- Oct 17, 1999
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I met a French wine sales rep before the war. She said that cheap competitors, Mexico?, were pushing French wine out of the US market.
I didn't mean it like that.
Originally posted by: Michael
I have only found one American Pinot Noir that is close to the quality of French Burgundy (Windward winery in Paso Robles). I'm not the hugest wine snob in the world (that would be my wife), but I can tell the difference in flavor - the French Pinot Noirs have multiple layers of flavor while the American ones start of stronger with lots of fruit but that's just about it.
As I've said before, my intent on boycotting French wines is to make sure the French do not get a "free pass" for their actions. France is a democracy and they're welcome to do what they decide to do. However, all too often they don't feel the effects of what they decide to do.
The boycott is starting to make it painful for a large area of French commerce and that is exactly what I intended. Sure the higher Euro and the recession has hurt as well, but the wine industry knows and admits that the boycott is the largest factor.
Originally posted by: Michael
As I've said before, my intent on boycotting French wines is to make sure the French do not get a "free pass" for their actions. France is a democracy and they're welcome to do what they decide to do. However, all too often they don't feel the effects of what they decide to do.
Originally posted by: Corn
I'm no alcoholic so they all taste the same to me.
That is one of the most ignorant things I've ever read. Alcoholism is not a prerequisite for a sophisticated palate. Why would it not suprise me to learn that to you, a Macdonald's 1/4lb patty tastes the same as a medium rare filet mignon from Morton's or Ruth's Chris......
Originally posted by: Alistar7
Business leaders in France push for a return to normal relations, at least they are consistent. They are all about the money, doesn't matter if it's propping up and selling out to a brutal dictator at the expense of tens of millions, or trading policies that contirbute to global starvation, nice to know you can always count on them doing their part......
Originally posted by: Alistar7
What exactly were the French right about?
I can provide many where they advocated the repeal of sanctions though.
When the war started you know what was shown on french TV, injured and dead civilians, suddenly after working so hard to ensure Saddam stayed in power they were worried about the people of Iraq.
Where is the evidence Bush lied about anything,
Flavio why did the UN want to continue inspecting if everyone knew they were gone?
Ain't that the truth. American Hefe Weizen wannabe beer is absolutely horrible.Originally posted by: rudder
I am glad there wasn't a boycott on German beer.
Originally posted by: Fencer128
What I can't understand about the illogical "It was about the oil contracts" arguement.
This is why I don't but that arguemnt (that has since gone from being conjecture to somehow become the gospel truth) as much as I buy the arguemnt that they thought they knew a better, less bloody way that could have been tried before military action was completely necessary.
you're missing the point, iraq turned from gaining a sphere of influence for french, into thinking they could go toe to toe with the Americans in a multi-polar world. face it look at all the sources of oil, venezuela, nigeria, norway, saudi arabia, iraq, russia. which of those places lean to france? iraq, that's it, all the others support the us or represent themselves; sure you get some business for your oil companies, but when your economic sucks because oil prices are high who's turning on the spigot? the problem is the US is so powerful, it doesn't leave a lot of control elsewhere, so if you want influence you deal with people even worse with what the US is willing to deal with. they're tired of playing coalition partner ala UK, they're EU, the pride of the world...
and your second point about an alternative solution, what solution? the entire reason for the war was there was no other immediate solution. economic sanctions weren't working, because everyone thought if they were a little nicer, when it all went down they would be in front.
and unless you're willing to wait for the dictator to die or revolution, diplomacy is weak. The bush admin felt there was an immediate need, and didn't want to get the blame if another 9/11 happened. plus some have been wanting to do the whole viva la revolution thing in the middle east. france totally misjudged our urgency and fell in love with the peace movement. at least the democrats had enough sense not to get involved in the anti-US thing.