This is absolutely true. It's about the GOP pandering to their religious base and trying to enforce a religious morality where women are punished for engaging in immoral sexual behavior by being forced to either raise a child or give it up for adoption.
You are sooo brainwashed. If religions says it's wrong to murder someone, does that mean it's the religious trying to push their religion on everyone when they call for outlawing murder?
Is outlawing theft the religious pushing their religion?
Killing someone for no reason or for selfish reasons is wrong. Aside from what religion says, it's still wrong. I mean why is it necessary for the religious to speak up just to tell you what you should already know? You're just proving how your lack of religion has been profoundly detrimental to you as a person.
We're not talking about self-defense, war, crime, or due process here. We're talking about a group of people who are murdered at the whim of another, usually for convenience sake, i.e, she's not ready, too young, e.t.c... these are the most common reasons, proven by silenced study after silenced study by far that abortions are done.
You Liberals are sooo blind, it's like trying light a freaking candle underwater. You just refuse to acknowledge the reality of what abortion really is. I don't understand how you cannot put yourself in their shoes just for a moment. Let me spell this out for you, YOU WOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE TO EVEN ARGUE THIS IF YOUR MOTHER AT ANY TIME AFTER YOUR CONCEPTION KILLED YOU!!! I.E. ABORTION.
Jesus H. Magilicudy, don't be giving me some stupid argument involving the personification of spermatozoa because spermatozoa is NOTHING!!! You want proof, keep it alive indefinitely for all I care, and you will see, without combining it with the human female ovum it is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! I won't deny it's potential, but it is still nothing.
You know what, now that I think about it and the history of Christianity, you're right. Just about every humane righteous thing we hold so dearly to today is almost directly the result of past people's belief in it's righteousness due directly to their religion. In other words, it's their religion that drew them into supporting human rights and equality as such important things that has culminated into what we hold to today as important. So, yeah, you're absolutely right, it's all religion trying to force others into following their way. And thank God it happened that way because I shutter to think how unimportant life and equality would be today if they hadn't.