very rare do i have to stop for a second and think, "which side is this d have to be?" if you write enough i suppose it isn't an issue. In grade school i wrote z's backwards. I'd have to do it and take a photo. Lol
then came my dork moment. I learned the greek alphabet on the computer back in the day (windows 98se yo!) and so i would write notes in class all in greek. Lmao! My classmates would look at my paper and say wth is that?
Anyone play resident evil on the game cube? In the cemetery there is a grave that says capcom in greek letters. I realized that the moment i seen it! Lol loved the puzzles in that game. I should break out the dolphin emulator and play on halloween. Zombies always scare the hell out of me. Lol
Τηισ ισ νοω α γρεεκ αλπηαβετ τηρεαδ.
Sometimes I type "4" instead of "F". Probably because "four" starts with and f.
Sometimes when hand writing, I spend ~1 second debating on if I want to write a "d" or "b". (which side of the circle do I draw the line)
Very rare do I have to stop for a second and think, "which side is this d have to be?" If you write enough I suppose it isn't an issue. In grade school I wrote Z's backwards. I'd have to do it and take a photo. LOL
Then came my dork moment. I learned the Greek alphabet on the computer back in the day (Windows 98se yo!) and so I would write notes in class all in Greek. LMAO! My classmates would look at my paper and say WTH is that?
Anyone play Resident Evil on the Game Cube? In the cemetery there is a grave that says Capcom in Greek letters. I realized that the moment I seen it! LOL Loved the puzzles in that game. I should break out the Dolphin emulator and play on Halloween. Zombies always scare the hell out of me. LOL