one thing that always annoys me is in investigative cop shows that when they are talking with a suspect at the station they NEVER HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRESENT!
never ever ever.
Tv, movie cops "heros" chasing a bad guy and never using his radio to let dispatch and other officers where he is.
LAS VEGAS (AP) The Las Vegas Strip became a scene of deadly violence early Thursday when someone in a black Range Rover opened fire on a Maserati at a stoplight, sending it crashing into a taxi that burst into flames, leaving three people dead and at least six injured.
The taxi might have been propane-powered.
Security camera footage with dramatic and often changing "dramatic" angles. Also usually B&W but have sound. I remember passing a soap on TV and saw the security cam switch back and forth between zoomed face shots of whichever person was talking.
Security camera footage with dramatic and often changing "dramatic" angles. Also usually B&W but have sound. I remember passing a soap on TV and saw the security cam switch back and forth between zoomed face shots of whichever person was talking.
The annoying over the top sound effect where a blade/sword/kitchen knife is drawn out of a leather scabbord or chefs block and there is that god awful metal scraping on metal sound.
Lots of semi-autos are double action and will indeed go "click click click".
Striker fired pistols come to mind immediately. No hammer. Glocks, for example.
I have an old Beretta pistol that is DA/SA.
I think the ratio these days is to the point where most semi-auto pistols are not single action only. They are either DA only or both DA and SA.
women. every women in the movie is hot. even the background women. teh women the star held teh door for? hot. The women he purchased soup from? hot.
and the hero always has the new gun that never needs reloading.
Gave me a poor illusion of what college was like. I was thinking crazy parties with all hot girls all over campus. IRL its a bunch of frat people acting hard and 3% hot girls, 50% international students who dont speak english and 47% ugly.
"Split up, we'll cover more ground that way."What I hate are horror movies when someone hears something odd, they go and check without telling their significant other (if they have one) and walk towards the noise with the whole house/area with the light turned off.
Star Trek TNG/DS9/whatever: When they do their videoconference thing with alien-of-the-week, it sometimes zooms in on the person on the other line. Do they do that between cuts?Security camera footage with dramatic and often changing "dramatic" angles. Also usually B&W but have sound. I remember passing a soap on TV and saw the security cam switch back and forth between zoomed face shots of whichever person was talking.
you clearly went to a shit school.
Unless you went to UCI, in which case there's most certainly enough hot asian girls.
Although I will say that in my last year there there was a sudden increase of hot girls but still a small portion of the population.
I've started, and I blame this on the walking dead, getting really pissed off seeing muzzle flashes added in afterward and guns that have ZERO recoil because they have no blank or any other mechanism to indicate movement of the firearm. It just seems to stupid to me now that I have started to notice it![]()
Something else I think looks bad is how Rick holds his revolver real high, and points it down. It looks silly, and he can't use the sights that way. Someone really needs to show the actor how to shoot a gun.
Glock isn't a true double action. The striker needs to be partially cocked by the slide. You can't keep making it click by just pulling the trigger. A lot of the striker fired pistols are like that.
It's already been mentioned that most guns that are functioning correctly stay open after the last round is fired.
TV and movies get almost everything about guns wrong.
It's pretty popular to use gas airsoft guns to simulate real fire. Too bad they don't do that.Blanks don't have enough recoil to look real. They still need to act like it has recoil. Although it does give them a cue as to when it goes off. In some of the CGI added muzzle flash scenes it looks like the actors don't know when the gun is suppose to be firing.
Something else I think looks bad is how Rick holds his revolver real high, and points it down. It looks silly, and he can't use the sights that way. Someone really needs to show the actor how to shoot a gun.