There's another one about Virginians. Koran reading comprehension fail.
It'd be funnier if there was such a thing as a virgin nun...
My ignorance is blissful. Stop fVcking it up.
I, Sir, do not curse.You can swear on this forum
Shouldn't it say "terrorists" and not "Muslims"? Or is this picture suggesting that all Muslims are going to be shot by nuns in heaven?
Terrorism is just a means to an end. There are various factions that use or have used terrorism, e.g., IRA, ETA, muslim extremists. Only muslim extremists think they'll be rewarded with young poontang for blowing themselves up. Get it? Not that complicated once you unshackle yourself from political correctness.
I, Sir, do not curse.
What about lying on this forum?
I, Sir, do not curse.
What about lying on this forum?
It doesn't say Muslim extremists or Muslim terrorists, it says Muslims.
Cursing does not = cussing Define Curse please.
Swearing does not = Cussing Do you swear to tell truth on bible if so that is a sin . define swear.
Cussing = bad word usage nothing more . Its not a sin as defined in commandments swearing is however.
I cuss all the time but not online often . I slip once in awhile. But only out of respect for others because I don't know them . In real life I know the scum I have to deal with. So I really let them have it with both barrels. Face to Face .
Are you saying only extremists and terrorists believe that dying for Allah will provide such virgins?