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Mar 24, 2005
A64 3200+@2.4ghz
6800gs pci-e@485/1150
1gig pc 3200 valueram

The game looks pretty bad on my rig. It won't let me force AA and the max texture setting it will allow is medium. Running at 1280*1024 with 16xAF.

Here are a few screenshots. 20 fps most of the time. Ignore the 1fps in screen2, that was a mistake I made with fraps. Settings shown in the first screen.

I'm not impressed. Hopefully they'll fix this stuff in the full game.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: seanp789
im just glad xbox people stopped masterbating over Halo

There is no better multiplayer game on XBOX than Halo. No shields, shotguns only on a small map. Nothing more satisfying.

I really liked Ghost Recon: AW.

The only thing that pissed me off about this game was the AI for your team. The AI for the computer was great, comparable to FEAR, but your team AI is atrocious. They're more of a liability than anything.

I love the lighting effects and particle effects. HDR is implemented very effectively. My favorite part of the HDR is if you look through the sniper scope, the scope glares from the light hitting the lens.

:thumbsup: on this one for sure.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Got it, and installed. Textures are not that great, but I just played for a few mins, so its a little early to pass judgement just yet. Plan to play more later.

Runs fairly well. Its pretty demanding though it seems.

edit, anyone know why it has to install the AGEIA PhysX driver? It has to even if you dont have a card for it.

It uses the Ageia software physics engine if you dont have hardware accelerated physics.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Ok, after some more testing with, and without Crossfire working, I have some strange conclusions. For some reason, CF seems to get more than 2x the frames at times. I know thats not possible (unless cards are under clocked, then overclocked), so if anyone has some insight, feel free to let me know. Some examples of what Im talking about below.

Crossfire Disabled
Crossfire Enabled

That is the spawn point. So the shots are from a 100% identical standpoint. As you can see, without CF it was 27, with it 58. More than double.

Crossfire Disabled
Crossfire Enabled

Much bigger difference here. 21fps up to 54fps. This is still the spawn point, I just moved left.

Crossfire Disabled
Crossfire Enabled

The biggest difference so far. 22fps jumped up to 58fps. Almost triple.

All of these shots are with the same exact settings. All I did when changing, was rename the .exe of the game. Thats it. I didnt change any driver, or game settings. The only thing I can think of, is naming it to "AFR-FriendlyD3D" perhaps has some sort of optimizations? I am not claiming that CF in this game gives you 2x+ the performance increase, Im just a little confused as to why I am getting these results. The images look the same to me. Open them up side by side, and compare. I cant see any difference in quality anywhere. They are at 1920x1200 so most people wont be able to see them how they are ment to be seen. They were taken with FRAPS in a .bmp format, then converted to .jpeg with ACDSee.

Its ATi, wait for the inevitable new driver.

Edit: especially on a TWIMTBP title.


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2006
Wow, I saw some pics people posted and the game looks like SH1t!, I'm glad though because I have a 360 :) and now people can stop gloating about how oblivion runs better on pc!


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
Originally posted by: dunno99
Originally posted by: Ackmed
edit, anyone know why it has to install the AGEIA PhysX driver? It has to even if you dont have a card for it.

Because the drivers provides the software emulation for the physics card. Basically instead of doing the physics on the PPU, it's doing it on the CPU. The drivers are essentially the libraries that the game calls into (and the driver will return the correct calculations with or without the card -- the drivers either calls through the card or does it on the CPU).

the physics looked pretty intense in this game (from the videos ive seen) so maybe the low frames even with CF is due to the high demand knocking on the CPU's door?

It still shows a 2x improvement in fps with CF, so I dont think the cpu is the limitation in this case.

Hand Ov DooM

Jan 30, 2006
Originally posted by: Matt2
I already beat this game on XBOX360.

Great game.

Ah, but it's a different game my friend. It was done by a totally different studio. It's the same concept, but the levels and things are totally different from what I've heard. It's also entirely first person.


Golden Member
Nov 16, 2004
It looks pretty awful for the requirements. Clearly, most developers aren' t even bothering to optimize for the PC anymore, instead pushing out some half-assed port from the 360's rectum. Too many crappy looking games these days that can't even run decently on top-end hardware.



Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
All of you guys do know they arent letting you get the full graphical potential out of this game.

I havent seen a game yet having medium as its max settings... So this must be because the devs dont want ppl to turn on all the graphics and make the game run like poo. Because it will discourage ppl to buy the game because well if the demo cant run then the game cant run. So might as well make it look alright and hope the gameplay is amazing and then let ppl realise to late that it runs like poo :p

Just as they have done very recently with Tomb Raider: Legends where on the Demo you werent allowed to put on the next gen content. And after you do that it does look about 10 x better with about a 10x drop in performance.

Which inevitably this game will do.... tho ill still buy it because i think its pretty good.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
And the fact that ive just went through the settings files and increased the detail up to high for all of them, you can see the detail increase on the soldiers but not much on the actual environment textures and what not, maybe not all the higher resolution textures are in the demo and so it cant be upped that high.

But anyway, i can definitly tell my 7800GTX is stuttering slightly now as all the detail is on high. Didnt want to try maximum or something like that just in case.


Jul 17, 2003
Originally posted by: Drayvn
All of you guys do know they arent letting you get the full graphical potential out of this game.

I havent seen a game yet having medium as its max settings... So this must be because the devs dont want ppl to turn on all the graphics and make the game run like poo. Because it will discourage ppl to buy the game because well if the demo cant run then the game cant run. So might as well make it look alright and hope the gameplay is amazing and then let ppl realise to late that it runs like poo :p

Just as they have done very recently with Tomb Raider: Legends where on the Demo you werent allowed to put on the next gen content. And after you do that it does look about 10 x better with about a 10x drop in performance.

Which inevitably this game will do.... tho ill still buy it because i think its pretty good.

Apparently this game runs like ass on medium settings. 60 FPS on a Crossfire setup with medium settings doesn't look too good, even if it is at 1900x1200.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Thats not medium settings. Thats with the highest in-game quality settings, and driver settings too. Basically, the highest settings possible, except for no AA.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
Well mine was running smooth as silk with everything at the highest you can get when in game. But its a bit jittery now that ive put everything on high from the config settings. It looks nicer. but not much.

Hopefully they will add more detail with the final release.

Also its another game with parallax mapping! Check the bullet holes. Well they do fade quite quickly.


Elite Member
Oct 15, 2004
Originally posted by: Ackmed
edit, anyone know why it has to install the AGEIA PhysX driver? It has to even if you dont have a card for it.

Likely it installs a stub driver to use the reference software-accelerated physics engine.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2005
Cool. Downloading now.

And it takes place in my hometown!

Hopefully I'll get to blow up some bus drivers :laugh: ::evil:


Senior member
Oct 17, 2001
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Uh nooby question, but how the hell do you get out of the chopper? lol...

hit X.

Specs are in my sig. The game runs 40-60 fps at 1280x960 with all the gfx cranked up. Its pretty smooth. 1600x 1200 is playable around 25-50 fps but its not aways smooth, it more difficult to aim long range with a lower fps. Ill probably use 1280x960 for multiplayer and 1600x1200 for single player.

Explosions have a very cool heatwave effect.

As far as physics, I am not seeing anything extraordinary. Most of the cool stuff u need an explosive to see.

Waiting for a few reviews before ordering a PPU. It seems like the PPU will add some cool effects here and there but overall the game wont be doing anything continously PPU intensive. I guess I'll have to wait and see.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: BroadbandGamer
Does it have native widescreen support? It better since the 360 version is widescreen.

It supports 4:3, 5:4 and 16:9 but it doesnt support any more resolutions above 1280x1024.

I havent tried any higher resolutions than that but you can change it in the config XML file within the GRAW folders.



Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2005
ok i jsut played it on my dell 9300 with a 6800 go defaulted to 800x600 and medium to high graphics.

let me start off by tell yall rainbowsix and eagle watch started my online gaming. back in 1995.its been a long time since ive played it.

i forgot there was NO JUMP!! too bad since im used to it owell. well this game is hard for me to play. the default gun shoots like the default special forces gun in bf2. ppl die quick. my nades dont go too far. physics is pretty cool. this thing uses up more than 1 gig so watch out!!! it shutters some times like bf2. ima have to get used to this game. i want to really like it. im forcing my self to. too bad no multiplayer in this demo.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Drayvn
Originally posted by: BroadbandGamer
Does it have native widescreen support? It better since the 360 version is widescreen.

It supports 4:3, 5:4 and 16:9 but it doesnt support any more resolutions above 1280x1024.

I havent tried any higher resolutions than that but you can change it in the config XML file within the GRAW folders.

Huh? Im at 1920x1200. It supports the most resolutions of any demo I have ever seen.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
I'm using max @ 1280x960 40+ FPs always. I don't like it much. graphics are underwhelming and the AI is all knowing. There's no way to sneak up on them. There are 3 buttons that have to do with posture.

I like the guns in the game, though there's not much a difference 'tween a SCAR-L and SCAR-H...

M-99 is kinda fun to use except even far away the enemies see me...

LETS NOT FORGET, damn -- I hate jaggies. POS HDR is pissing me off. I'll take AA over HDR any day.


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2005
is there a way to change to your team mates? some times i need a sniper! i dont like 3 positiions either. and we need ot be able to change out of them faster.