I hadn't even read this when I posted about you 2 being mentally ill. I didn't know it was the same illness. You both probably suffered from damage to the same part of the brain when you were in the womb and your moms got some virus (cold/flu/whatever) and the virus ate that part of your developing brain. It was a zombie virus I guess. Look I'm just guessing I do that sometimes DON'T JUDGE ME!111(sqrt(1^2)
Speaking of zombies, when I was a lad we had better scary characters like Dracula. Zombies are pussies. They are slow, dimwitted and weak, like todays generation of zombie fans. Dracula was stronger, faster and smarter because the generation that invented him was stronger, faster and smarter. By the time pathetic zombies pose a fictional threat it's post apocalyptia and you have other things to worry about than zombies at that point. Nosferatu>thousands of zombies.