Setup 19.0.1.exe
have not found the release notes yet
have not found the release notes yet
Same here. Weird.its not available when I tell it to check for updates.
yes, i am usning windows 8 pro X64Those were the same notes for 19...what specifically is changed for .0.1?
Doing Help > About Firefox still doesn't update for me, I'm still on 19.0.0.
Those that updated through the help menu, are you using Win8? At the top of the notes it says "First offered to Windows 8 release channel users on February 27, 2013"
Thinking they rolled it out to Win8 users first since that's the only OS that needs it right now.
Has anyone switched from Firefox to Chrome back to Firefox?
Has anyone switched from Firefox to Chrome back to Firefox?
There are quite a few things I don't like about Chrome, as a regular FF user.
Such as?
Such as?
Tabs on top(permanent), no autoscroll, gimped interface, gimped addons
I am also very suspicious of the data collection policies of chrome.
Couldn't agree more.Tabs on top(permanent), no autoscroll, gimped interface, gimped addons
I miss the days of FF 3.X when they were on an insane run of reliability.