Talk about a company with a customer policy which I would vote with my wallet to NOT support...
I actually had a similar experience with A-data, kept calling for my RMA and they would (not the computer system, an actual person) would redirect me to
sales. I eventually just started calling random extensions from their corporate number until I got somebody who could do something :biggrin:
EDIT: i forgot to mention the killer of my phone call. i asked if he sees my response to the ticket that went unanswered. he said it never showed up because my ticket was closed. i guess if i didn't call i would have never gotten anything back.
Wow, that's terrible. Having worked in a call center before as well as calling them many times, either they're way overworked (because they do/should have QA for these tickets), or management has decided to emphasize closing out tickets (and employees are responding to this pressure by just closing tickets and hoping they go away/get dumped on someone else).
My advice to you, again having gone through this on both sides of the conversation, is to (it is incredibly important to do all of this politely)
1) Request exactly what you want. "I want an ETA on you testing the CPU" or "I want an ETA on when I can expect a new CPU", etc.
2) If the rep can't give you a straight solid answer, request (politely, please!) to speak to their manager. Understand that it probably isn't their fault they can't give you a direct answer anyway.
3) Repeat #1 and #2 until you get a direct and firm answer.
This works in almost all places, unless you are mean/nasty, or they really really don't care/incompetent. In the case of my above complaint w/ A-data, they were phasing out the call-center so...