Originally posted by: envy me
Originally posted by: General Texas
It's rather easy.
I use usenetserver (http://www.usenetserver.com) and it's 14.95 a month, unlimited. Well worth it, as they have great uptime, good retention and they always max out my connection to the net. The reason I like usenetserver over other providers, is they have their own web based search engine so you can create custom NZBs without downloading headers.
Now for software, I use newsbin pro 4.32. I search for what I want, create a NZB, and use newsbin pro to download the files in my NZB. There are free NZB grabbers out there, I just like this one.
There is a bit of a learning curve with usenet, but overall it's very easy. It's way better than torrent, IRC, and P2P combined. The only thing it reminds me of is old school AOL e-mail file trading.
Why is that important? I know that NZBs are the file types to download parts of files and such, but what is the deal with headers?
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
Originally posted by: funboy42
Oh well. Sucks getting older. My eyebrows are getting freakishly long and grey hairs are poping out everywhere (including up my nose), and where did my dick go???
Originally posted by: CKDragon
You people breaking the first rule drive me insane...
If these people aren't smart enough to figure it out for themselves, they don't deserve it.
Oh sure, call me a jerk until the RIAA and MPAA take notice.
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
Originally posted by: eakers
Once you try newsgroups you will never go back to the scum that is bit torrent.
rule of thumb is that usenet is the fatest with quitea repository, but for specific things usually out of the mainstream etc, BT is still king