Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

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Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009

Do I win?

Fuck religion.

Only if you believe picking the safest and easiest target.

On a side note.

This is the line in the sand that we must draw if we are to protect our freedoms and way of life. Do we give into the PC guilt and allow those who have no respect for the western tradition of freedom to bully us into giving up our freedoms or do we push back and tell them to fuck off?
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Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
Only if you believe picking the safest and easiest target.

On a side note.

This is the line in the sand that we must draw if we are to protect our freedoms and way of life. Do we give into the PC guilt and allow those who have no respect for the western tradition of freedom to bully us into giving up our freedoms or do we push back and tell them to fuck off?

"They hate our FREEDOM!!!11~"


Jan 12, 2002
I was against Iraq war but I'm all for freedom of speech in our territory. Really no reason to let Muslims control any internal aspect of western culture.


Oct 15, 1999
I respect the notion of divinity and the proper sacredness that should therefore be accorded. I have no desire to make fun of other people's religious beliefs by intentionally defying them. I will not be drawing Mohamed on May 20th. But I think that anybody who arrogates to himself the idea that he can kill other people in the name of his god actually can't possibly be worshiping any real God. Only an asshole thinks he is important enough that God needs him to protect the Faith. The faith of real believers can't be shaken because the light of real faith is love. Nobody who really loves God would kill another. Only sick psychotics kill.

Holy shit moony, that's the first well thought out, simple, declarative statement I've ever seen you make.

Well done, well done indeed.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
I respect the notion of divinity and the proper sacredness that should therefore be accorded. I have no desire to make fun of other people's religious beliefs by intentionally defying them. I will not be drawing Mohamed on May 20th. But I think that anybody who arrogates to himself the idea that he can kill other people in the name of his god actually can't possibly be worshiping any real God. Only an asshole thinks he is important enough that God needs him to protect the Faith. The faith of real believers can't be shaken because the light of real faith is love. Nobody who really loves God would kill another. Only sick psychotics kill.
That's your vision of faith. As an atheist, I'd argue that the interpretation of faith decreeing that murder is necessary to protect God is every bit as valid. Both are no more than vivid imagination, after all.

I see no reason to afford special respect to religion. Everyone on earth must deal with people who disagree with them, criticize them, etc. Every politician has to accept that people who don't share his/her views will draw derogatory caricatures of them in political cartoons. Only a person or religion with the mentality of a child would react to this with violence.

Nobody ever whined their way to the head of a nation, religion, corporation, etc. I don't see why religion still tries, or why we "respect" their beliefs for doing so.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
CKent: That's your vision of faith. As an atheist, I'd argue that the interpretation of faith decreeing that murder is necessary to protect God is every bit as valid.

M: Don't you see how odd that is? You're an atheist commenting on faith, something you know nothing about. Thanks for commenting on something you know nothing about. We are talking about faith in God, here not the amorality of atheist situational ethics.

CK: Both are no more than vivid imagination, after all.

M: Yours is the vivid imagination because you are commenting on something you don't have or know anything about. Why do you do that?

CK: I see no reason to afford special respect to religion.

M: You don't see much of anything, it would appear and we are not talking about anything special, just plain ordinary every day respect we owe everybody

CK: Everyone on earth must deal with people who disagree with them, criticize them, etc. Every politician has to accept that people who don't share his/her views will draw derogatory caricatures of them in political cartoons. Only a person or religion with the mentality of a child would react to this with violence.

M: Children don't kill people, psychotics do.

CK: Nobody ever whined their way to the head of a nation, religion, corporation, etc. I don't see why religion still tries, or why we "respect" their beliefs for doing so.

M: You look at things backward. You feel you don't owe folk for whining, but I feel I owe them for their belief in the sacred. They may not have what is sacred right, but the sacred is real. I think the bottom line is that you are childish and I am better cultured.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
Everyone has the right to be offended but no one is required to respect those feelings.

Since those who are offended also hold a book that advocates genocide, murder, and pedophilia in high regard, I choose not to respect their beliefs.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
I don't claim to know anything about the Muslim faith, but I am confused by this.

I could understand if a respected [in this case, religious] figure was portrayed in an obscene or unsavory manner and people were upset by it. But that doesn't really seem to be the case. Am I correct in my understanding that simply any and all portrayal of Mohammed is seen as inappropriate?

I live in Pennsylvania, so I'm accustomed to seeing pictures of Jesus in all sorts of favorable, gracious portrayals. Is that not something common to Islam as well? Like, even a picture of Mohammed caring for the poor, conquering the wicked, passing on his teachings or whatever you might consider favorable is 'wrong'?


Golden Member
Jul 17, 2009
M: Don't you see how odd that is? You're an atheist commenting on faith, something you know nothing about.

You're being more stupid than usual moonbeam. You honestly think people who lack belief in God don't know anything about it? Many atheists are former believers who know intimate details about the religion/church..having attended for many years. But putting that aside..even if they NEVER stepped foot inside a church, there is nothing that precludes them from having knowledge about how religions work and what the adherents preach. The vast majority of my research on Christianity took place after my "deconversion", and I'd venture to bet I know a great deal more religious doctrine than 98% of bible belt fundies. Lacking a certain belief says nothing about the knowledge one has of that belief.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
I need a good artist to depict this storyboard so here goes. Mohammed lies bloody and bruised in an alley, he has on a bomb vest ticking down to zero, his arms are tightly bound to his torso with chains. His muggers are rapidly running away in a cloud of dust yelling "Allah!, Allah!", "Jihad!, Jihad!" A ballon hangs down from the sky with the words "MY PROPHET!" in Arabic style lettering. Cliff for those that need one; this depicts the hijacking of a religion.

edit; back on topic guys.
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Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Well, the article is pretty clear that has nothing to do with it.

I see the Islamic faith as being an intolerant one. It is not the only one, just the one that has grown to be significant to a huge population and thus to even those who are not adherents.

When there is a certainty that your way is the only way and that by extension all others are blasphemers in the eyes of your God and you have been counseled to kill unbelievers should they not see the light, well you have what the world is facing right now.

The Taliban destroyed some magnificent Buddhist edifices in Afghanistan because they represented a false God to their eyes. Others prefer to kill cartoonists and caricaturists...

Vandalized Afghanistan

Why the Taliban Destroyed the Buddhist Statues

Forgot the abolishment of the Sun Dance. And a few other things done by the Christian Taliban. Got nothing to take a stand on.
Aug 23, 2000
You're being more stupid than usual moonbeam. You honestly think people who lack belief in God don't know anything about it? Many atheists are former believers who know intimate details about the religion/church..having attended for many years. But putting that aside..even if they NEVER stepped foot inside a church, there is nothing that precludes them from having knowledge about how religions work and what the adherents preach. The vast majority of my research on Christianity took place after my "deconversion", and I'd venture to bet I know a great deal more religious doctrine than 98% of bible belt fundies. Lacking a certain belief says nothing about the knowledge one has of that belief.

The more knowledge you have of something the more informed your decisions about it are. Many people that are not religious studied religion to get to that point. They have come to understand that religion is nothing more than a tool used to control weak minded people.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001

Please refer to my Post #44 that has more about the cartoonist and her reactions and the possibility of now being a target herself for Islamist terrorism.

You might be laughing at yourself after you find out just who these "champions" of freedom really are.

The cartoonist is much more of a "progressive" than a "conservative." She just got scared and joined the crowd which hides under the bed when they hear somebody kicking their door in.

I don't fault her, of course. It is always an individual decision to stand up to tyranny and oppression. And the "progressives" are known for their bluster and their personal attacks but are also known for their complete inability to defend the positions they take when challenged. We can see that throughout the various threads in this forum.


I make cartoons about current, cultural events. I made a cartoon of a fictional ’poster’ entitled “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!” with a nonexistent group’s name — Citizens Against Citizens Against Humor — drawn on the cartoon also. It was in specific response to the recent censoring of a South Park episode. I did not intend for my cartoon to go viral. I did not intend to be the focus of any ’group’. I practice the first amendment by drawing what I wish. This particular cartoon has struck a gigantic nerve, something I was totally unprepared for.

Personally I can feel afraid of Muslims because I really have no idea if in their hearts they hate non-Muslims. There are so many interpretations of the religion that I hear told — sometimes it is a very extreme translation (that’s the scary part, the radicals that believe that Westerners should die), then at other times it sounds more peaceful.

I hope for the sake of this country that moderate Muslims will speak out with everyone else against any violent members of that or any other religion. That way I would know that there is a difference. Maybe this cartoon I made, this fictional poster of “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!” had such a wildfire effect because it is finally time for Muslims and non-Muslims to understand one another more.

I am going back to the drawing table now!


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Jul 9, 2005
now all we gotta do is stop funding the islamic tribes and kick saudi arabia out of our universities...