I'm sorry, I love the potential that I see here. I've found my own set of gripes with it...but I'll be sure to voice my opinion to Google, besides that's our job as beta testers isn't it?
the fact is, if you have gmail you might as well use this...Unistall GMail Notifier and install GTalk...it does the same thing
and then some.
Here are a few things I think about GTalk:
+ simple interface
+ notifies you when you recieve email @ your gmail acount
+ whenever you type a msg, hit enter and then quickly type another msg or two before the other person responds it doesn't keep repeating your G@d D@*Ned screenname over and over...
mangotbg: aldjflksjfd.........
bob245: adsflkjsf............
mangotbg: adflaksjfdla.....
rather than
mangotbg: asdfklajsfdhkjasdhfkjahf
mangotbg: askhfkajsfdhkjasdhfkasfadkhf
mangotbg: asdflkjsdf
bob245: afslashdflkjasf
mangotbg: aldjfalsdfjalksgjfd
mangotbg: alsdkjfalsdjfalsdfj
- CTRL+I should make italicized font....likewise for CTRL+B for Bold..etc, etc
- few of my schoolmates/friends use gmail...i have a lot of coercing (sp?) to do