Ok, after some more testing with, and without Crossfire working, I have some strange conclusions. For some reason, CF seems to get more than 2x the frames at times. I know thats not possible (unless cards are under clocked, then overclocked), so if anyone has some insight, feel free to let me know. Some examples of what Im talking about below.
Crossfire Disabled
Crossfire Enabled
That is the spawn point. So the shots are from a 100% identical standpoint. As you can see, without CF it was 27, with it 58. More than double.
Crossfire Disabled
Crossfire Enabled
Much bigger difference here. 21fps up to 54fps. This is still the spawn point, I just moved left.
Crossfire Disabled
Crossfire Enabled
The biggest difference so far. 22fps jumped up to 58fps. Almost triple.
All of these shots are with the same exact settings. All I did when changing, was rename the .exe of the game. Thats it. I didnt change any driver, or game settings. The only thing I can think of, is naming it to "AFR-FriendlyD3D" perhaps has some sort of optimizations? I am
not claiming that CF in this game gives you 2x+ the performance increase, Im just a little confused as to why I am getting these results. The images look the same to me. Open them up side by side, and compare. I cant see any difference in quality anywhere. They are at 1920x1200 so most people wont be able to see them how they are ment to be seen. They were taken with FRAPS in a .bmp format, then converted to .jpeg with ACDSee.