"fake" things in movies that piss you off.

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Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
i'm talking about things that are supposed to be everyday things that happen in our real life, but in movies, they always do something to make them fake and not realistic.

the two that irk me are whenever you see a terminal or text on a pc scrolling in a movie, they always have some kind of sound going with it. text scrolling makes a sound. in general they have sounds for ANYTHING happening on a computer screen in movies.

the other is when people are on the phone and hang up. no one ever says bye they always just hang up. buncha assholes.

nothing.. because it is a MOVIE. Not a Documentary.


Golden Member
Dec 6, 2010
The star always finding the parking spot open right in front of the place they need to go to.

The slow motion walk away from an explosion where the star does not even flinch. (some how they are so badass that they are not concerned about shrapnel in the least) I really hate this one the most.

Video game players where they hold the controller with the arms straight out in front of them twisting it around all spastic.

Jumping through glass windows and the windows easily just break away and the star does not get a single cut. Don't most people have dual pane glass now. I would love to see a movie where the guy runs and jumps at the window and he just bounces back off of it.

Scenes where they are eating dinner, they take one or two bites and they are done. This happens most often at breakfast. You just wonder why the mom even bothers. Plus they seem to have time to make these huge breakfasts in the first place.

Finally the poor guy living in an apartment or home they obviously could never afford in real life. They always live in some huge place. This happens a lot in movies based in New York.


Platinum Member
Feb 18, 2010
When a man does something "outrageous and romantic" for someone that in the real world would be considered "creepy and stalkerish".

Every time something explodes, it's with a fuel bomb. Most things explode in a puff of smoke.

Movies where fashion-model-thin women are beating up 250lb men. (I liked Alias, but this always bothered me.)

Movie-style fencing, where people make huge movements and only aim to hit each other's blades.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Finally the poor guy living in an apartment or home they obviously could never afford in real life. They always live in some huge place. This happens a lot in movies based in New York.

lol this one.

you always have some guy/gal living in a very nice and trendy apartment or loft. the place is huge! a nice living room (and furniture) and 2-3 bedrooms.

Then they talk about how poor they are. etc.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
lol this one.

you always have some guy/gal living in a very nice and trendy apartment or loft. the place is huge! a nice living room (and furniture) and 2-3 bedrooms.

Then they talk about how poor they are. etc.

But that's very realistic. ;)


Aug 14, 2001
War movies where the infantry runs around in the open. The bad guys shoot from cover, miss. The good guys turn and peg them in one shot.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2010
The single most annoying thing to me is the "clicking" noise made when someone holds up a gun. Scenes where someone is suddenly surrounded by multiple people pulling guns on them, and you hear a chorus of clicking sounds as they all point their guns at once...those scenes make me want to punch my TV.

Yes, guns make clicking sounds, but only when you engage the slide (a two hand process), or draw the hammer back. But no one is ever doing that when those sound effects are being used.

You forgot that it can also click when (dis)engaging the safety, which is another layer of annoyance. So many movies use Glocks but, guess what, most Glocks DON'T HAVE SAFETIES!

I also hate the ever-popular "fire more rounds than the gun can hold without reloading" bit. Most movie editors suck.


Diamond Member
Apr 26, 2001
But doesn't it? You dilate for 18-32 hours, but actual child birth is rather short.

Dilating is part of labor. Typically the woman is having contractions during that time, usually for 12+ hours. Your typical movie has the contractions starting right that second with no warning and then *poof* baby.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2008
I hate the fact that they try to make watching someone using a computer interesting by inserting unrealistic shit and huge monitors, when in reality it's a frustrating experience.
They all also have a custom OS with cool graphix.

I also hate the obsession with child birth that hollywood has.
Most movies have cars that don't explode without a reason and that's cool.
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Jun 16, 2000
When the engine sound of a car does not match. Could be not a match for the make/model of car, or it could be as simple as its not matching it's speed, squealing tires on surfaces where thats not possible, shifting gears are heard in cars that are only available in automatic. (My post is probably more Garage appropriate) :)


Jun 24, 2004
When the good guy is being shot at, and everyone misses. But when he shoots, he gets all his targets in one shot.

LOL I watched a clip from the movie "Commando" where Arnold Schwarzenegger goes on a rampage and kills like 80 dudes (someone actually went through and counted). He has a machine gun and when there are multiple guys coming at him he just fires full auto and wiggles the barrel around a bit.

Cars that explode from the simplist accident

You can always tell if a vehicle will explode on impact or just crash and get some slight, superficial damage based on whether the hero is in it or not.

The single most annoying thing to me is the "clicking" noise made when someone holds up a gun. Scenes where someone is suddenly surrounded by multiple people pulling guns on them, and you hear a chorus of clicking sounds as they all point their guns at once...those scenes make me want to punch my TV.

Yes, guns make clicking sounds, but only when you engage the slide (a two hand process), or draw the hammer back. But no one is ever doing that when those sound effects are being used.

I've even seen movies where the shooter draws his gun, the clicking sound is made, then the shooter slowly lowers his gun during the scene only to suddenly point it at the same person again and have the clicking sound. GRRRRRR

I get that it's for effect, but damn, it drives me nuts.

The one I like is how, when a guy finally runs out of bullets (after firing like 40 of them from a small pistol), he'll continuously pull the trigger and it goes "click click click." That would only happen with a revolver, not a semiautomatic.

Oh and there will be someone pointing a gun at another guy and they're arguing, and then the guy with the gun "cocks" it for emphasis. So wait, the entire time before that point he wouldn't have been able to fire it (unless it's a double action revolver)?

Scenes where they are eating dinner, they take one or two bites and they are done. This happens most often at breakfast. You just wonder why the mom even bothers. Plus they seem to have time to make these huge breakfasts in the first place.

I think this is mainly because they have to do multiple takes and if they ate a whole breakfast every time, they'd get sick. And they'd have to fill their plates back up for each take. I guess you could make it more realistic by having the actors pretend to eat normally and gradually take some food off their plates, then put it back on for the next take, but then you also would have to have pauses while they chew or they'd have to talk with their mouths full.
Feb 25, 2011
Airbags that stay inflated. (See: Simpsons, A-Team, etc.)

I've had one two many of those hit me in the face not to take it personally.


Mar 4, 2011
Why are they always so cool and hang up without saying bye on the phone?


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Rom-Com groan-worthy "coincidences" are probably some of the worst for me.
Or the above mentioned tolerance for bullshit by women in response to supposedly romantic acts of creepiness.

And the occasional physics or logic failure. And the entire Hobbit.