Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Glad to see on your magical made up scale that CNN is biased. Actual academic research on the subject shows otherwise. (as has been linked to in many other threads.)
Yea because "academic research" is never biased :roll:
You're right, I guess we should just discount all research done for all of mankind's history because some have been biased. That's what peer review is for. Of course if you DON'T think that all academic research should be discounted, you're simply trying to discredit the studies that clearly (and repeatedly) show the media is not biased through vague insinuation.
The myth of the liberal media is a wonderful asset to conservatives. What the media doesn't understand is that conservatives will ALWAYS claim the media is biased against them no matter what they do. They have so cowed the mainstream media with these accusations that very few truly progressive voices are represented in mainstream publications, while hoards of conservative ones are. Do you see the Wall St. Journal going out of its way to hire conservatives like the NYT does? Of course not. Do you see Fox News adding a bunch of liberal opinion shows? Hell no. Yet the 'liberal' stations are covered with conservative opinion... but it's never enough. The shrieking always continues.
News flash CNN: It doesn't matter if you hire Lou Dobbs, it doesn't matter if you hired Glenn Beck, it doesn't matter how far you go out of your way to appease conservatives. They will accuse you of being biased against them until the day they die because it is an incredibly useful fiction.
Now where did I ever say we should throw out all research done due to biased?
You are citing that people
judged via research how Liberal or Conservative TV Shows were. How in the world can you possibly quantify that research? It is opinion based on the people conducting the research.
As for the "myth" of liberal media - I'm not sure who can determine it, but it certain seems that most people acknowledge that MSNBC and CNN (Perhaps not as liberal as it appears to me, but certainly left in some way shape or form) are both left leaning. People also acknowledge that Fox is right leaning. Left - 2 || Right - 1. Seems that the Fox is outnumbered 2:1.
As for hiring these analysts - I said I didn't know and therefore wasn't qualified to answer questions related to that. Honestly, I don't know who either of those people are, nor do I care to know what they political opinion is. I said in my main post:
With this in mind, my opinion is based on evening and situational news, not on the opinion shows and stuff.