly enough when you advocate doing nothing.
He only feels that way because a teen age girl spoke harshly. If she hadn’t he would totally be doing something.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
We aren't talking about the kid with the hat, or about high school kids that have been shot. But to be clear, I don't need a lecture from them either. I already know that having a major media outlet trash you because they don't like your hat is a bad thing. I also clearly understand that getting shot by another student at school is a situation that needs to be addressed. I don't need a child to lecture me on the magnitude of those issues.
War, famin, pollution, pandemic, and even halitosis are issues that I understand without the need of a child to explain them to me.
I also never indicated in any way that I disliked Greta, I simply don't see any reason why I would listen to her over a few hundred climatologists, she's a child.

Most wise people, at a certain age, eventually realize how age and a lifetime of structured rule-following tend to deteriorate your creative centers. The problem is not listening to children. To think that you or anyone has all the answers, just because of a gap in generations, is ludicrous.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Another clueless statement from you Perk, and disappointingly predictable. It always hinges on what you assume my political beliefs are, not on the words I write, and it's always disparaging.

I mean, all we have are the words you write. ...kinda how a forum works, no? With those words, you only ever defend the right-wing status quo. Only.

What else are we supposed to expect? Are you one of those, "Don't listen to what I say or what I do, just believe that I'm something else!" type of people?
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Why do US conservatives focus so obsessively on individuals, while ignoring the facts of reality?

Eleanor Roosevelt explained this a long time ago



Jul 11, 2001
I think its completely in character for them. Its basically a continuation of FYGM, they will be dead before it really gets bad so why worry about it. Its someone else's problem to deal with after they are dead.
They should be shame-faced every time they see a toddler.


Jul 11, 2001
Why? its the toddler's fault for being born and choosing the wrong time to exist. Double fault if their parents are poor or the wrong color.
Right to life!
Right to life!
Right to life!
Right to life on a polluted, dying planet!
Power to the plutocrats!


Jan 6, 2005
There are a dozen of you here that appear to have all the answers. You pontificate to each other, always pointing out the flaws of the stupid masses....
Welcome to P&N!

Climate change is the most pressing threat facing the planet, and we have the tech to mitigate it.

Conservatives are simply wrong on this issue. Climate change is real, we are responsible and there will need to be major behavioral shifts to change course.

Affluent Democrats are also hypocritically Nimbyist in their lifestyle choices, which in and of itself is a form of denial.
Dec 10, 2005
Welcome to P&N!

Climate change is the most pressing threat facing the planet, and we have the tech to mitigate it.

Conservatives are simply wrong on this issue. Climate change is real, we are responsible and there will need to be major behavioral shifts to change course.

Affluent Democrats are also hypocritically Nimbyist in their lifestyle choices, which in and of itself is a form of denial.
Couldn't help but play the "both sides" card, huh?

Conservatives are wrong and are really the only people to blame for holding back progress on fighting climate change at the national level.

NIMBYism plays a role, but that's not just an affluent democrats problem - that's just a NIMBY problem, and that doesn't set national policy.


Jan 6, 2005
Couldn't help but play the "both sides" card, huh?

Conservatives are wrong and are really the only people to blame for holding back progress on fighting climate change at the national level.

NIMBYism plays a role, but that's not just an affluent democrats problem - that's just a NIMBY problem, and that doesn't set national policy.
Sure it does. One of the reasons Greta made Time’s person of the year is because she’s made a compelling argument that the first world is not doing anywhere near enough, which transcends petty American politics.
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Senior member
Dec 12, 2019

A decal showing a naked female resembling the 17-year-old—who, let me remind you all, is still a goddamn minor—featuring the logo of X-Site Energy Services, an Albertan oil and gas company, has been circulating among workers. Honestly, though, this image is just inappropriate and potentially violates child pornography laws no matter what.

... what's up with conservatives and pedophilia?
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Nov 4, 2004
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Feb 24, 2009
Science is lost on them. Isotopic ratios of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere prove that the majority of it was created by burning ancient fossil fuels of which the vast majority have been burned in the last few hundred years. Alas, reality sucks for of merchants of the death of the planet.