i did these test to prove to all that some browsers are not FASTER than others
firefox:faster i think than ie and certainly safer!
New ie: faster than its prodecessor and more features
opera: FASTEST i used to think not as easy to work with than firefox and ie
heres an undoctored hehe screenshot of the three and shows basic layout and speed of each:
i think its how fast the data and decoding of html is the main focus but i have no tool to test that so right now its up to you
slowest browser yet (and unsafest): drumroll plz: AOL
hahah aoliens
debate however you want these are the facts
and plus i didnt want to install viraol i mean aol crap i mean crap for the mainstream
safety features smafety smeatures
and no processes out of ordinary not even ps cs shown in pics
firefox:faster i think than ie and certainly safer!
New ie: faster than its prodecessor and more features
opera: FASTEST i used to think not as easy to work with than firefox and ie
heres an undoctored hehe screenshot of the three and shows basic layout and speed of each:
i think its how fast the data and decoding of html is the main focus but i have no tool to test that so right now its up to you
slowest browser yet (and unsafest): drumroll plz: AOL
hahah aoliens
debate however you want these are the facts
and plus i didnt want to install viraol i mean aol crap i mean crap for the mainstream
safety features smafety smeatures
and no processes out of ordinary not even ps cs shown in pics